Chapter 116: Shang Fang's Sword?

The head of the Guo family grinned, his eyes blazing with fighting spirit. Under the pressure of public opinion, how should you deal with it, Madam? !Hu Feizi, the day you fall from power will be the day you die!
Black Dolphin is worried. The power of the four aristocratic families cannot be underestimated, and Hu Feizi's situation is worrying.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on the many fish, some are kind, worried, convinced, some are malicious, some are watching the show, some are provocative...

The sunlight casts a long shadow on many fish. The shadow, like its owner, stands upright, like an unsheathed sword.

Many fish took two steps forward and looked around with bright eyes.

Except for the head of the Guo family who reluctantly looked at him, no one else dared to look directly at him.

The eyes of many fish are clear and stern, and they seem to be able to see the unhappiness and the most secret malice in everyone's heart.

Under her gaze, the common people couldn't help but kneel down. They couldn't help but regret in their hearts that they shouldn't have come to join in the fun.What does the matter between the queen and the noble family have to do with them?

Has a new house been built?Is your wife married?Got a knighthood?Has the land reclamation encouraged by the queen started?

With so much to do, I still have time to watch the fun.

Seeing that most people calmed down, many fish nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"I regard Hu Feizi as my father-in-law. In my absence, Hu Feizi will have full authority to handle matters in Shu!"


The head of the Guo family and Guo Zhi stared at the many fish in disbelief. What did she mean? !Between the four forces and Hu Feizi, she chose Hu Feizi without hesitation!
According to Hu Feizi's temperament, if the Guo family dared to offend the female monarch in this way, how could he spare the Guo family lightly?

The head of the Guo family had a bloody smell in his throat, and he single-handedly brought the family into a desperate situation!If he didn't come to the military camp, Hu Feizi would at most take away all the family assets. If he came here, he would definitely kill the Guo family!
"Nujun, I hope Nvjun is thinking about..." The head of the Guo family choked on his words. What was he thinking about?
The head of the Guo family suddenly woke up. The Guo family had never done anything for the female monarch!

When fighting the flood, it was the female monarch who put a knife to her neck, and she donated her money generously. Afterwards, she secretly contacted her old friend in Xianyang, hoping to punish her.

When the female monarch was wrestling with the Ba people, she still stood firmly on the side of Samoko, delivering news and donating money and materials to him.

When the queen was digging wells to make salt, she and other aristocratic families spread rumors that the well salt was poisonous.

When Nujun formed the Chamber of Commerce, she did not want to join, but was forced to join by her friends.However, later, the benefits of the Chamber of Commerce were too great, and he was reluctant to withdraw.

Now, when Nujun was training her troops and preparing for war, she contacted many relatives and friends to force her into the palace because she felt sorry for the expense.

This... almost everything is on the opposite side of the female monarch.

With the female monarch's control over the city, does she really have no idea about this?
After she really knew what she was doing, would she still be willing to make a lot of money for herself?

Therefore, all this is a trap set by the female monarch!Without the female monarch's signal, how could Hu Feizi be so confident?
The head of the Guo family was completely desperate. If all this was the queen's intention, wouldn't his struggle and resistance be a joke?Is there any way out for the Guo family?
Many fish looked at the head of the Guo family strangely as his face turned from white to green and then to black. Only then did they realize they were afraid. Was it too late?

Many fish left him alone, and Hu Feizi would take care of them.

Many fish untied their swords from their waists and handed them to the visitor.

"This sword accompanied me from Zhao to Qin, from Xianyang to Bashu. It went through the Battle of Changping with me and killed the enemy invaders. It is my beloved thing and will never leave my hand day and night. Today, I will give it to Hu Feizi! This sword is like seeing me. I hope Hu Feizi will hold this sword, understand his own identity, cut off evil and rebellion, and maintain peace!"

The sword was a gift from his master Lian Po. It was a sharp iron sword, longer than the Qin sword.

When I received this sword, I was not as tall as the sword.However, in just a few years, he was able to wield a sword as if it were an arm.

I hope that this sword can protect Hu Feizi's safety just as it protects me.

Guo Zhi saw this scene in a daze, and his blood surged.

Evil and rebellious?Who is evil?How dare you insult the Guo family and yourself like this!The surrounding people, instead of speaking for the Guo family, kept praising the queen for her kindness and righteousness.And Hu Feizi, who won the trust of the female monarch, must have extraordinary intelligence and noble moral character.

A mouthful of old blood blocked Guo Zhi's mouth and nose, and Guo Zhi had a serious injury to his back and hip, and he had been lying on his stomach.

"Aweng, Aweng, save me..."

Guo Zhi struggled hard and wanted to call for help, but it seemed like a big hole had been broken in his trachea and he could only make a wheezing sound.

Amidst the buzz of admiration from everyone, the sound of breathing was barely audible.

Guo Zhi's eyes widened, full of unwillingness and regret, and he breathed his last in despair.

The head of the Qian family, Li Wu, who was waiting at the governor's house, was talking and laughing proudly, as if he had a chance to win.

"Sir, if you are punished by the queen, don't be sad. The queen only puts all the people first."

"That's right. The master's ability to hold power depends entirely on the queen, but you have caused so much trouble to the queen..."

"Sir, if you have nowhere to go by then, my family will still be short of an accounting room. Haha..."

The head of the Chen family broke out in a cold sweat and shouted loudly: "Don't be rude to me! You are the right-hand man of the queen. How can the queen punish you for this?"

The head of the Chen family has tried his best, and his words have made it clear to this extent. If they still persist in their stubbornness, it is impossible for him to lead the Li family and accompany them all the way to the dark side.

"Brother Chen, you are too naive, so the Chen family has stagnated for many years." The sister of the head of the Qian family is the sister-in-law of the head of the Chen family, and the two families are closely related by marriage.

However, the head of the Qian family looked down upon the head of the Li family. He always believed that his talent and courage were not as good as his brother-in-law, and he should abdicate in favor of someone more worthy.

The head of the Li family was too lazy to talk nonsense to him: "I am cautious, but I am loyal to the queen and you, and I will never have any second thoughts."


The heads of the three Li, Wu and Qian families look at the head of the Li family like a fool. Are you out of your mind?It’s just that the buttocks are crooked, but the eyes are lame and cannot understand the situation.

Although Xi huddled aside and shivered, his eyes kept rolling. He didn't expect that the quarrels between the big shots were similar to the fights in the countryside, just more elegant.

Boom boom boom!
The guards walked eagerly along the corridor, and the rapid footsteps in the wooden corridor made people's hearts beat faster.

"Report! The queen has an order!" The guard knelt down on his knees, holding an iron sword high with both hands.

The heads of the house were flushed and excitedly waiting for the guards to continue.

"The female monarch ordered me to give the sword to Hu Feizi. Seeing the sword is like seeing the female monarch. Hu Feizi can hold this sword to understand himself, cut off evil and rebellion, and maintain peace!"

The guard's words were loud and echoed in the hall!
With tears in his eyes, Hu Feizi laughed and took the sword!

 In the Han Dynasty, it was also called Shangfang Zhanmajian. According to the "Book of Han" records: "The cloud sent a letter to ask for an audience, and the minister was in front. The cloud said: 'Now the ministers of the imperial court cannot help the Lord, and they are dead to benefit the people. They are all dead and eating plain food.' Confucius said" "You are not worthy of being a despicable man, and you cannot serve the king." He is also a person who "if you are worried about losing something, you will not be able to die." I would like to give Shang Fang a horse-killing sword to cut off one of the sycophants and punish the others.' The superior asked: 'Who is it?' He said, 'Anchang Hou Zhangyu.'"

  During the Western Han Dynasty, Zhu Yun once asked the emperor to give Shang Fang a sword to kill treacherous ministers.

  The Shangfang Sword was cast by the Order of Ministers in the Han Dynasty for use by the royal family. It is also known as the horse-killing sword.

  The Shangfang sword of the Ming Dynasty could only kill generals below the rank of deputy chief soldier, but could not kill senior generals above the rank of chief soldier.By the end of the Ming Dynasty, Shang Fang's swords were awarded to officials and generals in large quantities by the royal family, and even found their way into the vassal states.

(End of this chapter)

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