Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 756: The idea of ​​attacking the treasury

Chapter 756: The idea of ​​attacking the treasury
Chapter 756: The idea of ​​attacking the treasury
Hearing Shen Fei's words, Fujiwara Ono nodded.

Li Shiqun did create a lot of trouble for them before.

"Heto-kun, what are you going to do?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shen Fei immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Chief Fujiwara, Hu Yibiao has always been a tool to help Li Shiqun make money."

"Yesterday, Minglou dismissed Hu Yibiao from his post."

"If Director Liang can seize the opportunity to seize Hu Yibiao's territory, his Li Shiqun should have a long memory!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Fujiwara Ono's eyes lit up.

He had long wanted to deal with Li Shiqun, and now it was indeed a good choice to cut off Li Shiqun's financial path.

"Heto-kun, what you said makes sense."

"This matter will be left to you. Tell Director Liang and let him do it with confidence and boldness!"

Speaking of Liang Zhongchun, Fujiwara Ono asked about the previous preparation of supplies.

This is what he cares most about now.

"Sir, don't worry, I will urge Director Liang now."

With the support of Fujiwara Ono, Shen Fei will have the confidence to do what he does next.

At this moment, Li Shiqun had also arrived at the Special High School Course and met Takeshige Aoki.

"Director Li, what is going on?"

Aoki Takezhong frowned, and he was about to go to Li Shiqun about this matter.

Hearing these words, Li Shiqun's heart skipped a beat.

"Sir Aoki, please listen to my explanation."

Li Shiqun quickly told the truth about the Sunong Bank incident.

However, he also has his own excuses.

"Sir Aoki, I am also forced to have no choice!"

"In order to promote China Reserve Bonds, I have tried every means."

"But you know this kind of thing, if there are no big banks and chambers of commerce taking the lead, it will be really difficult to carry out the work."

At this point, Li Shiqun also told what happened in Minglou.

He looked helpless, "Now, I'm the bad guy, but he Ming Lou came out and took over everything."

"What pisses me off the most is that all the confiscated legal tender must be handed over to Liang Zhongchun for processing."

Li Shiqun deliberately brought it up to let Aoki Takezhong know that Minglou and Shen Fei had colluded together.

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Aoki Takeshi fell silent.

If he went to hold Li Shiqun accountable at this time, he would actually be helping Shen Fei and Minglou.

"Director Li, this matter ends here."

"If anything happens in the future, I hope you can inform me in advance!"

When Takeshige Aoki spoke, his expression was obviously dissatisfied.

Li Shiqun asked tentatively, "I understand, I understand!"

"Chief Aoki, the matter of confiscating legal currency and Liang Zhongchun..."

Aoki Takeuchi glanced at Li Shiqun.

He knew why Li Shiqun was hitting Xiao Jiujiu, "Let's leave this matter as it is for now!"

"I heard that the Ming family in Han Mansion was also involved this time."

"You should have thought of this result before doing this!"

Aoki Takeuchi knew that if he helped Li Shiqun now, he would definitely offend Fujiwara Ono.

It didn't do him any good.

But he didn't say anything, "Director Li, the Sixth Chief Tianjun has just taken office, and I still have important things to do."

"Don't worry, I will take care of it after this period of time!"

While speaking, Aoki Takeuchi had a mysterious smile on his lips.

He has now investigated the situation of the troops in the mountain city in the direction of Yuzhang in accordance with Tian Junliu's request.

As long as he can help Tianjun win at Six Flags, he will have the confidence to deal with Fujiwara Ono next.

"Thank you, Chief Aoki!"

Faced with this result, Li Shiqun could only accept it helplessly.

After returning to No. 76, he was in an extremely bad mood.

"Director, what did Aoki Takeuchi say?" As soon as Wu Sibao finished speaking, Li Shiqun shook his head.

He said with a hint of annoyance, "Aoki Takeshige said he would no longer pursue this matter."

"But if the legal currency is collected, we may really have no chance."

"It's a pity that such a good opportunity really has to be handed over to Liang Zhongchun!"

When Li Shiqun said this, Wu Sibao put forward his own suggestions.

This time he suffered such heavy losses, how could he just let it go?

"Director, isn't the Sunong Bank's vault still unaccounted for?"

"You think why don't we take advantage of the opportunity to keep the property in the vault as our own?"

"When the time comes, if Minglou and the others investigate, we will all blame it on the military commander."

After Wu Sibao's reminder, Li Shiqun immediately saw the opportunity.

After thinking for a while, a smile finally appeared on his face.

"Si Bao, this is a good idea!"

"It's just that we need to find a reliable person to do this!"

"Otherwise, Minglou will catch you..."

Wu Sibao has already thought about this.

In his opinion, the most suitable candidate is none other than Hu Yibiao.

Hu Yibiao?
As soon as Wu Sibao finished speaking, Li Shiqun shook his head.

He has his own thoughts on this matter.

"Han Limin swallowed the key into his stomach. If he wanted to take action, he would have to take extraordinary measures."

"If something goes wrong in this matter, I'm afraid Aoki Takeshi won't be able to help us."

When Li Shiqun said this, Wu Sibao became confused.

He really couldn't think of a more suitable candidate than Hu Yibiao.

"If you ask me, I'd better leave this matter to the concubines!"

At this moment, Li Shiqun expressed his opinion.

For a moment, Wu Sibao was stunned on the spot.

"Director, both Liang Zhongchun and Minglou know that the concubine is ours now."

"There's no difference between Hu Yibiao and him in terms of fighting, right?"

"Besides, the concubine was recruited by Takeshi Aoki. Once exposed, wouldn't it mean that Takeshi Aoki would also be involved?"

What Wu Sibao said does make sense.

But if you think about the same thing from another angle, you will get a completely different answer.

"Sibao, you are right, but I just want to involve Takeshige Aoki."

"If it is really exposed, do you think Lou would have considered Takeshige Aoki when he attacked the concubine?"

After hearing Li Shiqun's words, Wu Sibao suddenly became enlightened.

Li Shiqun then said, "Zeng Shu still has no way to master the Special Operations Department."

"Apart from Wu Zhiguo, the hole Shen Fei left for him is also one of the most important reasons."

"Let the concubines take action and fill up the hole when the time comes. I think it won't be long before they can control the situation!"

Wu Sibao nodded, "The director is still smart!"

Soon, Li Shiqun found the concubine.

"My concubine, how is the situation in the Special Operations Division now?"

The concubine shook his head helplessly.

He immediately told what Wu Zhiguo had done.

"Director, almost everyone in the Special Operations Division is under Wu Zhiguo's control."

"We don't have any extra manpower!"

"Wu Zhiguo has completed more than half of the entire task, but we haven't even completed a quarter."

Hearing this, Li Shiqun smiled slightly.

He immediately took over the conversation and said, "Concubine, there is an excellent opportunity in front of you now."

“There is a lot of property stored in Sunong Bank’s vaults.”

"If you can get them, your chance to be promoted to director will come!"

(End of this chapter)

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