Chapter 744 Hu Yibiao arrests people

Chapter 744 Hu Yibiao arrests people

No. 76, Li Shiqun’s office.

"Director, I have returned the 120 million French currency to Liang Zhongchun."

"Just now, Liang Zhongchun went to the Intelligence Liaison Office. I think he went to report the matter to Shen Fei."

After Wu Sibao finished explaining the situation, Li Shiqun frowned.

He looked up at Wu Sibao and said, "Minglou will definitely come to check."

"Four guarantees, how big a gap do we still have?"

After Li Shiqun finished speaking, Wu Sibao sighed, "Director, there is still a gap of 60."

"I plan to take action against Sunong Bank next."

"if not……"

Li Shiqun had already anticipated the bank robbery.

This is their best solution now.

"Have you thought of your excuse yet?"

Wu Sibao nodded, "Sunong Bank and Shancheng are not sure. If they find someone with military command inside them..."

This excuse is indeed perfect.

Banks are different from ordinary chambers of commerce in that they have a huge impact on the economy.

Moreover, they are very clear about the government's economic policies, and some have excuses to engage in Tai Chi with No. 76.

But if it is linked to military unification, the initiative lies in Wu Sibao's hands.

"This needs to be done as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, director, we'll start this afternoon."

As soon as Wu Sibao finished speaking, Li Shiqun mentioned Liang Zhongchun's China Reserve Bonds.

"If you can win the Sunong Bank, the promotion task of the 200 million China Reserve Bonds from the Operations Department will be all handed over to you!"

"Zeng Shu and the others have limited capabilities. I can rest assured that I can leave this matter to you!"

When Li Shiqun said this, Wu Sibao was overjoyed.

In this way, he can collect 400 million more legal tenders.

"Thank you for your trust, director. I will definitely handle this matter well!"

After saying that, Wu Sibao left.

Three o'clock in the afternoon, Sunong Bank lobby.

Hu Yibiao rushed in with a group of people according to Wu Sibao's order.

"What are you doing?"

Hu Yibiao ignored the bank staff at all.

He waved his hand, "You guys, take control of the assistant manager's office immediately!"

"We must not let anyone run away!"

Seeing this scene, the bank staff was about to call the manager Han Limin.

But as soon as he picked up the phone, Hu Yibiao's gun was pointed at his head.

"Take these people down too!"

Hu Yibiao winked at his subordinates, and then strode to the assistant manager's office on the third floor.

At this time, Yu Zhengzhi, the assistant manager of Sunong Bank, had been controlled.

He recognized Hu Yibiao at a glance.

"What are you doing, No. 76?"

"Why arrest me?"

After Yu Zhengzhi finished speaking, Hu Yibiao was happy.

He took a pistol and patted Yu Zhengzhi on the face.

"Yu Xiangli, do you still know that we are No. 76?"

"You said we arrest people, why?"

Speaking of this, Hu Yibiao's expression suddenly changed.

He snorted coldly, "Your bank secretly delivers benefits to Shancheng. We suspect there are military commanders here."

"Why don't you bother Xiangli to come with us?"

After saying that, Hu Yibiao waved his hand, "Take it away!"

This time, Hu Yibiao arrested a total of five people from Sunong Bank.

In addition to Yu Zhengzhi, there is also a section chief and three employees of Sunong Bank.

"Tell the brothers, you must find something out for me tonight!"

Hu Yibiao is very familiar with this kind of thing.His subordinate smiled and said, "Captain, don't worry!"

At this time, Sunong Bank manager Han Limin had also received news of Hu Yibiao's arrest.

"This No. 76 is really becoming more and more lawless!"

Han Limin's identity is a patriotic businessman.

He did secretly have contacts with Shancheng, but Yu Zhengzhi and others didn't know about it.

"Come on, prepare a car!"

"I'm going to see Commander Ming!"

Han Limin did not know Minglou's true identity.

All he knew was that Minglou was in charge of the economy under the new government and was No. 76's superior.

"Brother, something happened!"

"Just now Hu Yibiao led people to break into Sunong Bank and arrested people. Now Sunong Bank manager Han Limin is looking for you."

After hearing Mingcheng's words, Minglou immediately guessed the whole story.

He took a deep breath and said, "It looks like Wu Sibao is going to be tough!"

"A Cheng, the accounts between us and Sunong Bank..."

Mingcheng looked serious, "Brother, don't worry, Han Limin will handle everything alone."

"Hu Yibiao and the others can't find anything from the accounts."

Hearing this, Minglou nodded.

Soon, under the leadership of Mingcheng, Han Limin met Minglou.

Facing Minglou, Han Limin was not polite at all.

"Sir Ming, No. 76 arrests people at will. Is there any law left?"

"You Ming family are also in business. You should know how much damage this will do to our bank!"

"You must give me an explanation today, or I will go find Mr. Wang!"

Han Limin pressed his hands on the crutches and spoke without being polite at all.

Faced with this situation, Minglou could only smile apologetically.

"Uncle Han, I have already heard what Acheng said. There must be some misunderstanding."

"I'll have someone investigate now!"

After saying that, Minglou winked at Mingcheng.

Mingcheng nodded and immediately dialed number 76.

"Director Li, I heard that your people broke into Sunong Bank and arrested people?"

"what is the problem?"

Li Shiqun had already prepared a set of rhetoric.

After hearing Li Shiqun's high-sounding explanation on the other end of the phone, Minglou could only give him a warning.

"Director Li, what is going on in this matter? You must find out and give me an explanation!"

"Now the Shanghai stock market needs a stable economy!"

After hanging up the phone, Minglou looked at Han Limin.

He knew in his heart that all this was just Wu Sibao's attempt to seize the China Reserve Bonds.

Under this situation, it would not be of much use if Han Limin fought to the end.

"Uncle Han, Li Shiqun said that someone from Sunong Bank has secretly communicated with Shancheng. This matter needs to be investigated."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you an answer."

"However, the new government is now promoting China Reserve Bonds to replace legal tender to stabilize the economy."

"Sunong Bank also needs more support in this aspect!"

Han Limin rolled his eyes at Minglou and said, "Sir Ming, I have been struggling for so many years and I know what you want to do!"

"But using such despicable and despicable methods is really disgusting!"

At this point, Han Limin's expression turned livid, "If you can't handle this matter, I'll go find Mr. Wang!"

After saying that, he stood up and left.

Seeing Han Limin's retreating back, Minglou clenched his fists.

Carrying the reputation of being a traitor and facing Han Limin's resentment, he could only endure it.

"Damn Li Shiqun!"

"A-Cheng, keep an eye on the Han family. You must not let Li Shiqun do anything wrong again!"

"Tomorrow morning, we will go to No. 76!"

(End of this chapter)

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