Chapter 732 Nishio is exempted
Chapter 732 Nishio is exempted
With Shen Fei's words, Liang Zhongchun's eyes shone.

He seems to have seen a new way to make money.

"Brother Shen Fei, you are still smarter!"

As soon as Liang Zhongchun finished speaking, Shen Fei came to his side.

He whispered, "Brother Liang, this matter must be kept secret."

"As the saying goes, the higher the return, the greater the risk. You should know this better than me."

"The Silver Knife Association and the Sakata Chamber of Commerce ended up where they are today because they failed in this matter."

"I don't want to..."

Before Shen Fei could finish speaking, Liang Zhongchun immediately patted his chest and reassured, "Don't worry, I have confidence in this matter."

As soon as Liang Zhongchun said this, he saw a different meaning in Shen Fei's eyes.

A sly smile flashed across his face, "Brother Shen Fei, I understand what you mean!"

"Only the two of us know about this matter."

"This business on the surface, he Minglou has to peel off a layer of skin, but this matter of banknotes, there are only two of you and me!"

Hearing this, Shen Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Liang Zhongchun was also happy.

Without the Ming brothers' share, he would be able to get an extra share.

He couldn't ask for such a good thing.

"Brother, I will find an opportunity to arrange your plan in two days."

"Put your heart in your stomach!"

The two chatted until ten o'clock in the evening before Liang Zhongchun left Shen Fei's apartment.

And after sending Liang Zhongchun away, Shen Fei also thought carefully.

"Use Liang Zhongchun as a key channel, so that you can know what the enemy is trying to buy."

“When necessary, it’s easy to do it!”

After Shen Fei figured everything out, his next plan became clearer.

Early the next morning, when he arrived at the intelligence liaison office, Mingcheng found him early.

After making sure there was no one outside the office, Mingcheng spoke first.

"What is the situation now?"

Mingcheng looked at Shen Fei and asked immediately.

A smile flashed across Shen Fei's face, "Rong Yinhai has been secretly executed."

"The crisis has now been resolved."

"It's just that if my guess is right, Takeshige Aoki will definitely be more wary of me next!"

Shen Fei briefly talked about what happened in the past few days.

After hearing this series of operations, Mingcheng had to say that Shen Fei was brave enough.

"I got news that due to mediocre performance in command, the Dongyang Base Camp is planning to replace Nishio."

"As the saying goes, there are three things a new official should do when he takes office, and enemies are no exception."

"We must be more vigilant during the next period of time!"

Mingcheng nodded, Shen Fei's words did make sense.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei expressed his thoughts on the long-term counterfeit currency war.

"Don't worry, Shancheng is currently revamping the legal currency."

"This can also have a certain delaying effect on the enemy's rush to buy supplies!"

After the exchange between the two, Mingcheng quickly returned to the Special Committee.

When Minglou heard all Shen Fei's actions, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Shen Fei really used his identity to the fullest!"

"Otherwise, Shio Muto's good days will be over this time."

After Minglou said this, he asked Mingcheng, "How is the situation on No. [-]?"

"Also, is there any news about Tao Dachun?"

Acheng smiled and said, "Brother, No. [-] has safely evacuated the French Concession."

"Now they are heading towards the island city!" After talking about No. [-], Mingcheng mentioned the casualties of the military commander this time.

This time they could be described as a complete victory.

"Brother, 6 people from the Hurricane team died in this battle and 2 were slightly injured. The others who died in the Silver Knife Club are all from the Xingrong Gang."

"Nakano School agents suffered more than 150 casualties!"

"I never dared to think that one day we would be able to achieve such a beautiful record!"

Hearing this, Minglou smiled.

He suddenly thought of the situation when Shen Fei made this decision.

"Shen Fei placed his treasure completely on No. [-]. I have to say that he is still much more accurate in reading people than I am."

"This time No. [-] was able to hold back his temper and make careful arrangements, which really impressed me."

"Then let's see what results they can achieve in the island city!"

Just when the situation in the Shanghai stock market came to an end, the Toyo headquarters fell into a turmoil following Mieko Sakai's report.

Doi Yuan looked at the telegram in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

He immediately found Prime Minister Tojo Riku.

"Prime Minister Lu, we have investigated the situation clearly."

"The situation in the Shanghai stock market this time is indeed the fault of military commanders."

"Regarding the investigation of the southern Henan battlefield, we did not find any enemy undercover agents."

"This is a detailed situation report!"

After hearing Madoka Doi's report, Riku Prime Minister Tojo nodded.

He said with a dissatisfied look on his face, "Dohi Madoka-kun, the empire has been delayed on the battlefield for too long."

"This year is a critical year for resolving the incident. We can no longer let the enemy do nothing like this!"

"We must achieve results on the battlefield!"

After hearing what Riku Prime Minister Tojo said, Madoka Doi knew that Tojo wanted him to express his thoughts for him.

As one of the three chief officers of the army, Madoka Doi's attitude is naturally very important.

He immediately said, "Prime Minister Lu, I suggest sending a capable general to replace Nishio and serve as the commander of the dispatch army."

"Oh? I wonder what Madoka Doi has to say?"

Madoka Doi knew very well what Tojo was thinking.

He took the initiative to propose the candidate in his mind.

"Prime Minister Lu, I think back then, General Tian Jun was among the best in the Army Military Academy."

"He also has a lot of insights into the current situation. I think it is most appropriate for him to serve as the commander of the dispatch army!"

Riku Prime Minister Tojo nodded at Madoka Doi's proposal.

He indeed thinks that Tian Junliu is a good candidate.

"In this case, you can express your opinions during the meeting tomorrow."

With the consent of Prime Minister Tojo Riku, Doi Madoka felt confident.

But in fact, he also brought his own private goods with him in doing so.

Tian Jun Liu is different from Nishio.

Nishio has a flamboyant personality and behaves more like an old aristocrat, while Dan Junroku is a more pragmatic person.

"If Tian Junliu is appointed as the commander of the dispatched army, it will also be good news for us to carry out intelligence work!"

Early the next morning, Doi Yuan proposed his idea at the army meeting.

With the support of Prime Minister Tojo, a consensus was quickly reached within the army.

Immediately afterwards, Tojo reported the decision.

Two days later, the Konoe agreed to the army's suggestion and ordered Junroku Teng to serve as the new commander of the dispatched army.

"Commander Tianjun Liu, this time the troops of the dispatch army will fall on your shoulders."

"The empire urgently needs a victory to boost morale!"

"This is the preliminary plan for the base camp. You can focus on it."

(End of this chapter)

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