Chapter 703 Reaching Unanimity

Chapter 703 Reaching Unanimity

Hearing Shen Fei's words, Fujiwara Ono nodded.

This is indeed a good idea.

"Heteng-kun, I will arrange this."

"The current power of our Intelligence Liaison Office is still too weak."

"I think that in the future, not only the Super High School, the Muto Residence, No. 76 and the Special Committee, but also the Shang Residence will all have intelligence liaison officers."

After hearing what Fujiwara Ono said, Shen Fei quickly complimented him.

However, he couldn't help but feel funny in his heart.

Although Fujiwara Ono's ability is not very good, his ambition is no less than anyone else!

"Sir, what you said is true, otherwise we would also be in Shang Gongguan this time..."

As soon as Shen Fei said this, Fujiwara Ono waved his hand.

He smiled and shook his head, "Heteng-kun, this matter cannot be rushed."

"If it hadn't been for Zheng Yaoxian's incident, the Special High School would not have lowered its stance so low."

"My current military rank is not as good as Takeshige Aoki's, so it's no big deal to set up an intelligence liaison officer in the special committee."

"But Shang Gongguan is different. Little Hinata is also a colonel. It's too early to establish it now."

"However, sooner or later, I will convince them all!"

After Fujiwara Ono finished speaking, Shen Fei looked apologetic.

He said guiltily, "Chief Fujiwara, it's because of your humble position that it's not good for you."

"I haven't made any decent achievements in such a long time."

Seeing Shen Fei blaming himself so much, Fujiwara Ono immediately shook his head.

He completely took Shen Fei's performance into consideration.

"No need to blame yourself, Mr. Wato."

"If it hadn't been for Aoki Takeshige's mischief these few times, many things would have been successful!"

"With your ability, I believe you will definitely achieve results!"

After saying that, Fujiwara Ono-kun patted Shen Fei on the shoulder.

He smiled and said, "I will go to the Mei Agency to find General Tingzuo now."

"Hefuji, who do you think is more suitable to serve as the intelligence liaison officer of the Special Committee?"

After Fujiwara Ono finished speaking, Shen Fei said without hesitation, "This person must be Mingcheng!"

Shen Fei brought the special committee in, to put it bluntly, it was to facilitate the transmission of information between himself and Minglou.

He knew in his heart that the Special Committee was also a mixed bag.

If the person assigned by Takeshige Aoki were to be the intelligence liaison officer, all of Shen Fei's efforts would be in vain.

"Although Mingcheng is just a servant of the Ming family, as far as I know, this person also has his own ambitions."

"If we can win him over, we will all know Minglou's actions 24 hours a day."

Fujiwara Ono laughed, and he immediately agreed with Shen Fei's opinion.

Soon, after Fujiwara Ono went to the Mei Agency, Shen Fei also began to think seriously about the Silver Sword Club.

"If something happens to the agents at Nakano School, the level of the whole thing will definitely be raised!"

"In this way, in addition to the Super High School, the Muto Mansion, and the Xingrong Gang, I am afraid that the Military Police Headquarters and the Dispatch Force Headquarters will also be involved."

Shen Fei took a deep breath. To plan his next action, he had to think everything through.

During this day, Shen Fei weighed and weighed repeatedly.

Finally, after thinking about everything, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"If things really get serious, we will have one more ally."

"It's just that this time it also depends on whether Fujiwara Ono's shield is thick enough!"

While Shen Fei was thinking about his next plan, Takeshige Aoki had also received news from General Takasa.

He glanced at Mieko Sakai.

"Mieko, it must be Shen Fei who made such a decision when Fujiwara Ono made such a decision!"

"I think this is what he was thinking about during the meeting."

After hearing Takeshige Aoki's words, Mieko Sakai nodded.

Judging from the facts, this is indeed what Shen Fei had in mind.

"Section Chief, now that Fujiwara Ono is his backer, Shen Fei is becoming more and more unscrupulous."

"It seems that he wants to completely control No. 76!" Hearing this, Aoki Takeshi smiled.

In his opinion, what Shen Fei did was just a small fight.

"Although Shen Fei is shrewd in his calculations, no one can replace Li Shiqun's position."

"The more he does this, the more disgusted Li Shiqun becomes."

"When the time comes, he will rely more on us!"

When Takeshige Aoki said this, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He wasn't worried about it at all.

"In the final analysis, Wu Zhiguo is still a minion."

"As soon as there's an opportunity to replace him, the whole situation changes."

"Let's wait and see. Sooner or later, Shen Fei's wishful thinking will come to nothing!"

Early the next morning, Shen Fei got a reply from Fujiwara Ono.

The matter of letting Mingcheng serve as the intelligence liaison officer of the special committee has been settled.

Upon hearing the news, Shen Fei came to the Special Task Committee in an honest manner as Fujiwara Ono's assistant.

"Mr. Acheng, congratulations!"

In front of everyone in the Special Task Committee, Shen Fei congratulated Mingcheng.

After doing all this, he walked into the office in Minglou.

"You can do it!"

Holding Mingcheng's appointment document, Minglou smiled and shook his head.

He glanced at Shen Fei and said, "With Fujiwara Ono as my backer, I can really do whatever I want!"

"In this way, won't it be convenient for us to contact you soon?"

Shen Fei smiled.

After chatting for a while, he got to the point.

"The next thing will be done according to the original plan."

"It's just that I added a little bit more to the original plan."

After hearing Shen Fei's words, Minglou frowned.

A bad premonition suddenly flashed through his heart.

In his opinion, since Shen Fei wants to execute according to the original plan, it means that he is ready to take greater risks.

"You're not trying to make things bigger, are you?"

Having learned the lessons of the life plan, Minglou already had a new understanding of Shen Fei's courage.

Since Shen Fei wants to add things, it will definitely not be to reduce the impact.

"It's better that you understand me, sir!"

Seeing the smile on Shen Fei's face, Minglou sighed.

He shook his head helplessly, "I should have thought of it earlier!"

"When a madman picked up a butcher knife and rushed into the crowd, and he told me that he would only kill one person, do you think I would believe it?"

"Either he's not crazy at all, or my brain is broken!"

Shen Fei glanced at Minglou.

He said calmly, "I think you know what I want to do, right?"

A smile flashed across Minglou's lips.

He wiped his glasses, "Those things on your mind must be done at the same time!"

"We only have one chance."

Minglou has been thinking about this matter for a long time, and he can naturally guess Shen Fei's thoughts.

"It's rare that we can all agree at the same time."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Minglou immediately waved his hand.

He immediately said, "Don't think too much!"

"I am doing this purely for the sake of the upcoming economic war!"

"If everything goes well, maybe we can salvage a little bit of the situation in terms of grabbing supplies."

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed in Shen Fei's eyes.

He immediately asked, "Could it be that you have news about China Reserve Bonds?"

(End of this chapter)

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