Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 697 Business is booming Liang Zhongchun

Chapter 697 Business is booming Liang Zhongchun

Chapter 697 Business is booming Liang Zhongchun

After Ouyang Jianping finished speaking, Li Zhibo realized the danger involved.

He took the banknote in Gao Han's hand and looked at it.

"According to the basic laws of economics, if large-scale counterfeit money flows into the market, the economic order of the existing market will be disrupted."

"With currency depreciation, rising prices are inevitable."

"If the enemy uses counterfeit money to rob supplies, it is undoubtedly a resource plunder!"

Gao Han couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

"Sister, is there any news?"

"what should we do?"

Ouyang Jianping glanced at everyone.

She immediately mentioned the counterfeit money circulating.

"The enemy's main channels for circulating counterfeit banknotes are the secret service, the Oriental Chamber of Commerce, and gangs."

"According to the information I received, the enemy's printing location should still be in the East."

Li Zhibo didn't understand Ouyang Jianping's words.

He took a puff of cigarette and said, "Ouyang, what should we do?"

"If you can't stop the enemy's money printing plant, in the final analysis, you are treating the symptoms rather than the root cause."

"It won't be long before they're still printing it."

Hearing Li Zhibo's words, Ouyang Jianping nodded.

She immediately added, "The enemy's money printing plant may be in Japan, but this mysterious agency should be in Shanghai."

"To be precise, we are now trying to scare the tigers and scare the snakes!"

"Let the enemy hidden in the shadows emerge."

At this point, everyone on No. [-] fully understood the situation.

Li Zhibo thought for a long time.

"Since it has been determined that the enemy's money printing plant is in the East, their most likely method of transportation should be by sea!"

Ma Yunfei nodded aside.

This is the most reasonable judgment.

"The cost of air transportation is too high, and sea transportation is the most cost-effective."

"Adjutant He, it looks like I'm going to trouble you again next time!"

After Ma Yunfei finished speaking, He Jian looked unwilling.

He knew that his hard days were coming again.

"Ma Yunfei, why do you want me to be a porter when you dress like a dog every day?"

Ma Yunfei smiled after hearing He Jian's words.

He patted He Jian on the shoulder, "Adjutant He, with your appearance, it's not like you to pick up a pen!"

"If I were a member of the Extra-High School, I would see your flaws at a glance."

All joking aside, everyone in No. [-] quickly decided on the division of labor.

He Jian is responsible for keeping an eye on the ships coming and going at the pier.

Ouyang Jianping and Ma Yunfei pretended to be Dongyang people and were responsible for inquiring about the situation of Dongyang Trading Company.

As for Gao Han, he is still responsible for monitoring and deciphering the enemy's radio stations.

Li Zhibo is responsible for making enough time bombs.

And while No. [-] was taking action, Shen Fei was not idle either.

"I need your help checking something out."

This time, Shen Fei and Hengrun from the secret team met at the Daikin Hotel.

A few days ago, Hengrun received news from Du Yuesheng, asking them to fully cooperate with Shen Fei's work.

"whats the matter?"

When Hengrun faced this mysterious 'Tianjia No. [-]', he did not dare to neglect it at all.

Shen Fei said calmly, "Find out for me, among the gangs that have taken refuge with Shio Muto, which gangs have had abnormal behavior recently!"

"Especially in terms of revenue and expenses."

Hengrun couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

There are countless gangs in Shanghai, large and small. If you want to know them all, it will undoubtedly be a huge workload.

"I don't need too many, just find three or four for me!" Hearing this, Hengrun nodded immediately.

In this way, their workload is much smaller.

"By the way, there is one more thing!"

Shen Fei thought for a while, "Did a batch of discarded banknotes appear two years ago?"

Hearing this, Hengrun frowned.

Shen Fei's words immediately brought back his memories.

"When this incident first became known, it was exposed when some military policemen used old banknotes to buy things."

"There was a joke about it."

Shen Fei nodded, he had already heard about this matter.

The military commander has investigated this matter and found that the outdated banknotes are counterfeit.

The final result of their analysis was that Toyo spent several years developing counterfeit banknotes.

It's a pity that the person who developed it worked behind closed doors, and by the time it was printed, that version of counterfeit banknotes had already been discontinued.

According to Shen Fei's judgment, now that the counterfeit money has appeared again, it must be the same group of people.

"At that time, Zhang Xiaoling and Ji Yunqing controlled the gangs in Shanghai."

"Please check for me. Who among their subordinates at that time were closely related to the Chamber of Commerce in Japan?"

"Especially people with frequent trade contacts."

Hearing this, Hengrun nodded.

The two met for less than half an hour, and soon they left the Daikin Hotel.

"If we can find out the relationship between the two events before and after, we should be able to find out the situation almost completely!"

The method used by Shen Fei this time is also similar to big data analysis.

If the circulation of counterfeit banknotes is compared to the branches of a tree, then as long as we find the intersection and commonality of these branches, we can find the backbone and key to the circulation of counterfeit banknotes.

But at this moment, Shen Fei suddenly thought of someone.

Liang Zhongchun!
"Now, Liang Zhongchun's business has reached the East."

"Could he be an important link in the counterfeit currency circulation chain?"

When he thought of this, Shen Fei recalled Liang Zhongchun's business situation during this period.

In the past month or so, Liang Zhongchun's business has suddenly increased by nearly half.

Shen Fei didn't pay much attention to it before, but now that he thought about it, something was indeed wrong.

"Liang Zhongchun really knows how to do business!"

The next afternoon, after Shen Fei saw Liang Zhongchun at the Intelligence Liaison Office, he pulled him aside.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"Brother, business is booming!"

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little jealous now..."

Seeing the slightly embarrassed expression on Shen Fei's face, Liang Zhongchun smiled.

He seemed to have seen what Shen Fei was thinking.

"Brother, I know you need money now."

With that said, Liang Zhongchun took out a wad of banknotes from his arms and stuffed them into Shen Fei's pocket.

He patted Shen Fei's shoulder.

"Brother, I have heard about the situation in the Special Operations Division."

"Zeng Shu emptied his entire family into a hole worth 10,000 yuan and it still hasn't been filled!"

Having said this, Liang Zhongchun gave Shen Fei a thumbs up.

"Brother, if you have a relationship with Miss Junko now, there will definitely be expenses."

"Brother, I've been here too, if you have any questions, just ask!"

Hearing Liang Zhongchun's words, Shen Fei smiled.

"Brother, you are still good to me!"

Shen Fei's words made Liang Zhongchun feel more comfortable.

However, just after he left the Special Operations Office, Shen Fei took out the banknotes and looked at them.

"Nearly half are counterfeit."

"I didn't expect that I guessed it right!"

(End of this chapter)

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