Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 659 Aoki Takeshige’s suspicion

Chapter 659 Aoki Takeshige’s suspicion

Chapter 659 Aoki Takeshige’s suspicion

"Be careful, don't let them see it."

Zhai Qiyun casually wiped a handful of dirt on his face, took a deep breath, and then led his men towards the bayonet.

As soon as they arrived at the bayonet, two soldiers stopped them.

After checking the two men, the soldier took out the photo.

"Have you met these two people?"

Zhai Qiyun took a look. One photo was of a concubine, and the other photo was of Chen Qiulan.

He looked confused and shook his head, "I haven't seen it before."

Zhai Qiyun's acting skills were pretty good, and he easily managed to fool the soldiers who were checking the post.

"If you see them, report them immediately!"

After saying that, the soldier let the two of them leave.

The situation in the city was as expected by the palace concubines, with plainclothes military commanders everywhere.

After returning to the city, Zhai Qiyun did not dare to go out randomly.

That night, Li Feng, who was on duty, turned into an alley and knocked on a small door.

"what is the problem?"

After confirming the contact code and confirming the identity of the other party, Li Feng frowned.

Zhai Qiyun immediately told what happened.

"We have been fooled by Zheng Yaoxian!"

"The meeting at the Nanlu Auditorium was actually a trap he set."

Li Feng couldn't believe it, "I didn't expect that the palace concubine was also our spy."

"I'll give you an address. You can hide there for two days. When the news passes, I will arrange for you to leave!"

As the criminal investigation captain of the Shancheng Police Station, Li Feng's strength cannot be underestimated.

After making arrangements, he turned around and left.

"The situation in the city is not optimistic, Zheng Yaoxian has already taken action!"

Early the next morning, Zhai Qiyun went out of the city and found the three concubines.

Hearing this, Chen Qiulan had to admire the concubine.

If they had all entered the city yesterday, they would have been caught by Zheng Yao first.

However, now that Li Feng is a helper, everyone feels relieved.

The news soon reached Li Shiqun through Li Feng.

"Director, now, Takeshige Aoki has lost both his wife and his troops!"

"According to Li Feng's report, not only is the 'Sea Urchin' dead this time, but even Shen Fei and Nan Zaoyunzi, who risked their lives to install themselves in the military commander's palace, were also exposed this time!"

After hearing Wu Sibao's report, a smile flashed across Li Shiqun's face.

He looked at the document in his hand and said, "Four guarantees, nothing can be generalized."

"It's a bad thing for them, but not necessarily for us!"

"Shen Fei is now Fujiwara Ono's right-hand man. He finally brought the concubine over, but now something like this happened."

With that said, Li Shiqun put the telegram in his hand on the table.

"When Shen Fei was here before, we were the ones fighting him."

"Now that Shen Fei is gone, let Aoki Takeshige fight with him!"

"The tighter their knots are, the more Takeshige Aoki will try to win over us. In the future, it will be easier for us to find work in the special high school."

After saying that, Li Shiqun sent the news to the Extra High School Course.

But what a coincidence, this time, Shen Fei was also there.

"Chief Aoki, Chief Fujiwara asked me to investigate the bombing of the Nanlu Auditorium."

"Every time you learn a lesson, you gain wisdom. This lesson is so profound!"

"Nine planes, the aviation captain of the dispatched army has opinions."

After hearing what Shen Fei said, Aoki Takeuchi didn't hide it.

He told the matter immediately. "Heteng-kun, actually, there is another person involved in this matter."

From Takeshige Aoki's words, Shen Fei naturally knew that this person was a concubine.

But he pretended not to know anything and asked, "Oh? Who is it?"


As soon as the words came out, a trace of surprise flashed across Shen Fei's face.

He listened carefully to every word Takeshige Aoki said.

"Actually, the first person to convey this news to me was the palace concubine, and then I sent a message to 'Sea Urchin' for verification."

"It was because the two of them confirmed each other that I made this decision."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't believe it easily."

When Aoki Takeuchi spoke, his eyes were always paying attention to the changes in Shen Fei's expression.

Shen Fei raised his head and looked at him, "Sir Qingmu, from your tone, could it be that you suspect that Gong Shu and Zheng Yaoxian teamed up to do this?"

"Or are you doubting me too?"

Shen Fei knew what Takeuchi Aoki was thinking.

Speaking of which, he naturally didn't need to give Takeshige Aoki any good looks.

He said coldly, "It was Miss Yunzi who went to the mountain city with me."

"She knows better than anyone how I recruit concubines."

"She just recorded when I snore at night!"

Hearing Shen Fei's cold tone, Aoki Takeuchi quickly waved his hand.

Nan Zaoyunzi had already reported to him clearly the situation of Shen Fei in the mountain city.

"Heteng-kun, I have no intention of doubting you."

"I just don't understand why exactly this is happening."

"Do you think it's possible that after you recruited concubines, he rebelled against us and became a double agent?"

Regarding this, Shen Fei did not immediately give an answer.

After thinking again and again, he shook his head.

"In the declarations and documents I made back then, the concubine and the concubine all signed and fingerprinted them."

"I put all the charges of assassinating the enemy's CEO on the concubine's head."

"It concerns the president's safety. As soon as these things are exposed, he will never be able to explain it even if he is full of words."

"The boss would definitely rather kill ten thousand people by mistake than let one go!"

At this point, Shen Fei made a suggestion, "If you really have doubts, wouldn't you know if you test it?"

Takeshige Aoki's words were like squeezing out toothpaste, and Shen Fei was careful in his answers.

He must pretend not to know.

"Sir Qingmu, Zheng Yaoxian has always been meticulous in his work. The palace concubine's current status is far from being considered as his confidant."

"With such a big plan, he probably wouldn't let the concubines know about it in advance."

Hearing this, Takeshi Aoki nodded.

Only then did he tell the matter that he asked the palace concubine to take care of.

"Actually, the main reason why I doubted him was because of the telegram!"

"According to my arrangement, the dispatcher is staying in the mountain city."

"But on the day of the incident, we sent several telegrams to Chen Qiulan, but there was no response."

"This means that they should also be exposed!"

After hearing this, Shen Fei understood everything.

He looked at Takeshige Aoki and asked, "In other words, not only 'Sea Urchin', but others also had an accident?"

"Sir Aoki, you are really good!"

"Have you ever thought about what if someone is caught and confessed?"

As soon as Shen Fei finished speaking, Li Shiqun arrived with the telegram sent by Li Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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