Chapter 640 Shen Fei’s arrangements

Chapter 640 Shen Fei’s arrangements

"Xueyi, what happened to the battle analysis I asked you to write before?"

"I need it for a meeting in two days."

Shancheng Military Commission Staff Department.

Chief of Staff He found his secretary Chu Xueyi.

"Sir, it has been written according to your wishes, but some places still need to be modified."

"After all, this battle involves Commander Li and others. Some of the words are too harsh. I'm worried..."

Before Chu Xueyi could finish speaking, Chief of Staff He waved his hand.

He said with a gloomy face, "If the battle fails, someone must be responsible!"

"By the way, I heard that there were rumors in Xiang Island some time ago that the president wanted to negotiate peace with the enemy."

"Why didn't this matter go further?"

Hearing this, Chu Xueyi shook his head, "Sir, I think most of these are rumors."

"The president's current attitude is very clear."

Chief of Staff He glanced at Chu Xueyi and stopped talking about the matter.

His topic turned to the campaign analysis report again.

"The outside world says that Li Bai is Li Bai, Li Bai is outside and Bai is inside."

"Loyalty is harsh, but some things should be said. De Ling should be responsible for this failure."

"Don't worry, with Bai Jiansheng as a little Zhuge, I guess nothing will happen to the president in the end."

Hearing this, Chu Xueyi nodded.

That night, Chu Xueyi recorded a series of numbers while listening to the radio.

After the translation was completed, a sneer flashed in his eyes.

The next night, Mieko Sakai got the news.

"Sir, Sea Urchin sent a message. The information about the meeting in the Nanlu Auditorium is true!"

"The meeting will last for three days. 'Sea Urchin' suggested that we start at three o'clock in the afternoon on the last day!"

Upon hearing the news, Aoki Takeuchi had a smile on his face.

The opportunity he had been waiting for to avenge his shame finally arrived.

"Mieko, this is our top priority right now!"

"This matter must be kept strictly confidential and no one can say anything about it."

Hearing Aoki Takeshige's words, a trace of worry flashed across Sakai Mieko's face.

She immediately said, "Sir, should we inform Fujiwara Ono of this news?"

"He is the director of the Intelligence Liaison Office, and he has such a close relationship with Commander Nishio."

"We have offended him before, and I think this is an opportunity to make up for the relationship between the two parties."

What Mieko Sakai said does make sense.

But this time, Takeshige Aoki was silent.

"Do you still remember what happened when we gave Fujiwara Ono the information about Zhang Jinchen?"

When Takeshige Aoki said this, Mieko Sakai nodded.

"Fujiwara Ono went to Seihei Pavilion for a drink that night."

"This matter is different from the original news about Zhang Jinchen. Any oversight will have a significant impact."

"If he accidentally leaks the news, all our efforts will be in vain!"

"Maybe even 'sea urchin' will be implicated."

Mieko Sakai naturally understands these principles.

But she was still a little worried, "Sir, how should we explain to Commander Nishio..."

After Mieko Sakai finished speaking, Takeshige Aoki waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I will go to Commander Nishio to explain the situation."

Speaking of which, Mieko Sakai said nothing more.

But just when she was about to leave, Takeshige Aoki gave her another task.

"Tell Setaria and let Osprey find a way to sneak in."

"We still have to be prepared." Mieko Sakai nodded.

And at this moment, No. 76, Special Operations Branch.

The news of Shen Fei's rise has become a well-known thing.

Liang Zhongchun sat in Shen Fei's office and sighed.

"Brother Shen Fei, I will be the only one left from now on!"

"Brother, from the bottom of my heart I can't bear to let you go!"

After hearing what Liang Zhongchun said, Shen Fei waved his hand to Wu Zhiguo, who was sorting out documents for him.

Wu Zhiguo came over.

"Brother, Chief Fujiwara has an order, but I can't do anything about it!"

"But I have already arranged the next thing."

"Zhiguo, from now on, Director Liang's business is your business."

When Shen Fei said this, Liang Zhongchun raised his head and glanced at Wu Zhiguo.

Wu Zhiguo said on the spot, "Director Liang, if there is anything I can do to help you, just ask and you will be obliged to do so."

"Brother Liang, you know what Zhiguo is like. As long as he is here, this Special Operations Department can't turn the world upside down."

Liang Zhongchun looked at Shen Fei and couldn't help but sigh, "My brother is still loyal!"

"Before I leave, I never forget the future of my brothers."

Upon hearing this, Shen Fei took out a wad of banknotes and placed them in front of Wu Zhiguo.

"Zhiguo, I'm leaving in two days."

"I have been in the Special Operations Division for such a long time, thanks to the help of my brothers."

"I can't make arrangements for every brother. You can distribute this money to the brothers for me, which can be regarded as my last little thought!"

Looking at Shen Fei's money, how dare Wu Zhiguo accept it.

But Shen Fei shook his head, "This money is an external possession, just take it!"

"Also, I know that brothers have a lot of shortcomings privately."

"You ask them all to write a note and approve it all before I leave!"

Wu Zhiguo burst into tears of gratitude after hearing Shen Fei's words.

The most important reason why the members of the Special Operations Division follow Shen Fei wholeheartedly is that Shen Fei is not ambiguous at all when it comes to money.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Director on behalf of my brothers!"

Shen Fei waved his hand, "Brothers follow me, these things are what you should do."

"Zhiguo, what happened to the documents I asked you to find?"

"There are some things that I want to explain clearly to Commander Ming personally."

After saying that, Wu Zhiguo immediately took out several documents he had found.

Shen Fei stood up, winked at Liang Zhongchun, and the two of them walked out of the office together.

"Brother, I've already said hello to Commander Ming."

"Although I have left No. 76, this Special Operations Division is not decided by Li Shiqun!"

"I can tell you that Chief Fujiwara has no intention of letting go of such an important intelligence network as No. 76."

Upon hearing this, Liang Zhongchun immediately understood what Shen Fei meant.

He immediately asked, "Is this true?"

Shen Fei nodded, "It's absolutely true!"

"Brother, if I leave, won't the intelligence liaison officer No. 76 be free?"

"Don't worry, I will suggest this to Chief Fujiwara."

When Liang Zhongchun heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He didn't even have any worries at all.

"That's a good idea!"

"If I can really take over your position as intelligence liaison officer, brother, then I can see you and Chief Fujiwara more."

"This way, if anything happens, you can give me some advice!"

(End of this chapter)

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