Chapter 634 Shen Fei refuses
Chapter 634 Shen Fei refuses
"It's really a traditional skill!"

Seeing Takeshige Aoki's actions, Shen Fei smiled coldly in his heart.

However, since Takeshige Aoki has acquiesced in his control of Shanghai gangs, he still has to give him face.

"Sir Aoki, you're welcome. Miss Yunzi did this and it has nothing to do with you."

"I am so humble that I dare not accept such a great gift from you!"

Seeing Shen Fei return the favor, Takeshige Aoki knew that the previous incident was barely over.

He smiled at Shen Fei.

"Heteng-kun, the teacher was also very angry after hearing this."

"He has already reprimanded Yunzi. He specifically asked me to tell you that he will do his best to promote a happy relationship between you and Miss Junko."

"Maybe I'll ask Mr. Teng for a wedding drink in the future!"

Aoki Takeshige's words really exceeded Shen Fei's expectations.

The matter between him and Junko was originally facilitated by Fujiwara Ono, and now Madoka Doi is also involved.

"Thanks to General Tu Feiyuan for his kindness, I am grateful for my humiliation!"

Although he said this, Shen Fei recognized a fact clearly in his heart.

I am afraid that the matter between myself and Junko will really be finalized.

After saying this, the atmosphere in the office obviously relaxed a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Takeshige Aoki once again extended an olive branch to Shen Fei.

"Heteng-kun, now that Yunzi has left, there are many things that the Operations Department cannot handle."

"You are now a member of the empire, and I would like to transfer you to serve in the Operations Department."

"I don't know how you feel?"

Aoki Takeshige's words were full of temptation.

As long as Shen Fei agrees, then he will officially enter the special high school, which means that he can complete the tasks assigned by his superiors.

But this time, Shen Fei shook his head.

"Thank you, Chief Aoki, for your support!"

"There are so many talented people in the special higher education courses, but their abilities in the humble positions are limited. It is really embarrassing to have such an important task."

Hearing this, Takeuchi Aoki couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He originally wanted to use this method to control Shen Fei, thereby achieving the effect of indirectly controlling the gang.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fei refused so simply.

"With my current status, even if I join the Special High School, I won't be able to access the core information."

"If you first work in the Intelligence Liaison Office, and then use the Intelligence Liaison Office as a springboard to enter the special higher education course, the starting point will definitely be much higher than it is now!"

Shen Fei had his own plan in mind.

In addition, there was the most important point that made him reject Aoki Takeshige's recruitment.

That's Zheng Yaoxian's 'pest eradication' plan!
"I'm joining the Special High School now. Once the 'pest eradication' plan is successful, with Aoki Takeshige's suspicious character, I will definitely not be able to cleanse myself."

"Let's wait until the 'pest eradication' plan is successful!"

After understanding everything involved, Shen Fei was no longer tempted in the face of Takeshige Aoki's repeated persuasion.

Two hours later, Shen Fei left the extra-high school class.

Looking at his retreating back, Takeshige Aoki sighed helplessly.

"Mieko, Shen Fei is so smart!"

"This time we have completely lost the gang's intelligence network."

After hearing Takeshige Aoki's words, Mieko Sakai also nodded.

She could only comfort herself now, "Sir, at least we have made things clear about Junko Muto."

"Shen Fei should know our attitude by now!"

Aoki Takeuchi shook his head.

"Shen Fei is a pragmatist. If we don't do something, he won't believe it easily."

And at this moment, Muto Mansion.

Moto Kojima hurriedly found Shio Muto.

"Consul, something unexpected happened."

"I just got the news that Rong Jinshan was released from prison!" "He has now joined the Xingrong Gang and was directly promoted to a cadre of the Xingrong Gang."

This news caught Shio Muto off guard.

He frowned, "Rong Jinshan was suddenly released from prison at this time, could it be..."

"Consul, I have contacted the French Concession Public Security Bureau, and it was the Gendarmerie Headquarters who said hello."

"I guess this time it was Shen Fei who set up a trap!"

Shio Muto nodded.

Ever since Shen Fei got rid of Zhang Xiaoling, he had been brewing a plan in his mind.

According to his idea, as long as Xu Jinlin died in this gang melee, he could support his inside position.

But now, the appearance of Rong Jinshan has suddenly added a lot of variables to his plan.

"Consul, what should we do now?"

"This Rong Jinshan is a ruthless person. With his connections..."

Hearing this, Shio Muto knocked on the table and thought for a while.

If it was just Rong Jinshan, he might not have too much to worry about.

But behind Rong Jinshan is Shen Fei, which is troublesome.

"If we attack Rong Jinshan, once Shen Fei finds out..."

Shio Muto was a little worried.

However, when he thought about Junko, he became relieved.

"Xiaojiao-kun, ignore Mount Rongjin."

"Tell our people to be ruthless when it's time to be ruthless!"

"Everything is still going according to our plan!"

Early the next morning, the French Concession.

The news that Lin Huaipu was a fellow villager of Xu Jinlin spread like wildfire.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoling's gang suddenly exploded!
"Brother, the patrol room said that Lin Huaipu killed someone in anger. I think they are clearly covering up!"

"The old man is dead, do they think Xu Jinlin can dominate the Shanghai market with one hand?"

"Dream! We can't just let it go!"

With this news, the gang fights became more and more fierce.

In less than three days, more than a dozen conflicts broke out between the two sides, killing 30 people.

The people who had just taken refuge in Xu Jinlin also suffered a big blow.

“Brother Jinshan, we can’t go on like this!”

"If we continue to consume like this, even if we win, it will be a miserable victory."

Xu Jinlin spoke earnestly to Rong Jinshan in the office.

The meaning behind his words was very clear to Rong Jinshan.

"Brother Xu, have you really thought about it?"

After Rong Jinshan finished speaking, Xu Jinlin nodded.

According to the plan, this may be the last time the two brothers have a long talk.

"Jinshan, Chu Chu is right, no matter how high our status is, we are still just gangsters."

"But we are living in the world, and some things cannot be changed!"

"When we rescued Boss Du, to put it bluntly, we admired his integrity for national justice!"

Rong Jinshan nodded.

This is the creed that he and Xu Jinlin have engraved in their bones for so many years.

"Brother Xu, don't worry!"

"I will definitely find this traitor."

Hearing Rong Jinshan's words, Xu Jinlin felt relieved.

In the afternoon of that day, Xu Jinlin, who had rarely appeared in public, suddenly accepted a summons from the patrol room of the French Concession.

He took Rong Jinshan and his other brothers and headed directly to the patrol room.

However, just after they turned two streets, gunfire rang out!
(End of this chapter)

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