Chapter 621 Excellent Opportunity

Chapter 621 Excellent Opportunity

When Shen Fei left Wu Teng Mansion, he looked embarrassed.

However, the moment he got into the car, he felt relieved.

With his current status, he can complete the tasks assigned to him by the organization without relying on Junko Muto.

"If this can really happen, it will be a good ending for Junko!"

Shen Fei wiped the water on his face, stepped on the accelerator, and headed straight towards No. 76.

However, during the time he left, there was a lot of movement on No. 76.

"Si Bao, what's going on?"

"Have you identified the person arrested by the Special Operations Division?"

Li Shiqun frowned.

Just now, Zeng Shu had reported to them the situation of Wu Zhiguo and others.

"Director, it seems that Wu Zhiguo and the others have received a death order."

"Just now, when I asked Hu Yibiao to go to the interrogation room to get information, they put a gun to his head and drove him out."

"People like Wu Zhiguo are really too arrogant!"

Hearing this, Li Shiqun suddenly thought of yesterday's rumors.

He shook his head, "I heard that Shen Fei made quite a fuss in the extra-high school class last night."

"It seems that Shen Fei and Takeuchi Aoki have broken up!"

When Li Shiqun thought of this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

He smiled at Wu Sibao, "In my opinion, it's not us that Shen Fei needs to guard against, but the Extra-High School Course!"

"In this case, let's add some more seasoning to him."

"You should immediately report this news to the Special High School Department."

"I think Takeshige Aoki would be very interested!"

Li Shiqun didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Under his instruction, Takeshige Aoki quickly received the news.

"Section Chief, I have confirmed that Wu Zhiguo arrested people from World Department Store and Mary Afternoon Tea Shop."

Takeshige Aoki was not surprised at all by this news.

He glanced at Mieko Sakai and said, "If Shen Fei doesn't get the results he wants from us, he will naturally find someone else."

"If a few gangsters die, this matter will finally be settled!"

Aoki Takeshi had no idea how wrong he would be this time.

He thought that everything would be fine if he blamed Zhang Xiaoling's gang.

But Shen Fei's thoughts were completely different from his.

"Director, everyone has been brought back!"

"No one has ever come close to them!"

After hearing Wu Zhiguo's words, Shen Fei immediately came to the interrogation room.

He had no ambiguity about these people.

"There are hundreds of torture instruments here!"

"I advise you to think about what exactly happened yesterday afternoon!"

"Otherwise, I will let you taste all the torture instruments here before you die!"

When Shen Fei spoke, he glanced at the arrested person.

At this moment, he looked like a complete devil.

"Believe me, you will never forget that kind of pain in your next reincarnation!"

After saying that, Shen Fei winked at Wu Zhiguo.

Immediately afterwards, a scream like a slaughtering pig came from other interrogation rooms outside.

"Zhiguo, you and Bian Tou will be interrogated separately!"

"I'm impatient. If their confession doesn't match up, there's no need to ask a second time!"

Shen Fei waved his hand and sat down to rest with his eyes closed.

The owner of the nail polish shop and the people at the afternoon tea shop have never seen such a battle.

They didn't dare to offend the gang members, but Shen Fei and the others didn't dare to offend him even more.

"Sir, I tell you, I tell you everything!"

In a short time, everyone was recruited.

Wu Zhiguo and Bian Tou quickly came over with the interrogation records. "Director, we're all here!"

"Everyone's confessions match up!"

Shen Fei glanced at the interrogation record and nodded with satisfaction.

He pointed to a name on the record and asked, "Who is this Ge Biao?"

"Director, Ge Biao is the leader of the Golden Knife Gang and a disciple of Zhang Xiaoling."

Shen Fei nodded.

He was extremely satisfied with this answer.

"very good!"

"Keep these people locked up for now, wait until I finish handling the matter!"

After saying that, he found Shio Muto again with the interrogation confession.

"Shen Fei, how dare you come to see me?"

After seeing Shen Fei's arrival, Shixiong Muto frowned.

But at this moment, Shen Fei placed the confession directly in front of Muto Shio's desk.

"Consul, this is the confession of everyone involved in this matter."

"I said, I won't let this matter go!"

"I admit, I still have no way to deal with Aoki Takeshige."

"But I will never spare those who are colluding with Takeshige Aoki!"

Muto Shio glanced at the confession with disdain.

In his eyes, these people are just small fish and shrimps.

"I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore!"

"You go!"

After Shio Muto finished speaking, Shen Fei had no intention of leaving.

He looked sincere, but also had a hint of determination.

"Sir Muto, I have always been loyal to you despite my humble position."

"It was true before, it is true now, and it will be true even more so in the future!"

"This time, I will help you remove one of Takeshige Aoki's arms first!"

Remove one of Takeshige Aoki's arms?
Shio Muto smiled coldly.

In his opinion, Shen Fei is just a fool.

"I'll let you see!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left the Muto Mansion.

Takeshige Aoki always thought that Shen Fei could only fight in a small way at best.

He would never have thought that what happened this time would provide Shen Fei with the perfect excuse to get rid of Zhang Xiaoling.

"Aoki Takeshige, you brought it all on yourself!"

Shen Fei's expression was like ice.

After leaving the Muto Mansion, he drove straight towards the French Concession.

At this moment, Shixiong Muto fell into deep thought while looking at the confession Shen Fei gave him.

"What did Shen Fei mean by what he just said?"

Although Muto Shio was disdainful, he admired Shen Fei's strength from the bottom of his heart.

Since Shen Fei dared to speak, he must have made a comprehensive plan.

"Could it be that Shen Fei wants to take action against Zhang Xiaoling?"

For a moment, Shixiong Muto seemed to have felt Shen Fei's pulse.

For such a long time, the Special High School has been controlling gang power in Shanghai through Zhang Xiaoling.

If Shen Fei could really get rid of Zhang Xiaoling, he would indeed have broken one of Takeshige Aoki's arms.

"If things really develop to this point, it will be a perfect opportunity for me!"

"Once I can control the power of gangs in Shanghai, the entire intelligence landscape of Shanghai will undergo earth-shaking changes!"

Thinking of this, Shixiong Muto became more cautious.

No matter how things will develop next, he must prepare in advance now!

"If you want to take over Zhang Xiaoling's position, the best choice is..."

"Xingrong Gang!"

(End of this chapter)

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