Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 614: "Entering" the Special Higher Education Course

Chapter 614: "Entering" the Special Higher Education Course
Chapter 614: "Entering" the Special Higher Education Course
"Junzi..." Shen Fei felt pity in his heart.

Even after such a thing happened, Junko was still thinking about him.

Junzi leaned in Shen Fei's arms and pointed to the bag on the ground.

"Shen Feijun, inside is a gift from me to you!"

A smile broke out on Junko's face.

Although she was feeling unwell, she felt Shen Fei's heartbeat and felt inexplicably supported.

"Then I'll take you home!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he and Junzi left the New Sanyuan Hotel.

Almost at the same time, the spy of the Special High School reported this situation to Takeshige Aoki.

"Section Chief, it looks like the worst has happened."

"This time, we made Shen Fei's wedding dress instead!"

Aoki Takeuchi frowned. Now that the matter has come to this, he must carefully arrange every next step.

Sakai Mieko said with a worried look, "Yunzi is still at the New Sanyuan Hotel. Her situation..."

"Should we rescue her now..."

Sakai Mieko could already guess Kusu Yunko's current situation.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Takeshige Aoki waved his hand.

If it were anyone else, Takeshige Aoki might not be so scrupulous, but facing Shen Fei, he didn't dare to be vague at all.

"No! We can only act as if nothing happened now."

"Shen Fei shouldn't do anything to Yunzi. He knows the stakes involved."

"If we rescue Yunzi, it will be equivalent to telling Shen Fei that we are secretly controlling all this!"

Aoki Takeuchi doesn't dare to be careless now.

But what troubles him most now is how to face Shio Muto and Ono Fujiwara next!
"If we look for Fujiwara Ono first, things may have a chance of turning around!"

As soon as he thought of this, Takeshige Aoki changed his mind.

"In an hour, you ask our people to rescue Yunzi. When she comes back, you..."

After Takeshige Aoki finished speaking, Mieko Sakai nodded.

As of now, this is their only solution.

At this moment, Shen Fei had already driven to Muto Villa.

"Shen Feijun, go back, I can do it by myself!"

Junzi waved her hand towards Shen Fei, turned around and walked into the villa.

At this time, Muto Shixiong had not yet gotten off work.

After Junko returned, she went directly to her boudoir.

"Aoki Takeju!"

Shen Fei took a deep breath, a ruthless expression flashed across his face.

However, Takeshige Aoki had already noticed him as soon as he arrived at the gate of the Special High School.

"I didn't expect it to come so soon!"

Takeshige Aoki winked at Mieko Sakai.

Whether the crisis can be turned around this time depends on the performance of the two of them.

"Please stop!"

Just when Shen Fei was about to enter the section chief's office, the military police at the door stopped him.

According to the rules, if you want to see Aoki Takeshige, you must notify him first.

Only with Aoki Takeshige's consent can Shen Fei enter.

"Get out of the way!"

Shen Fei had a gloomy look on his face, and his tone of voice became even colder.

When the military policeman saw Shen Fei's appearance, without saying a word, he raised his gun and pointed it at him.


Although the military police on guard had seen Shen Fei, they didn't know that Shen Fei had changed his nationality.

In their hearts, Shen Fei is just a member of No. 76!

But facing the dark muzzle of the gun, Shen Fei showed no fear at all.

The military policeman felt his eyes flashing!
Soon after that, Shen Fei suddenly grabbed the barrel of the gun, used both hands to slam it into their chests!
The next moment, the wooden gun butt hit the military policeman's chest hard!

The two military policemen fell to the ground on the spot, and the next second, Shen Fei kicked open the door of the section chief's office.In the room, Mieko Sakai seemed to be reporting to Takeshige Aoki.

The moment he saw Shen Fei come in, he couldn't help but frown.

"Shen Fei, you are so presumptuous!"

Mieko Sakai blurted out immediately when she heard the movement outside.

Shen Fei smiled coldly.

"Chief Sakai, please call me and Tengfei!"

While the two were talking, a group of military police rushed in from outside.

Aoki Takeuchi raised his head and glanced at Shen Fei.

He said coldly, "Heteng-kun, what do you mean?"

"What do you want to do? Don't you know where this place is?"

After Aoki Takeuchi finished speaking, Shen Fei smiled disdainfully.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the military policeman beside him, "Chief Aoki, you are so laid-back!"

"Don't you know what I'm doing here?"

After hearing Shen Fei's words, Takeshige Aoki looked confused.

He asked knowingly, "What do you mean?"

"Where's Nan Zaoyunzi?" Shen Fei didn't bother with Takeshige Aoki's words at all. He glanced around, "There are some things that you shouldn't pretend to be confused about, right?"

"They are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are they still pretending to be a stranger?"

Shen Fei's performance was obviously beyond Aoki Takeshige's expectations.

But he still said calmly, "Hefuji, don't think that you can do whatever you want with Chief Fujiwara backing you!"

After Takeshige Aoki finished speaking, the military police at the door all pointed their guns at Shen Fei.

"Since Nan Zaoyunzi is not here, you'd better go to the New Sanyuan Hotel."

"If you go late, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Sakai Mieko quickly walked to his side.

"what happened?"


As soon as Mieko Sakai said a word in her second sentence, she felt something was wrong.

She swallowed the last half of the sentence hard.

Shen Fei snorted coldly, "Stop acting for me here!"

"If you don't give me an explanation for today's matter, I won't let it go!"

At this moment, the military police behind Shen Fei became more and more nervous.

As long as Shen Fei makes the slightest move, they will pull the trigger without hesitation.

"Sir Aoki, if I take action, I will definitely not walk out of here alive."

"But you should also believe that before I die, I will definitely not let you live!"

Shen Fei's threatening words immediately depressed the already tense atmosphere to the extreme.

Takeshige Aoki looked at Shen Fei, he really didn't understand where Shen Fei's confidence came from.

But at this moment, Shen Fei smiled and took out a grenade from his arms.

"Shen Fei, you..."

At this moment, Sakai Mieko was stunned.

Even Takeshige Aoki subconsciously reached for the pistol in the drawer.


Shen Fei didn't hesitate at all and immediately pulled out the pin of the grenade.

The military police, who were originally extremely vicious, also retreated one after another at this time.

"Shen Fei, you are crazy!"

Mieko Sakai suddenly scolded Shen Fei.

But at this moment, Shen Fei looked determined!
"I'm not crazy, it's you who are crazy!"

"You guys can really come up with such a vicious plan and such a despicable method!"

(End of this chapter)

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