Chapter 535 The Plan Takes Shape
Chapter 535 The plan takes shape
There are actually two reasons why Aoki Takeshige asked Sakai Mieko to inform Fujiwara Ono.

From a personal perspective, he hoped that Nan Zaoyunzi would carry out this task.

As Fujiwara Ono, he would naturally have greater confidence in persuading the military commanders.

And if something goes wrong, Fujiwara Ono will be there to shoulder it with him.

"How confident are you with this plan?"

Fujiwara Ono couldn't help but frowned when he saw Sakai Mieko's report.

Mieko Sakai answered truthfully, "Sir Fujiwara, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"But for the sake of caution, Mr. Aoki still wants us to focus on the lurking mission!"

"Consider carrying out this mission only when you are fully confident."

Hearing this, Fujiwara Ono nodded.

Mieko Sakai's statement made him feel relieved.

"Okay, let's follow this plan!"

"I'll go talk to the military commander."

Fujiwara Ono really thinks too simply.

Mieko Sakai said something nice, but the same words had different emphasis and meant another thing.

"Chief Aoki has agreed to my plan."

"But we only have one day left, we must hurry up!"

That night, Nan Zaoyunzi found Shen Fei.

Facing this order, Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, "Since Chief Aoki wants to execute it, we can only obey it!"

Seeing Shen Fei's helpless expression, Nan Zaoyunzi smiled.

"As long as we can kill the enemy's CEO, it will be a great achievement for us!"

"When the time comes, I won't be surprised if you become the director of No. 76."

The director of No. 76?

When Shen Fei heard this, he shook his head with a wry smile.

"I wish I could live to see that day!"

Although the decision has been made, all Shen Fei can do now is make preliminary plans.

They also need more detailed information from Li Feng.

"The coffin takes the waterway and will definitely land at Chaotianmen."

"In this case, we can choose the surrounding commanding heights to snipe."

Nan Zaoyunzi pointed in the direction of Chaotianmen Pier and immediately expressed her opinion.

But after hearing this, Shen Fei shook his head.

"If only it were that simple!"

"Since the enemy's CEO personally came out to greet him, believe it or not, there are people from the military commander within 300 meters!"

"This is a mountain city, not Shanghai. The most important thing they lack is manpower!"

Nan Zaoyunzi frowned, "According to what you said, if we can't even snipe, it's even less possible for us to assassinate him personally!"

Shen Fei nodded and said immediately, "We only have one day from getting the news to executing the mission."

"In such a short period of time, I want to successfully assassinate the enemy's CEO..."

Before Shen Fei could finish speaking, Nan Zaoyunzi became angry.

She has long been known as the "Flower of Spies" of the Empire.

But just because she didn't blow up the president in the first place, she was insulted and even became a joke.

"No matter what, the plan must be implemented!"

Nan Zaoyunzi could no longer listen to anything Shen Fei said.

At this moment, Zhang Daming came back with good news for her.

"According to the information Li Feng received, the military commander has now taken action."

"They will cordon off a 300-meter area to ensure absolute safety!"

"And Li Feng's men will perform security missions on the periphery."

Hearing this, Nan Zaoyunzi was overjoyed.

She already saw a glimmer of hope for success.

"Tomorrow you tell Li Feng and ask him to help us sneak in."

"Once the matter is successful, I will definitely reward him heavily." After saying that, she turned to look at Shen Fei, "The next sniper mission will be left to you!"

Nan Zaoyunzi had long heard that Shen Fei's marksmanship was extremely accurate.

It would be perfect for him to carry out sniping.

"You'd better find someone else for this task!"

Shen Fei looked at his arm and immediately poured a basin of cold water on Nan Zaoyunzi.

"You should know better than me about my injuries."

"I'm not confident enough to complete this task!"

Hearing this, Nan Zaoyunzi thought of Shen Fei's previous injury.

The fragments from the explosion of Wang Tianfeng's grenade in Jing'an Temple opened a deep gash in Shen Fei's right arm.

For accurate sniping, in addition to external factors, the sniper's physical condition is also particularly important.

Such injuries are fatal to high-precision sniping.

"Sir, I can arrange this!"

Zhang Daming took the initiative to stand up.

Hearing this, Nan Zaoyunzi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

By now, everything seems to be in place.

That night, Zhang Daming drew the situation near Chaotianmen.

After carefully analyzing the sniper location, the division of labor has been formed.

"Da Ming, you are responsible for covering the sniper."

"We will meet you from the outside!"

Shen Fei is familiar with the mountain city, and with Zhang Daming by his side, he must show that he is planning for Nan Zaoyunzi with all his heart.

However, after doing all this, he became more and more uneasy.

"It would be great if the information could be sent out!"

"In this way, Sixth Brother can be foolproof."

Shen Fei kept thinking about this problem in his mind, but in the end, he gave up!

The nearest phone booth near Yujia Inn is 300 meters away.

In the past few days, Nan Zaoyunzi has vacated the room, and Shen Fei's every move cannot escape her eyes.

"It seems that we can only rely on Brother Six!"

Just when Shen Fei had no choice, Zheng Yaoxian was planning everything.

This time, although Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi from the Operations Department also arranged work, the most critical thing was the concubines.

"How is your investigation of Li Feng's situation going?"

Hearing this, the concubine smiled.

"Brother Six, there is indeed something happening with Li Feng!"

"He met someone at Yang Kee Noodle House today."

"It looks like the enemy is about to take action!"

Zheng Yaoxian nodded with satisfaction.

The coffin arrived in the mountain city. This kind of thing could not be hidden for long.

He didn't know how many spies from the Special High School were lurking in Shancheng.

But what is certain is that Li Feng has rebelled.

Zheng Yaoxian specifically asked the police station to assist in the security work this time, in order to deliberately leak the information to Li Feng.

In doing so, he wanted to influence all uncertainties with the only certainty.

"This Li Feng is not simple. Don't let him find you."

"If the enemy wants to attack the president, he must enter the area we control, and Li Feng is the breakthrough!"

Zheng Yao took a puff of cigarette first and looked up at the concubine, "This time it's about your next lurking."

"As soon as you notice the movement, tell Jian Zhi, do you understand what I mean?"

The concubine nodded, he already understood Zheng Yaoxian's plan for this operation.

"Brother Six, don't worry, I know what to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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