Chapter 519 Battle Plan
Chapter 519 Operational Planning
After Shen Fei landed at the airport, they didn't stay for a moment.

That afternoon, they took a boat to the mountain city.

Three days later, "Zhou Yuming and his wife" finally arrived in the mountain city.

"Husband, we are finally here!"

Shen Fei looked at the Chaotianmen Pier in front of him and couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

He has been away from here for a year since he went to Shanghai to perform a latent mission.

"Ajing, let's go!"

Nan Zaoyunzi held his arm, looking like a delicate lady.

Shen Fei was holding a suitcase in his hand. He patted the back of Nan Zaoyunzi's hand and got off the boat directly.

"Relax, just think we are relaxing!"

As soon as he arrived in the mountain city, Shen Fei completely entered the role of "Zhou Yuming".

Although Nan Zaoyunzi knew that this was Shen Fei acting, she was still extremely happy with Shen Fei's current attitude towards her.

"Let's go eat something first!"

They didn't eat much along the way, and Nan Zaoyunzi had no objection to Shen Fei's proposal.

After the two got off the boat, Shen Fei took her to San Zai Noodle House.

After making sure that the surrounding environment was safe, Shen Fei randomly found a table and sat down.

"Boss, give us two small noodles!"

"By the way, give me two cloves of garlic, be sure to chop them very finely!"

"By the way, add more coriander!"

Although San Zai's small noodle shop is not big, it still has seven or eight tables.

What Shen Fei said seemed ordinary, but there was a mystery hidden in it!

This was the secret code he used when he and Zheng Yaoxian met.

"Husband, I don't eat coriander!" Nan Zaoyunzi frowned.

Shen Fei smiled and winked at Nan Zaoyunzi, telling her to pay attention to the situation in the kitchen.

Nan Zaoyunzi immediately understood. She immediately walked to the kitchen and said, "Boss, don't put coriander in my bowl!"

While Nan Zaoyunzi was talking, Shen Fei glued the microfilm he had prepared in advance to his legs and feet under the table.

At this moment, Nan Zaoyunzi also returned to her seat.

She shook her head slightly, indicating that Shen Fei was not abnormal.

"Let's go!"

After eating the noodles, Shen Fei left the dock with Nan Zaoyunzi.

Soon, they came to a place called Yujia Inn!

"Give us a room!"

After Nan Zaoyunzi finished speaking, she looked around casually.

"Boss, business is good!"

Upon hearing this, the boss took a look at Nan Zaoyunzi and Shen Fei.

He sighed, "This is a chaotic war, with bombings every day, just to support the family!"

“These days, it’s good to be able to save your life!”

"That's right. The more you earn, the less you earn. At least you have this miserable life!"

The connector code is absolutely correct!

At this moment, the boss walked up to Shen Fei and Nan Zaoyunzi.

He glanced around.

"Two guests, let me show you the room!"

After arriving in the room, the boss stood up straight and said, "Old Zhang Daming, please welcome the two officers!"

This Yujia Inn is the contact point of the Special High School in the mountain city.

"How's the situation here now?"

"Is there any movement?"

After Nan Zaoyunzi finished speaking, Zhang Daming immediately reported the current situation in the mountain city.

Shen Fei frowned, "I want to see 'Setaria', and I want to know the whole process of her meeting with the concubine!"

"Did you hear that?" "Let Setaria come to see me tonight!"

When Nan Zaoyunzi was in Tanzhou, she saw Shen Fei's methods with her own eyes.

During this trip to the mountain city, she was just a representative of the Special High School, mainly to understand the implementation of the entire plan.

As for how to implement it specifically, we still have to listen to Shen Fei's opinion.

Hearing this, Zhang Daming nodded immediately.

However, on the day when Shen Fei and Nan Zaoyunzi arrived in the mountain city, Zheng Yaoxian was not idle.

"According to Shen Fei's speed, it should be here in the next two days!"

"The last boat to the mountain city should dock at three o'clock in the afternoon, and San Zai Noodle House is usually open until six o'clock in the evening!"

There are many enemy spies in the mountain city, so Zheng Yao must pay special attention to his actions first.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, after disguising himself, he arrived at San Zai Noodle Shop.

"Boss, bring me a bowl of noodles!"

Zheng Yaoxian was like an ordinary customer. After entering the noodle shop, he greeted the boss.

However, just when the boss was about to let the chef make arrangements, Zheng Yaoxian spoke again.

"Less pepper, give me more garlic!"

"Chop it finely!"

Zheng Yaoxian came to the kitchen as if nothing had happened and gave special instructions.

Seeing the movements of the waiter's hands, Zheng Yaoxian started chatting with the boss.

"This is what I like, it tastes good only if it has garlic!"

When the topic came up, the boss laughed.

Not many people eat noodles with garlic added on purpose. “Sir, I also met someone like you today!”

When the boss said this, he couldn't help but shook his head.

"The man likes to eat garlic, but the girl doesn't want any coriander, so I made another one for her."

Hearing these words, Zheng Yaoxian immediately knew in his heart that it must be Shen Fei.

"Oh? I didn't expect that there are people who have the same taste as me?"

Zheng Yao smiled first, and the boss recalled the situation between Shen Fei and Nan Zaoyunzi.

The reason why Shen Fei chose San Zai Noodle Shop, Zheng Yaoxian could naturally think of the first time they met.

There is a man and a woman, and the man wants to add more garlic, and the woman doesn’t eat coriander.

Orientals don't eat coriander.

With so many factors coming together, it can’t be a coincidence!
"Sir, your little face!"

After Zheng Yaoxian took the noodles, he went straight to where Shen Fei was sitting.

People come and go at Chaotianmen Pier, and no one can tell who is the enemy's spy.

Zheng Yaoxian did this deliberately to ensure Shen Fei's safety!
Just when he bent down to pick up the chopsticks, he noticed the microfilm under the table.

“Boss, these noodles are so authentic!”

When Zheng Yaoxian was eating, he casually took down the microfilm.

After returning to Juntong, he took matters into his own hands and developed and printed the photos.

But when he saw the enemy's plan, Zheng Yaoxian's heart skipped a beat.

"I didn't expect it to be like this!"

Zheng Yaoxian didn't dare to delay for a moment, he came to Dai Mansion overnight.

When the boss saw the contents of the plan, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"In the past few days, the Ninth War Zone has sent reports saying that the enemy has launched a large-scale mopping up operation!"

"I didn't expect that all of this was a way for the enemy to deceive others and make false claims to the east and attack the west!"

Zheng Yaoxian looked serious, "Boss, if we go according to plan, the battle will start in half a month!"

"Based on this, there is not much time left for the fifth theater!"

The boss nodded.

Although it was already 10:30 in the evening, he couldn't care less.

"I will present it to the president now!"

(End of this chapter)

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