Chapter 515 Consulate Dinner

Chapter 515 Consulate Dinner

"Thank you for your concern, sir!"

After hearing Fujiwara Ono's words, Shen Fei finally felt relieved.

If you want to meet Muto Junko, the intelligence liaison office's establishment dinner is naturally the best opportunity.

Many important banquets in Japan are held at the consulate. When Shen Fei made this request, everything seemed logical!

"Next, we need Minglou to cooperate!"

After returning to his apartment, Shen Fei carefully considered the details of the next plan.

Early the next morning, he came to the Special Committee in the name of delivering documents.

"How did you come?"

Seeing Shen Fei's arrival, Minglou couldn't help but frown.

"I heard something in the extra-high school class yesterday!"

Shen Fei didn't waste a moment and immediately told Minglou what happened yesterday.

This time, Minglou's judgment was almost the same as Shen Fei's.

"Wancheng is the location of the fifth war zone."

"The base camp, large scale? Could it be that the enemy is going to launch an attack on the fifth theater?"

Shen Fei nodded.

He immediately said, "This matter is a top secret of the enemy. I'm afraid they won't let us know at all."

"Aoki Takeuchi has decided to ask me to return to the mountain city to recruit concubines. Maybe I will leave at some time!"

This news immediately stunned Minglou.

Asking Shen Fei to return to the mountain city was like asking the director to act in person.

"I have a question I don't know whether I should ask. Is this concubine reliable?"

Minglou thought about it again and again, and finally expressed his worries.

Shen Fei smiled, "Don't worry, his strength is not inferior to yours or mine!"

After talking about the concubine's question, Shen Fei told Minglou his next plan.

"When the time comes, I need your cooperation!"

"I have already chosen my target!"

After hearing Shen Fei's plan, Minglou was silent for a moment.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Soon the two people agreed.

In the next two days, a breaking news quickly spread throughout the secret service headquarters.

Fujiwara Ono appointed Shen Fei as the liaison representative of the Intelligence Liaison Office at No. 76.

"Director Shen, congratulations!"

"From now on, you will be a member of the Intelligence Liaison Office!"

When Wang Manchun heard the news, he immediately came to congratulate Shen Fei.

Although it sounds like he is just a representative, Shen Fei will still be under the control of Li Shiqun.

But Wang Manchun knew how important this position was.

The representative of the special high school class is Mieko Sakai, who is the absolute confidant of Takeshige Aoki.

Logically speaking, for a position like this, Li Shiqun's confidant Wu Sibao should be the most suitable.

But Fujiwara Ono didn't care about this at all. He bypassed Li Shiqun and directly appointed Shen Fei.

"Director Wang, don't worry, I know some things well!"

Shen Fei smiled at Wang Manchun.

Hearing Shen Fei's statement, Wang Manchun felt very proud.

"Senior brother really did not misjudge the person!"

"From now on, even Shen Fei will probably be able to challenge Li Shiqun in the Special Operations Department!"

Shortly after Wang Manchun left, Liang Zhongchun walked in with a proud look on his face.

Shen Fei has a new position, and the happiest person is Liang Zhongchun.

"Brother, you haven't seen it today. Our Captain Wu's face turned green with anger when he saw this appointment!"

"Now, bro, I feel like I can breathe easier!"

As soon as Liang Zhongchun finished speaking, Shen Fei walked up to him with a smile on his face.

He patted Liang Zhongchun's pocket and said, "Brother, you can't go empty-handed tomorrow night when Governor Fujiwara takes office!" "It's wise not to hit the person with the smiley face and not to scold the person who gave the gift!"

"Brother, you have made a lot of money these days, so you still need to be polite!"

Before Shen Fei could finish speaking, Liang Zhongchun laughed.

He leaned close to Shen Fei's ear and said, "Brother, I have already prepared for this."

"For this number, you should first try Chief Fujiwara's tone."

Liang Zhongchun stretched out five fingers.

Shen Fei smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, I have prepared so much!"

But just when everyone came to congratulate Shen Fei, Wu Sibao was filled with anger.

"Director, Fujiwara Ono is too domineering!"

"He just doesn't take you seriously!"

When Li Shiqun saw this document, he felt unhappy.

But now facing Wu Sibao, he could only feel relieved.

"Sibao, you have to be more open-minded!"

"Shen Fei and Fujiwara Ono have a very good personal relationship. Even if you become the liaison representative, I'm afraid you won't be trusted."

"Don't worry, once the 'Tong job' is revealed and our plan begins, Shen Fei will be the one to suffer the most!"

Wu Sibao was holding back his anger, but the matter was a foregone conclusion and he could only accept it.

Li Shiqun patted Wu Sibao on the shoulder, "You have to keep your composure at the consulate's dinner tomorrow."

Time soon came to the evening of the next day.

Inside the consulate, there was a lot of entertainment.

Fujiwara Ono's identity was unusual. Almost all the heads of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, including Commander of the Military Police Sakata Shojiro, were present.

"Everyone, I believe that Ono-kun's appointment as the director of the Intelligence Liaison Office will definitely open up a new situation for us!"

After Sakata Shojiro's impassioned speech, Fujiwara Ono also delivered his inaugural speech.

Soon, accompanied by the melodious songs, the men and women present began to move around casually.

"Shen Feijun, what happens next is up to you!"

Fujiwara Ono walked up to Shen Fei with a smile on his face and winked at him.

Shen Fei noticed from the corner of his eye that Junko Muto was wearing a long skirt tonight.

"Miss Junko, can I invite you to dance?"

Encouraged by Fujiwara Ono, Shen Fei came to Muto Junko.

"Shen Feijun, you..."

In order to attend the dinner, Shen Fei dressed up in suits and leather shoes, completely different from his usual self.

Junko Muto hesitated slightly when she saw Shen Fei's palm stretched out towards her.

"I'm not a good dancer..."

Shen Fei smiled brightly, "It doesn't matter, I'm here!"

In the end, Muto Junko reached out and agreed to Shen Fei's invitation.

Accompanied by the melodious music and feeling the warmth of Shen Fei's palms, Junko Muto's heart almost jumped out of her chest.

"Miss Junko, relax!"

"The wonderful time is always short. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Instead of doing this, why cherish the present?"

"Just like this song, one step will lead you to the end of the world!"

Hearing this, Muto Junko finally dared to look directly into Shen Fei's eyes.

She also heard the sentimentality in Shen Fei's words.

"Shen Feijun, what kind of person are you?"

Muto Junko looked at Shen Fei, this question kept lingering in her mind.

Every time she saw Shen Fei, she had a different feeling.

It was like seeing a treasure chest, never knowing how many treasures were waiting for her.

"Shen Fei-kun, you seem to have something on your mind."

As soon as he finished speaking, Muto Junko clearly felt Shen Fei's body stiffen slightly.

But a smile appeared on his face.

"Miss Junko, maybe today is the last time we meet!"

(End of this chapter)

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