Chapter 475 Takeshige Aoki’s plan

Chapter 475 Takeshige Aoki’s plan

Military Hurricanes?
As soon as he heard Zeng Shu's judgment, Shen Fei became cautious.

"Now, with the inauguration just around the corner, the arrival of the Military Hurricane Team is not a good sign!"

Shen Fei looked serious, and everyone else present nodded.

Seeing that his opinions were taken seriously by Shen Fei, Zeng Shu felt much more at ease.

"Director, what should we do next?"

After hearing this, Shen Fei thought for a moment and expressed his opinion.

"Zhang Xiaoling is a gang leader. With his power, he will definitely be more vigilant after this incident!"

"Right now, Mr. Wang's inauguration is our top priority."

"As for the situation of the Hurricanes, I will report to Director Li and Chief Aoki."

Shen Fei's answer was reasonable, and no one said anything else.

At this moment, Li Shiqun, Minglou and others also learned about Zhang Xiaoling's assassination.

"Such a good opportunity, what a pity!"

After hearing the assassination of Zhang Xiaoling, Minglou sighed helplessly.

If Zhang Xiaoling's driver had reacted slower, this big traitor would have died!
Mingcheng frowned and said, "Brother, I failed to kill Zhang Xiaoling this time. It will be difficult to assassinate him again in the future!"

"Tell Tao Dachun to stay dormant from now on!"

"No one is allowed to act without permission!"

Minglou nodded and immediately issued the order.

This assassination was carried out in the French Concession.

Although the French Concession sounds independent, if the Extra High School and No. 76 really took action, they wouldn't care so much.

After talking about the Hurricanes, Minglou thought of Shen Fei.

He was still full of doubts about Shen Fei's words during the previous meeting.

"A Cheng, what do you think Shen Fei wants to do?"

"Will he take risks this time?"

Mingcheng shook his head, "Brother, no matter what, Shen Fei is still the station commander. He will definitely carry out Shancheng's orders."

"I think what he is doing now is to distance himself from the relationship."

"If something really happens, it will leave the Special High School with nothing to say."

Hearing this, Minglou looked helpless and frowned.

Although he has multiple identities, the most important one is the underground party.

In any decision, he must consider the interests of the organization.

Regarding the matter of stabbing Wang, after much thought, he still felt that the best interests of the organization could be maximized if Wang was not dead!

"The man named Wang and the CEO have been fighting each other for so many years, but they have never gained the upper hand."

"His taking office will indeed affect the war situation to a certain extent, but the impact should be limited!"

"With or without him, the direction of the war will not be completely changed."

When Minglou mentioned this, he mentioned "Tong Work".

He also heard about the content of this plan from the organization's channels.

"The news I got is that although the two sides fought fiercely on the battlefield, Mei Agency and Shancheng have been in contact secretly."

"In my opinion, if there is a person named Wang, Shancheng will have to fight the enemy to the death in name only."

"This should be the best option for the organization."

After hearing Minglou's analysis, Mingcheng nodded.

But what lies before them is a huge problem.

Shen Fei!

"Brother, Shen Fei is too good at calculations. If he sees our flaws..." This is also what Minglou is most worried about.

"Judging from what Shen Fei told me before, ensuring that we are not exposed should be his top priority!"

"As for this matter, we can only wait and see what the outcome will be in the end."

Minglou was helpless, now everything depends on Shen Fei's attitude.

However, this time it was not just him who wanted to see Shen Fei's attitude, but Aoki Takeshige's situation was similar.

"Section Chief, Shen Fei called just now about Zhang Xiaoling's assassination."

"He said that Zeng Shu judged that this should be done by the military hurricane team!"

Takeshi Aoki nodded.

This judgment is completely consistent with his.

"Mieko, it seems that Shen Fei's previous worries were correct!"

"The military commander has not stopped taking action. The upcoming inauguration ceremony will be a huge test for us!"

Aoki Takeuchi frowned.

Although Mr. Wang is a puppet, if something happens in his hands, even with the support of Tu Feiyuan, I am afraid he will take the blame and resign.

Mieko Sakai nodded.

This time, after learning about the attitude of Chief Takasa, Takeshige Aoki made up his mind that this time the number of people would not be reduced at all!
The number of participants remained at around 50 people.

"Section Chief, if we want to prevent the assassination of Juntong, in my opinion, there are only two ways besides strengthening security measures!"

"The first is to spread false news to lure the enemy into being exposed in advance and catch them all in one fell swoop."

"The second is to distract the enemy so that they cannot concentrate their power!"

Sakai Mieko's method and Aoki Takeshige have both considered it.

In his opinion, the most feasible method is the second method!

"If the enemy wants to assassinate, they can poison, set fire, attack at close range, or snipe from a distance."

"This ceremony needs to be grand. The military commanders will definitely be able to spot the clues."

"If they use sniping, the first method is limited!"

However, if the second method is adopted, there must be a target that can attract military commanders.

At this moment, a person suddenly flashed in Aoki Takeshige's heart.

"Mieko, what do you think about letting Shen Fei come forward to distract the military commander's attention?"

After Takeshige Aoki finished speaking, Mieko Sakai fell silent.

If Zheng Yaoxian of Jing'an Temple had his previous attitude, Shen Fei would definitely be the best candidate!
"Section Chief, isn't it good to let Shen Fei be used as bait?"

Mieko Sakai looked worried.

After all, Shen Fei obviously had a grudge against what happened at Jing'an Temple.

"We have tested Shen Fei so many times before, and now we have finally confirmed his identity."

"You also know Shen Fei's character. He proposed to resign in front of the teacher."

"Under this situation, if we let him serve as bait again..."

Takeshige Aoki also knew this very well.

But apart from Shen Fei, he really couldn't find a more suitable candidate.

"Mieko, it's the same thing, but if we explain it differently, maybe Shen Fei will be more accepting."

Takeshige Aoki's words immediately aroused the curiosity of Mieko Sakai.

What kind of statement can Shen Fei accept?
Seeing the confusion on Sakai Mieko's face, Aoki Takeshi smiled.

He also just thought of this idea.

"Mieko, doesn't Shio Muto want to test us?"

"Then this time, why don't we take advantage of this opportunity and kill two birds with one stone?"

(End of this chapter)

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