Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 447 Venomous Scorpion Cobra Joint

Chapter 447 Venomous Scorpion Cobra Joint

Chapter 447 Venomous Scorpion Cobra Joint

"Should I tell the organization that my eldest brother is the military commander?"

Now, Mingtai is faced with two choices in his mind.

On one side is the organization, and on the other side is his most respected eldest brother Minglou.

This is really too difficult for him!
"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the sound of the bell from the distant bell tower pulled Mingtai back from his thoughts.

Two in the afternoon!

The meeting time agreed between Mingtai and the leader of the Shanghai Underground Party Intelligence Group has arrived.

"Brother, I understand!"

Mingtai knew clearly that according to the organization's joint principles, once the time was missed, the joint would be cancelled.

This also gave him time to think.

But at this moment, Minglou spoke, "It's two o'clock!"

"It's time for us to get back to business!"

At this moment, Minglou looked at Mingtai seriously.

He took off the glove on his right hand and placed his left hand on his right.

“Excuse me, do you know where I can buy the authentic Nuer Hong?”

Upon hearing this code word, Mingtai was stunned.

He slowly raised his head and stared blankly at Minglou.

“There is no authentic daughter’s red wine here, now it’s all fashionable and wine!”

"Is there any good wine?"

“Zhang Ji’s is pretty good, it’s a domestic product, it’s delicious and not expensive!”

Mingtai was careful with every line of dialogue.

When all the codes were correct, Mingtai couldn't help but take a step back.

"Brother, are you an underground party member?"

Minglou stood up straight and said with a serious face, "I am now speaking to you on behalf of the leaders of the underground party in Shanghai!"

At this moment, Mingtai's feet felt like they were filled with lead.

He just felt his head buzzing.

"Don't look at me like that! You didn't come here today to meet the poisonous snake of the military commander!"

"Is not it?"

"What you really want to meet is the leader of the Shanghai Underground Party Intelligence Group!"

After Minglou finished speaking, Mingtai couldn't bear it anymore.

He took two steps back and said, "Don't talk yet!"

"Don't talk!"

Mingtai pointed at Minglou, "Are you the deputy director of the new government's secret service committee?"


"Are you a senior inspector of the General Administration of Customs and a senior adviser to the Economic Department?"


"Are you still the intelligence section chief of the Juntong Shanghai Station?"


"Tell me now, are you an underground party member in Shanghai?"


Minglou's identity completely refreshed Mingtai's understanding of his elder brother.

He yelled in disbelief, "What is it!"

"How much of your identity do you hide from me?"

Minglou took a deep breath, "I'm still your big brother!"

After hearing this, Mingtai slowly sat on the ground leaning on the edge of the rooftop.

Minglou walked to his side, "I know it's hard for you to accept all this now."

"But the situation forced me to do this!"

Mingtai raised his head and glanced at Minglou, "In what capacity?"

"Underground party!" Minglou said decisively.

After saying this, he sighed helplessly.

"It's not your fault, we are all stalkers in the dark!"

"The darker the road ahead, the more our hearts yearn for light!" "Uncle Li has already reported your situation to me!"

Minglou looked at Mingtai and couldn't help but sigh, "Shen Fei is worthy of being a military commander. If his plan is implemented, it will cause extremely great harm to the organization!"

But when he said this, Minglou smiled happily, "But through this incident, you can be regarded as passing the organization's inspection period."

"Now, on behalf of the organization, I officially welcome you to join!"

With that said, Minglou stretched out his hand towards Mingtai.

At this moment, Mingtai suddenly felt a surge of regret in his heart.

After learning that Minglou was a traitor, he was filled with resentment.

But now, he finally understands that he has misunderstood Minglou for so long!
"Brother, I thought before..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Minglou laughed, "Do you think I'm a traitor?"

Mingtai nodded.

However, the next moment, he stood up slowly, and the two brothers held their hands tightly together!
"You are already a formal member of the organization. Now, I announce your next important task!"

After Minglou finished speaking, Mingtai immediately stood up straight.

"You will join the organization as a military agent who was instigated to rebel."

"At the same time, you must continue to maintain contact with Shen Fei and truthfully report all the tasks he has assigned you."

"I am the only one in control of this plan. You have to lurk for a long time, remain silent, and carry out a major mission!"

Minglou's words were exactly the same as Shen Fei's words to Mingtai.

Mingtai was slightly startled, "What important task?"

"You have to use your special identity to find out the military commander's spies lurking within our party and wait for the order to eliminate them!"

Hearing this, Mingtai was a little confused.

He looked at Minglou, "In other words, I want to tell the military commander that my joining the underground party is a fake rebellion?"


"And in this capacity, I want to find out the military secret agents lurking within the party?"


As soon as Minglou finished speaking, Mingtai waved his hand.

"What it is, it's too complicated!"

Regarding the organization's mission, Minglou now looked serious.

He immediately asked, "Do you need me to repeat the task?"

Mingtai took a deep breath and immediately said, "I understand!"

"It's also the incubation period. Now both sides want you to lurk for a long time and complete the incubation work in a dual capacity."

"This is a great test for you, I believe in you!"

Seeing Mingtai's determined eyes, Minglou was very pleased.

Having revealed all his identities, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Didn't you just ask me why I didn't see you?"

"When Wang Tianfeng brought you in, I was the most opposed."

"If I reveal my identity, I'm afraid you will be trapped in the military system and never get out again!"

When Minglou said this, Mingtai had already figured everything out.

At this moment, he finally knew Minglou's good intentions.

"Brother, you are involved in my affairs. You must be feeling very bitter, right?"

"Especially when facing an opponent like Shen Fei, if you are not careful, you will be exposed!"

Minglou smiled knowingly.

He patted Mingtai on the shoulder, "Mingtai, seeing you wake up, everything is worth it."

"We just have different positions regarding Shen Fei. He, like Wang Tianfeng, is a patriot."

"We are united against the enemy!"

"I'm so grateful to him sometimes!"

Minglou meant this sincerely, "If it weren't for him, I might have lost a good brother."

Mingtai nodded.

Although he had only met Shen Fei once, Shen Fei had indeed taught him a lot over such a long period of time.

"Mingtai, your lurking is about to begin, and the next road is destined to be full of thorns!"

"Shen Fei is an intelligence genius, but I know that your talents are definitely not inferior to his."

"Learn from him!"

"I believe that one day, you will surpass him!"

(End of this chapter)

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