Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 167 Want to win over Wang Manchun

Chapter 167 Want to win over Wang Manchun

Chapter 167 Want to win over Wang Manchun

After Shen Fei finished speaking, everyone present immediately fell into silence.

Seeing this situation, Nantian Yoko became more and more dissatisfied.

She has no experience of fighting against Zheng Yaoxian.

In her opinion, Zheng Yaoxian's reputation was blown out of proportion.

The more this happened, she secretly vowed to catch Zheng Yao first!
"Shen Fei, you haven't answered my question yet?"

"I think as long as Zheng Yao makes a mistake first, we have a chance to catch him!"

Hearing this, Shen Fei nodded.

What he just said has obviously aroused Nantian Yoko's competitive spirit.

"Chief Nantian, you are right, we are human and make mistakes!"

"But with the current quality of our men, I'm afraid that even if Zheng Yao shows his flaws first, he won't be able to seize the opportunity!"

Having said this, Shen Fei looked at Li Shiqun.

His next words just smoothed things over for Li Shiqun.

"Before I became the director of the Special Operations Division, I served as the division's training section chief."

"After the past few days, Director Li has paid more and more attention to personnel training, and now the situation in the Special Operations Division has improved!"

Hearing Shen Fei's words, Li Shiqun smiled slightly.

After hearing Shen Fei's words, Nantian Yoko finally stopped asking further.

"Everyone, starting from today, we will officially launch a counterattack against the enemy!"

"No matter who did this, I just want to see the results!"

"Whether it is the military command or the underground party, all enemies who hinder us must accept the most violent revenge!"

After the meeting, Minami Yoko locked himself in the room.

Ever since she met Minglou, she had been secretly investigating the situation of the Ming family.

"It seems that Wang Manchun from the Wang family is my best candidate!"

Nantian Yoko knows the contradiction between the Wang family and the Ming family best.

And this contradiction is the breakthrough for her next work.

"Come here, prepare a car, I'm going to visit the Wang family!"

Soon, Nantian Yoko came to Wang Manchun's house in person.

Seeing Yoko Minami in military uniform, Wang Manchun couldn't help but be startled.

After Wang Furui's death, she has been recuperating at home.

I don’t know anything about Minami Yoko.

"Chief Wang, I am the new section chief of the Special Higher Education Course, Yoko Minamida!"

Having said this, Nantian Yoko smiled slightly and took the initiative to shake hands with Wang Manchun.

For a moment, Wang Manchun didn't know what to say.

She hurriedly invited Nantian Yoko to her home.

"I didn't expect that after the death of Section Chief Asada, a new section chief would take office so soon!"

"But we have never been friends, why would she take the initiative to find me?"

Wang Manchun couldn't figure this out.

But at this moment, Nantian Yoko spoke.

"Miss Wang, your uncle Mr. Wang Furui and I are good friends!"

"I didn't expect that I would hear bad news about him when I came to Shanghai this time!"

When Minami Yoko spoke, he looked sad.

Japan's intelligence war has been laid out decades ago.

She had just debuted at that time, and the task she and her teacher Fujita Yoshimasa received was to investigate the economic situation of the Shanghai stock market, cultivate pro-Japanese capitalists, secretly influence the Shanghai stock market's economy, and prepare for war!
And Wang Furui and the Wang family are their chosen targets!
Later, with the support of Fujita Yoshimasa, the Wang family's power developed rapidly.

In order to compete with the Ming family for the market, Fujita Yoshimasa secretly planned a plan for Wang Furui to kill Mingruidong.

"Thank you, Chief Nantian, for your concern!"

After Wang Manchun finished speaking, Nantian Yoko expressed his intention.

"Miss Wang, I also know a little bit about you and Chief Ming Lou Ming."

"To tell you the truth, I have been secretly investigating the Ming family for many years!" "I suspect that the eldest sister of Minglou is a major suspect of the underground party!"

Hearing these words, Wang Manchun was stunned.

Just yesterday, Li Shiqun also found her, and he almost said the same thing!
"Did you say it was Mirror?"

Wang Manchun frowned, "What do you need me to do?"

Seeing that Wang Manchun did not refuse, Nantian Yoko knew that everything was as he expected.

"Chief Wang, you are the most suitable candidate for my next plan!"

"A suspicion is a suspicion after all, I need evidence!"

After Yoko Minami finished speaking, Wang Manchun immediately asked, "What if I find evidence for you?"

Although Wang Manchun said this, he was extremely nervous in his heart.

After all, if Ming Lou was involved, she would lose more than she gained!
Unfortunately, Wang Manchun's expression had completely revealed her inner thoughts.

Nantian Yoko smiled slightly.


"I'll kill him for you!"

"Don't worry, I guarantee that Mr. Zheng will never know that this is your masterpiece!"

Hearing this, Wang Manchun breathed a sigh of relief.

From Nantian Yoko's words, she believed that Nantian Yoko had distinguished the Ming family and Minglou.

"Why are you helping me?"

As soon as Wang Manchun finished speaking, Nantian Yoko took her hand.

"Because both your uncle and you are loyal friends of the empire!"

"We have a common goal!"

"Eradicating Ming Jing and the underground party behind her will not only eliminate the trouble for me, but also remove the stumbling blocks in the future for you and Mr. Ming!"

Wang Manchun finally understood.

She smiled slightly, "You get fame and power!"

"And I get love!"

Hearing this, Nantian Yoko nodded, "Yes, everyone gets what they need!"

However, Wang Manchun frowned.

After Li Shiqun left yesterday, a question has been bothering her.

"Chief Nantian, the Ming family is like an iron bucket!"

"It's not easy to find flaws and gaps!"

As soon as Wang Manchun finished speaking, Nantian Yoko smiled coldly.

"I have someone who can be your eyes, ears and mouthpiece!"

"Lone wolf!"

At this time, Wang Manchun finally believed what Yoko Nantian said.

In her heart, these words also confirmed what Li Shiqun said yesterday.

Minglou and Mingjia are indeed within the scope of the investigation of the Super High School.

"Brother, if you have this eldest sister, it will only hold you back!"

"I help you get rid of her, not only for our future, but also to help you!"

With the words of Li Shiqun and Nantian Yoko, Wang Manchun believed that he was doing this all for the good of Minglou!

It's a pity that she didn't know that Li Shiqun and Nantian Yoko never took Ming Jing seriously from the beginning!

The two of them have only one common goal!

Find the evidence and get rid of Minglou!
After returning to the special high school class, Minami Yoko asked people to bring Ming family information.

After secretly investigating the Ming family for so long, she knew how cautious Ming Lou was in doing things.

She deliberately wooed Wang Manchun, which was just one of the means.

"Send a report to Harada Kumaji immediately!"

"I want to know what Minglou has done abroad these years!"

(End of this chapter)

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