Chapter 142 Superfluous Plan

Chapter 142 Superfluous Plan

"Mr. Aoki, judging from the current situation, it is indeed very possible!"

Li Shiqun immediately told Aoki Takeshige of his thoughts.

"Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen are close friends of life and death. Once the mercury fulminate in the car explodes, then Chen Shen will be the biggest suspect, and he himself will not be able to escape the involvement!"

"If Shen Fei did all this, not only would he be able to achieve his goal, but he would also be able to drive a wedge between Bi Zhongliang and Chen Shen, and put the blame on Bi Zhongliang!"

"Shen Fei is Zheng Yaoxian's student again. We have reason to suspect that he and Zheng Yaoxian did all this!"

When Li Shiqun said this, he immediately thought of what Bi Zhongliang had just said to him.

"Mr. Aoki, the situation of this assassination is indeed similar to the situation of Shen Fei's assassination in Jinling!"

"Judges are famous for their sniping. When the imperial army captured Jinling, they created many cases!"

"Almost every time it's a one-shot kill!"

“But it’s too much of a coincidence to miss twice in a row!”

After Li Shiqun finished speaking, Watanabe Ichiro frowned.

According to what Li Shiqun said, Shen Fei is indeed the biggest suspect.

"Mr. Aoki, I have calculated the whole thing, and every link is designed very cleverly."

"After the sniper opened fire, he first killed four military policemen, and when the other military policemen arrived at the Wanyuan Hotel, it only took one minute at most!"

"In less than 3 minutes, the enemy disguised themselves as military police and left in an ambulance from the Army Hospital!"

"When we discovered the flaw, they were only gone for less than 5 minutes!"

After hearing Watanabe's words, Takeshige Aoki was certain that the only opponent who could devise such a complex and exquisite plan was Zheng Yaoxian.

However, he still had doubts about Li Shiqun's words.

He looked at Li Shiqun and directly raised a key question.

"Where's the evidence?"

At this moment, Li Shiqun was stunned on the spot.

This is also the most difficult part of the whole case, there is no evidence!
Aoki Takeuchi thought for a while, and then pointed out a flaw in Li Shiqun's reasoning.

"Also, why did you decide that the sniper twice was the judge?"

"Besides, how can the previous assassination cases in Jinling be compared with this one?"

"What happened this time was obviously much more sophisticated than the previous assassination in Jinling!"

Aoki Takeshige had his own judgment. The last assassination attempt in Jinling was a bait he deliberately planted.

The situation at the scene can also be confirmed. Jinling's assassination of Zheng Yaoxian was indeed a bit hasty and poorly prepared!

Li Shiqun wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Aoki Takeuchi's words were like a heavy hammer hitting his heart.

Only then did he realize that he had just been rash.

"Mr. Aoki, do you mean that Shen Fei is not suspicious?"

Hearing this, Takeuchi Aoki waved his hand.

As Madoka Doi's assistant and the previous director of the Special Higher Education Course, Takeshige Aoki thought about issues much more deeply and thoughtfully than Li Shiqun.

"No, no, no, I'm not saying that Shen Fei is not suspicious!"

"What I want to say is that until evidence is found, everyone involved in this matter is suspected!"

As he said that, a sneer appeared at the corner of Aoki Takeuchi's lips.

A thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Director Li, have you ever thought about a question?"

"On what basis are you basing all your reasoning just now?"

"Is your foundation really that strong?" Takeshige Aoki's words immediately made Li Shiqun's mind go blank.

After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but feel stunned.

"It seems that you should understand!"

"The reasoning you just made is completely based on the life-and-death relationship between Bi Zhongliang and Shen Fei!"

"Is this relationship really so strong?"

Takeshige Aoki has seen too many situations where so-called friends of life and death stabbed each other in the back.

Moreover, after the Jinling assassination incident, Shen Fei had made inferences about Bi Zhongliang's guilt.

Although Takeshige Aoki finally let Bi Zhongliang go, from then on, he became suspicious of Bi Zhongliang, and the level was no lower than that of Shen Fei.

After all, the people from the Special Operations Division closely guarded Shen Fei, but neglected Bi Zhongliang.

"Also, when you were thinking about the problem just now, you only focused on the local part and magnified a problem infinitely. On the contrary, you ignored the overall situation!"

"You didn't even take Wang Furu's death into account!"

Having said this, Takeshige Aoki turned his eyes to Ichiro Watanabe.

He immediately asked Ichiro Watanabe to mark the entire incident on a map of Shanghai.

"Mr. Aoki, I have asked all the military police around, and this is the map of the enemy's retreat based on what they said!"

"They set off from the Wanyuan Hotel and headed directly towards the French Concession shortly after leaving!"

"I mobilized manpower to search based on this situation!"

Seeing the retreat route map in front of them, Li Shiqun guessed what Takeshi Aoki was going to say.

If we connect the whole incident together, things will suddenly become different!

"Director Li, judging from the map, the location where Wang Furui died is completely opposite to the direction of our pursuit."

"Isn't it possible that the so-called retreat and Wang Furui's killing were planned by the enemy from the beginning?"

Facing Aoki Takeshige's question, Li Shiqun couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead.

The place where Wang Furui was assassinated was No. 134 Fu'anli, or the place Wang Furui chose after a temporary change of mind.

Regardless of whether it was a plan or not, what is certain is that someone will definitely arrange the control in advance!
And everything he just said was not analyzed before the news of Wang Furui's assassination.

"Mr. Aoki's analysis is right, the teachers admire him!"

Seeing Li Shiqun's trembling appearance, Takeshige Aoki looked serious.

His analysis and judgment completely clarified the context of the entire plan.

But even so, he still had no clue who was the undercover agent.

"In addition to the explosion and sniper attack on the municipal building, the enemy clearly has backup plans!"

"This is Zheng Yaoxian's consistent style!"

"But, if you have a back-up plan, why would you put a bomb on the car? And in such a conspicuous position?"

Takeshige Aoki kept asking himself this question in his heart.

In his opinion, Zheng Yaoxian never makes unnecessary plans. He must have deep meaning in doing so!
Soon, he guessed the only possibility!
"Perhaps, from the beginning, the entire plan had more than one goal!"

"The seemingly redundant plan of placing a bomb on the car is actually just to frame the case and remove potential obstacles!"

Aoki Takeuchi whispered to himself.

Now, he has begun to re-examine the people related to Wang Furui's car.

Aoki Takeuchi folded his hands on his chest, his whole body lost in thought.

"It was Shen Fei who suggested checking Minglou's car. He is indeed suspected!"

"But Bi Zhongliang stopped Chen Shen and asked Shen Fei to check it in person. He also had a chance!"

"Also, is it possible that Chen Shen directed and acted in all of this?"

(End of this chapter)

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