Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng had already memorized Nan Zaoyunzi's license plate.

As soon as the vehicle arrived, the two people's eyes fell on the car.

"one person?"

Seeing that Nan Zaoyunzi was the only one in the car, Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng were overjoyed.

As excellent agents, the two of them glanced at the surroundings immediately.

And just when they were sure that the surrounding environment was safe, Nan Zaoyunzi had already got out of the car and walked to the Paramount Cafe.

"Man, have Sakura cigarettes arrived?"

This time, Nan Zaoyunzi didn't order coffee. She went straight to the bar and asked the waiter.

As a regular customer here, as soon as Nan Zaoyunzi arrived, the waiter guessed what she wanted to buy.

"The goods have arrived!"

With that said, the clerk took out three packs of Sakura brand cigarettes from the drawer.

Nan Zaoyunzi was not in a hurry to leave. She lit one and took a few puffs.

The familiar smell brought out a look of satisfaction on Nan Zaoyunzi's face.

"This is a reward for you!"

Nan Zaoyunzi said, took out a big bill and put it directly in front of the waiter.

She didn't order coffee, put away her cigarette and turned around to leave.

At this moment, Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian were already keeping a close eye on her.

Chi Tiecheng's index finger is already on the trigger and he may take action at any time!

The distance from the gate of Paramount Cafe to the car was only three meters, leaving Chi Tiecheng no more than three seconds to react.

However, Chi Tiecheng had already made preparations.

From the parking position, he had already judged that Nan Zaoyunzi would not stay at Paramount Cafe for long.

The moment Nan Zaoyunzi went out, he pulled the trigger without hesitation!


With a crisp gunshot, the bullet burst out of the chamber!

The Mauser 98 rifle, the 7-caliber bullet flew past the chest of Nan Zaoyunzi!

As a spy, Nan Zaoyunzi has developed a sense of constant vigilance.

From the gate to the car door, she walked faster than ordinary people. Unfortunately, no matter how fast she was, she couldn't move faster than a bullet!


Nan Zaoyunzi had no time to react. The moment the bullet came out of the chamber, she fell to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, a large pool of blood fainted.


Seeing Nan Zaoyunzi fall to the ground, the surrounding crowd suddenly became chaotic!

Su Wenqian took advantage of the chaos and rushed directly to Nan Zaoyunzi's side.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After firing three shots, he quickly abandoned everything and fled the scene with the crowd.

At this moment, less than 200 meters away from the Paramount Cafe, the military police on guard heard the sound of gunshots and immediately rushed over with guns in hand.

Soon, the news of the shooting near Paramount reached the ears of the Super High School.


When Mieko Sakai told Takeshi Aoki the news, Takeshi Aoki was stunned for a long time and did not recover.

"Yunzi? Are you sure it's Yunzi?"

Aoki Takeju staggered, holding the table with one hand, and asked Sakai Mieko again.

Mieko Sakai nodded.

"Yes, the military police on guard recognized Yunzi..."

"Yunzi was shot several times, on the spot..."

When Mieko Sakai said this, she couldn't say any more.

Aoki Takeuchi was not ambiguous at all, and immediately sent someone to take the two of them to the Paramount Cafe.

It has now been completely cordoned off by the military police and is being examined by forensic doctors. At the same time, the palace concubines who heard the sound also arrived.

However, the military police completely turned him away. He could guess that something big must have happened, but he had no idea what happened.

"Sir, a total of two types of bullets were found at the scene, one is a Mauser rifle bullet, and the other is a 7mm rifle bullet, which should be Browning M65."

"It was judged that there were two people at the scene. One used a rifle to snipe from a distance. After Chief Yunzi fell to the ground, the person closer took three additional shots..."

With that said, the on-site surveyor pointed to the window on the third floor in the distance.

Aoki Takeshi didn't speak. He looked at the four bullets and gritted his teeth.

"Which gun caused the fatal injury?"

After hearing Takeshige Aoki's words, the surveyors shook their heads helplessly.

He pointed to the blood on the ground, "The rifle hit Chief Yunzi's heart on the spot, which can be said to be a fatal injury."

"But of the three additional shots, one hit the face, and the other two hit the neck and heart respectively, almost all of which were fatal..."

"It can be seen that the murderer's marksmanship is very accurate, and it is definitely not comparable to ordinary people!"

Regarding this conclusion, Takeuchi Aoki was shocked.

He glanced at the place where Chi Tiecheng shot just now, then looked at Su Wenqian's possible position drawn by the surveyors, and made an assumption in his mind.

The timing of Chi Tiecheng's first shot is most important, but Su Wenqian's shot is even more difficult!

After all, one can imagine how difficult it would be to remain calm under such a chaotic scene, with almost all three shots hitting the vital point.

"Mieko, are the roads blocked?"

After hearing Takeshige Aoki's words, Mieko Sakai nodded seriously.

Just when they left the Special High School, an order had been issued to block all entrances and exits to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

"Section Chief, all exits from Shanghai have been closed!"

Since Dongyang declared war on the United States, the Shanghai stock market has been completely under Dongyang's control.

Under such circumstances, the section chief of the Special Higher Education Course could be assassinated in the street. Such a thing would be a slap in the face to Takeshige Aoki!

"Section Chief, concubine No. 76 has arrived..."

At this moment, the military police came to inform Takeshige Aoki of the arrival of the concubine.

Aoki Takezhong frowned.

"Let him come here!"

Soon, the concubine was brought over.

When he heard that the person who was shot at the Paramount Cafe was Nan Zaoyunzi, the expression on his face was shocked.

"Chief Aoki, are you okay, Chief Yunzi?"

Hearing the concubine's words, Aoki Takeuchi's eyes flashed with a trace of undetectable alertness.

He sighed, "Junzi was seriously injured and has been sent to the Army Hospital. I hope God will bless her!"

"Captain Gong, I'm worrying you."

In fact, he didn't want to say what Gong Shu said just now.

He already sensed a hint of doubt in Aoki Takeshige's tone.

But in the situation just now, if he didn't care about Nan Zaoyunzi's injury, it seemed a little too deliberate.

"It was due to negligence in my humble duty. I was on duty today. I heard there were gunshots here, so I rushed over immediately."

"Please rest assured, Chief Aoki, as long as there is a useful person in the lower office, the lower office will fully cooperate!"

After the concubine finished speaking, Takeshi Aoki nodded.

"Thank you, Captain Gong!"

Takeshige Aoki didn't say anything more, he glanced at Mieko Sakai.

"Let's go to the Army Hospital to check on Yunzi's condition now!"

"We must save Yunzi at all costs!" (End of Chapter)

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