Chapter 135 The frightened Wang Furui

Chapter 135 The frightened Wang Furui

Wang Furui had already stepped into the car with one foot.

Hearing Chen Shen's warning, his legs were numb, he was sweating profusely, and his glasses fell to the ground.

Wang Manchun was also surprised.

She helped Wang Furui stand motionless.

"Chen Shen, what's going on?"

At this moment, Chen Shen's face was covered with sweat.

He motioned to Wang Manchun, "Section Chief Wang, Mr. Wang, don't move!"

"Any slightest vibration can trigger an explosion!"

At this moment, Shen Fei, Bi Zhongliang and a group of agents were about to walk towards him.

Chen Shen waved his hand, "Don't even come over here!"

"Stay where you are, don't move!"

After saying that, Chen Shen took out his scissors and gently placed them on the bottle of mercury fulminate.

After doing all this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, everyone around them held their breath.

When Shen Fei saw Chen Shen's performance, he was very satisfied.

In the original plot of "Sparrow", Chen Shen used mercury fulminate to cause an explosion in the hospital.

This is also the most important reason why Shen Fei chose mercury fulminate.

He arranged for Chen Shen to check the safety of the vehicle, which was also intentional.

The first point is to find an opportunity to frame Bi Zhongliang.

Another point is that it can create an opportunity for Chen Shen to rescue Wang Furui!
Only in this way can Chen Shen be saved.

Of course, even if an accident occurs, Shen Fei has already made secondary preparations.

If Chen Shen hadn't reminded him just now, Shen Fei would have spoken!
However, the reason for his reminder was to suspect Zheng Yaoxian's serial plan!
But now, it is the most ideal situation for Chen Shen to take action.

At this moment, Shen Fei knew that his plan had been successful!
"Mr. Wang, don't be nervous, lift your feet slowly."

"Chief Wang, you must hold still!"

After hearing Chen Shen's words, Wang Manchun nodded seriously.

It wasn't until Chen Shen helped Wang Furui lift her legs out of the car that she breathed a sigh of relief.

After being out of danger, Wang Furui collapsed to the ground.

His heart was beating fast, his face was pale, and he was trembling when he spoke.

He is completely different from the way he was talking on the podium just now!
Shen Fei smiled coldly in his heart.

In less than 5 minutes, Wang Furui received two explosion threats and one sniper threat!
No man in his 60s can withstand such threats.

An idea suddenly popped into Shen Fei's mind.

If he did this twice again, I'm afraid there would be no need for Mingtai to take action at all, and Wang Furui would be scared to death!
"Get the box!"

Chen Shen carefully took out the mercury fulminate and put it into the box prepared by No. 76.

At this moment, everyone around him breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is……"

Wang Manchun frowned as he looked at the reagent bottle containing white powder in the box.

Chen Shen didn't hide anything.

He immediately told the story about mercury fulminate.

"If my guess is correct, this should be mercury fulminate!"

"It is a sensitive and violent explosive. Slight collision, friction, or even high temperature will cause an explosion!"

"I learned it when I was in military school!"

As Chen Shen spoke, he pointed at the gun in Wang Manchun's hand.

“The most common use of mercury fulminate is as a primer for bullets!”

"If it had exploded just now and detonated the car's fuel tank, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

After hearing Chen Shen's introduction, everyone couldn't help but feel scared.

At this moment, the surrounding agents had already protected Wang Furui and others on three levels inside and three outside.

Bi Zhongliang frowned.

The sudden appearance of mercury fulminate in Wang Furui's car immediately aroused his suspicion. "Is it possible that Shen Fei did all this?"

After all, both he and Shen Fei had come into contact with Wang Furui's car.

Chen Shen also thought about this.

After the mercury fulminate crisis was resolved, he immediately thought of Shen Fei and Bi Zhongliang.

However, all of this is just his suspicion and he has no evidence at all!
Wanyuan Hotel.

At the moment when the explosion sounded in the municipal building, the surrounding devils also took action.

As Mingtai opened fire, some Japanese soldiers also surrounded the hotel.

After killing the first four Japs who rushed in, Mingtai immediately dragged one of the Japs to the toilet.

Three times five times two times, he directly put on the clothes of a Japanese military policeman.

Just after the Japanese reinforcements rushed in, he pretended to be injured and fell to the ground.

"Hurry up and chase him! There he is!"

Mingtai covered his thigh with one hand, pointed to the room at the end of the corridor with one hand, and reminded the Japanese in skilled Japanese.

He had already arranged a fake scene there.

The Japanese military police followed the direction pointed by Mingtai and immediately rushed into the room.

Looking at the wide open window, the leading Japanese waved his hand, and the others immediately left the hotel and chased into the distance.

“Next, it’s up to Manli and Guo Qiyun!”

Mingtai limped out of the hotel and leaned on the roadside waiting for rescue.

Now every second that passes, his chance of exposure increases by one point!
But in fact, Shen Fei had bought him enough time.

Five or six minutes after the municipal building exploded, they took Wang Furui out.

After such a long time, the Army Hospital has received the news.

Guo Qiyun and Yu Manli had already made preparations.

Now, the two of them have disguised themselves as drivers and nurses at an army hospital.

Driving the hospital ambulance directly towards Wanyuan Hotel!

"help me!"

Seeing the ambulance coming, Mingtai immediately shouted loudly.

The Japanese military police who arrived later did not notice anything unusual about Mingtai.

Two military policemen even helped and personally carried Mingtai into the ambulance!


"let's go!"

After the carriage door closed, Mingtai immediately sat up.

He glanced at the Japanese around Wanyuan Hotel.

Now, the Japanese military police are already searching the Wanyuan Hotel. It won't take long before they will definitely find the Japanese whose clothes he has stripped off.

Sure enough, less than 5 minutes after the ambulance left, the Japanese military police discovered the flaw.

"No, we've been fooled!"

"The injured person just now was fake!"

"Call immediately, we must find the ambulance!"

Soon, the various sentries of the Shanghai Japanese devils reported back the news.

"Report ambulance not returning to Army Hospital!"

"But go northeast!"

"It looks like the enemy wants to escape to the French Concession!"

Upon hearing the news, Ichiro Watanabe, who was sent by Takeshige Aoki to coordinate the Special High School Division and the Military Police, was immediately furious.

He pointed at the Japanese captain and immediately shouted, "Mobilize the military police immediately and block all entrances to the French Concession!"

"At the same time, immediately send people to hunt along the line!"

"No matter what, this time, we must capture the enemy!"

Watanabe Ichiro clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

He suddenly thought of the assassination in Jinling.

Not only that, he was almost certain that there could only be one person who caused all of this!

Zheng Yaoxian!
(End of this chapter)

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