Agent: Zheng Yao will contact me first at the beginning

Chapter 1300 The Conflict between the Army and the Navy

Chapter 1300 The Conflict between the Army and the Navy
Chapter 1306 The Conflict between the Army and the Navy
Just when Takeshige Aoki and Mieko Sakai were discussing this matter, the Dongyang base camp.

A meeting with almost no objections began under the leadership of Tojo.

"Everyone, the United States' bombing of the Empire has exposed major security risks to our homeland defense!"

"The enemy can take off from the aircraft carrier unscrupulously. If it is allowed to develop, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"Today, we must discuss a countermeasure for homeland defense!"

After Tojo finished speaking, the staff headquarters fell into endless discussions.

Soon, everyone's eyes were focused on Navy Commander Nagano and Combined Fleet Commander Yamamoto.

"Nagano-kun, what do you think about this matter?"

Nagano looked around at everyone and stood up slowly.

"Tojo-kun, the current situation has shown that the United States will be our important opponent in the future."

"If we don't curb it, the enemies of the United States and Shancheng will join forces in the future to carry out shuttle bombings on our mainland!"

"My opinion is to reduce the number of troops as soon as possible to ensure the security of the homeland."

Chief of Naval Command Nagano is a conservative, and his words were not beyond the expectations of everyone present.

However, after saying this, he raised a question.

"I think the most important thing is to cut off the connection between the United States and mountain cities. At the very least, we must ensure that there is no airport for American planes to land."

"Once the mountain city loses its forward airport, they will have no way to take off from the aircraft carrier and bomb our homeland!"

Nagano's words seemed reasonable, but these words suddenly pushed Tojo to the forefront.

After all, Tojo is now not only the cabinet chief, but also the land minister, representing the interests of the army.

It is naturally the Army's task to eradicate Shancheng's forward airport on the southeast coast.

"Yamamoto-kun, what's your opinion?"

Tojo said nothing, his eyes fell on Yamamoto, the commander of the combined fleet next to Nagano.

Nagano's words put everything on the army, and Tojo was naturally unwilling to do so.

Yamamoto has always been radical in his work and belongs to the radical faction in the navy.

Since the beginning of the war, he has actively advocated early decisive battle opinions, which is in sharp contrast to the conservative Nagano.

"Chief Tojo, let me tell you, we still have to actively advance the strategy of decisive battle with the United States at sea."

"I have a report here that can fully support my point of view."

With that said, Yamamoto picked up the report and handed it to everyone.

He said directly, "Although we achieved good results on Oahu, judging from the current situation, the damage caused to the American navy is limited."

"Now, their warships are expanding at an unprecedented speed. I think it won't be long before they can even return to their previous level!"

"To ensure the security of our homeland, defense alone is not enough!"

"Now, it is unrealistic for us to drive into Oahu and engage in a decisive battle with the enemy, but even so, we must lure the enemy out for a decisive battle before he completely recovers his energy!"

Yamamoto's words immediately received support from all the staff present.

Everyone whispered that Yamamoto's strategy was in line with the current situation.

Seeing this situation, Yamamoto immediately came to the map.

He pointed at the map and said, "Now, Nan Yunjun's ships attacking the English in the direction of Ceylon have reached our goal. I suggest that they be transferred back immediately."

"After strengthening our naval capabilities, the focus is to sever Australia's naval ties with the United States."

"Thus inducing the enemy's main force to engage in a decisive battle at sea with us!"

Hearing this, Tojo nodded.

Only then did he say, "What Nagano-kun and Yamamoto-kun said makes sense!"

"I suggest that General Nagumo's First Fleet be immediately dispatched to return and participate in the battle against the American Navy."

"As for the army..."

Inside the base camp, the army and navy did not like each other.

Although there was a problem with the navy this time, destroying the forward airport in Zhejiang Province can indeed ensure local security.

Tojo looked at the naval generals present. He knew that since the navy wanted to take up this important role, the army would naturally have to take action as well.

"I will have the Jinling Dispatch Army dispatch immediately to completely cut off the enemy's forward airport!"

With Tojo's statement, the atmosphere of the entire meeting suddenly became much better.

Soon, the meeting passed a resolution.

However, this resolution caused an uproar after it was sent to the Jinling Expedition Army Headquarters.

"Commander, a telegram has just been sent from the base camp!"

Tian Junliu glanced at the telegram.

He didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw the contents of the telegram, he suddenly became angry!
"What is going on at the base camp!"

As he spoke, he slapped the telegram on the table.

Now, on his desk is the No. 13 combat plan prepared by the No. 19 Army Headquarters.

The key target of this combat plan is the area south of Jinling and north of Taihu Lake.

But now an order from the base camp told them to change the combat area to Zhejiang Province, which was completely the opposite.

"Send Yuzhang's telegram to the base camp immediately."

"The enemy's plane did not land at Kecheng Airport, but made an emergency landing."

"This incident has fully demonstrated that as long as there is a little defense on the sea, the enemy will not be able to use the airport in Zhejiang Province!"

When Tian Junliu said this, he specifically mentioned the NO. 19 combat plan.He said with a serious face, "I suggest Chief of Staff Madoka Sugiyama to consider the difficulties of the dispatched army headquarters."

"Operation Plan No. 19 has been issued to all units of the No. 13 Army. If the military orders are changed on the battlefield, it will easily lead to instability in the morale of the frontline combat troops."

"We hope that the General Staff Headquarters will continue to support the implementation of Operation Order No. 19."

Just when the staff was about to leave, Tian Junliu asked them to immediately notify No. 13 Army Commander Sawada Mao to come to Jinling to discuss the war.

That afternoon, Zetian Mao rushed to Jinling.

After seeing the contents of the telegram from the base camp, his reaction was almost the same as that of Tian Junliu.

"Commander, what exactly do you want to do with this base camp's orders changing from day to day?"

"Our combat plan No. 19 has been notified to all frontline units and will officially begin in a week."

"Some troops have already departed, and now they have made such a big adjustment. How should I tell my subordinates?"

Having said this, Zetian Mao was still upset.

He walked quickly to the map, "The base camp requires us to dispatch so many troops just to destroy a few airports. Is it really worth it?"

"Judging from the current situation, American pilots have made an emergency landing near Yuzhang. There are also airports with many enemies there. If they launch an attack..."

"Moreover, even if we destroy the airport, how much damage can we really cause to the enemy?"

"The airport is gone. It won't take long for the enemy to build it. So what are we doing for this?"

The more Zetian talked, the more annoyed he became.

He finally knocked on the table and said, "To deal with the enemy's aircraft carrier and ensure the safety of the base camp, in the final analysis, it should be the responsibility of their navy."

"We are dispatched troops, and our mission is to destroy mountain cities and expand territory for the empire."

"Now let us do their navy's work, does it still make sense!"

After saying that, Sawada Mao once again asked Tian Junliu to send a telegram to the base camp in his own name and his own.

In the next two days, the opinions of the dispatched troops were also agitated within the base camp.

At the same time, Ueno Nobuyoshi also returned to the base camp and reported the truth about Takasa Materu to Tojo.

"I have long said that Takasa Materu made too many concessions during the negotiation process with Mr. Wang!"

"The troops under his command have no combat effectiveness at all!"

"On some matters, they are still obedient to the empire, and they often delay using the excuse of maintaining economic stability."

Tojo is feeling very unhappy now.

Although Tian Junliu's series of telegrams made sense, the navy was also paying attention to his attitude now.

He had to make a decision.

"General Sugiyama Madoka, what is your opinion on this matter?"

As Junroku Tenba said, he handed the report written by Ueno Nobuyoshi to Madoka Sugiyama.

During this time, Earl Fujiwara also came to see him.

Madoka Sugiyama also had the same attitude towards Takasa Mayaru.

He immediately said, "Tojo-kun, these 1 taels of gold were leaked due to Takasa."

"On this basis alone, he can be removed from his post as director of the Mei Agency."

"But now, the dispatched troops have complained quite a lot about our combat plan. At this juncture, it would be inappropriate to impose a severe punishment."

Madoka Sugiyama thought for a while, "If you ask me, it would be better to transfer Takasa from his post."

"The position of commander of the Seventh Artillery Corps in Northern Manchuria is now vacant. How about transferring him to Northern Manchuria!"

"As for the dispatched army's combat plan, I will come forward on this matter..."

"The security of the base camp is related to His Majesty's safety. Tian Junliu must understand this aspect!"

With Madoka Sugiyama's words, Tojo nodded with satisfaction.

However, there is now a seemingly problematic issue in front of Tojo.

After Takasa Materu left, the Ume Agency was leaderless.

Next, who will take over the post of director of Mei's agency is naturally a question.

"Tojo-kun, if you ask me, it would be better for Fujiwara Ono to serve as the director of the Mei Agency..."

"Judging from his performance over the years, he is indeed capable."

"Judging from the military rank, Fujiwara-kun is already a major general, which fully meets the requirements. Judging from the resume, he also served as the intelligence chief of Koshima. Although he only served for less than half a year, he made great achievements."

"One more thing, and the most important thing!"

"Fujiwara Ono has been in Shanghai for a long time. He has a deep understanding of the local situation, which makes it easy to carry out work..."

After hearing Madoka Sugiyama's words, Tojo nodded.

But this time, he didn't agree so readily.

Finally, Tojo said calmly, "Fujiwara-kun's ability is beyond doubt."

"It's just that Junroku Tenba said before that he intends to let Fujiwara Ono work at the dispatched army headquarters and participate in the No. [-] combat plan."

"Plan No. [-] is our top priority. If it is affected by the Mei Agency..."

Hearing Tojo's words, Sugiyama Madoka suddenly seemed to see something through his heart.

Although what Tojo said sounded reasonable, he clearly felt that Tojo actually did not want Fujiwara Ono to serve as the director of the Mei Agency.

The Fujiwara family is now too powerful. If Fujiwara Ono serves as the head of the Mei Agency, it means that he can control the puppet government.

"Otherwise, let Qingqi Qinyi come back and take charge of the work of the Mei Agency!"

(End of this chapter)

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