Chapter 126 Secret Induction
Chapter 126 Secret Induction
Seeing the banknotes Liang Zhongchun stuffed into him, Shen Fei couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Captain Liang, this time you and I are really like brothers in trouble!"

"The superiors only recognize the results, not the process."

"Since Director Li handed over this matter to me at the beginning, even if I brush it off now, I still can't explain it clearly!"

Shen Fei sighed and reluctantly agreed to Liang Zhongchun.

At this moment, Liang Zhongchun breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, Shen Fei is indeed a brother worth dating.

The outcome of this matter is inevitable, but if two people are responsible for it, Li Shiqun will definitely not be able to say anything.

Soon, Shen Fei and Liang Zhongchun found Li Shiqun.

"Director, we have discovered the black market arms trade!"

"But during the final arrest, the enemy escaped!"

"Despicable and incompetent, please be punished by the director!"

Before Liang Zhongchun could speak, Shen Fei took everything into his own hands.

Hearing this, Li Shiqun became furious.

"What are you doing every day?"

"How could someone let such a good opportunity slip away!"

Li Shiqun looked at Shen Fei and Liang Zhongchun angrily.

He slapped the table and yelled, "From now on, do I have to go out and catch the talents myself?"

When Liang Zhongchun saw Li Shiqun's furious look, he trembled all over and broke into a cold sweat.

He and Shen Fei stood motionless, quietly accepting Li Shiqun's anger.

"Director, this is all because of my dereliction of duty!"

"It was my turn to be on duty last night, so I was careless!"

"If I had personally led people to guard, this situation wouldn't have happened!"

Li Shiqun took a deep breath.

Although he was angry in his heart, Shen Fei's performance this time made him feel relieved.

Liang Zhongchun reported the situation to him last night.

He knew that this time, from interrogation to deployment, it was all Shen Fei's idea.

As for the failure in the final arrest, it was purely due to the lack of strength of Liang Zhongchun's men.

"Shen Fei, it's such a pity this time!"

"I know I can't blame you entirely this time, but I hope you can learn from it in the future!"

After confirming that Shen Fei was trustworthy, Li Shiqun did not deliberately make things difficult for Shen Fei.

After all, Shen Fei was also the one favored by Takeshi Aoki.

Moreover, after helping Zhang Xiaoling control the gang power last time, Section Chief Ma Tian also praised him very much.

"Liang Zhongchun, who are your men?"

"You can't handle such a small thing!"

"Don't think that just because Shen Fei takes over all the responsibilities, you'll be fine!"

"If something like this happens again, I can't forgive you!"

After talking about Shen Fei, Li Shiqun scolded Liang Zhongchun.

Liang Zhongchun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said humbly, "What the director taught me is that those who hold humble positions must be trained strictly in the future!"

"What happened today will never happen again!"

Speaking of this, Liang Zhongchun couldn't help but glance at Shen Fei.

This time, Shen Fei really became his savior.

Although Li Shiqun spoke in a harsh tone, with Shen Fei sharing the firepower, he managed to keep his position.

After calming down, Li Shiqun glanced at Shen Fei.

"Shen Fei, you know the story of this matter best."

"I want to know what you think about this matter?"

Li Shiqun knew very well about Shen Fei's judgment.

When he was able to guess Zheng Yaoxian's plan, even Aoki Takeuchi was impressed.Now, with the economic conference approaching, Li Shiqun naturally did not dare to ignore Shen Fei's views.

"Director, if this is the case, then I will tell the truth!"

Shen Fei looked at Li Shiqun, his face becoming more and more serious.

In the past few days, he has been trying to get rid of Wang Furui and put the blame on Bi Zhongliang, while also trying to keep Chen Shen!
He was still confused at first, but since he learned from Li Shiqun that an economic conference was going to be held, a perfect assassination plan was formed.

"Director, there are still ten days until the Economic Conference!"

"The enemy's most likely goal in using these explosives is to disrupt the Economic Conference!"

"Furthermore, judging from this action in the tailor shop, I have reason to suspect that it is probably Zheng Yaoxian who planned all this!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Li Shiqun was stunned.

The economic conference is the top priority of their work during this period.

At that time, not only important figures from the puppet government will come forward, but the Japanese will also send representatives.

Any slight mistake may lead to a major accident!
"Shen Fei, is it Zheng Yaoxian again?"

"Why are you so sure?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Shen Fei's mouth.

He said this deliberately because he wanted to control the security deployment of the conference in his own hands.

As for Zheng Yaoxian, everyone, including Takeshige Aoki, must listen to his opinion!

"Director, just a few days after the Jinling assassination incident, Zheng Yaoxian should still be around the Shanghai market!"

“The economic conference has a lot to do with it.”

"To plan such a huge assassination plan, I really don't know who is more suitable than Zheng Yaoxian!"

Shen Fei's reasons immediately convinced Li Shiqun.

After thinking for a moment, Li Shiqun motioned to Shen Fei to continue.

"Director, judging from the current situation, we can tentatively believe that Zheng Yaoxian plans to use the bomb to carry out the assassination mission!"

"But as we interrupted the transaction, I think Zheng Yaoxian is likely to change his strategy!"

"Based on Jinling's situation, sniping may be the most appropriate method!"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Li Shiqun thought of the judge who was good at sniping.

He nodded, which made sense.

But at this moment, Shen Fei smiled helplessly.

"Whatever we can think of, Zheng Yaoxian can definitely think of it too!"

"Thinking about it this way, the probability of him using explosives has actually increased!"

"The more you know about Zheng Yaoxian, the less you can guess what he is going to do."

Although Li Shiqun felt that Shen Fei's words were reasonable, they felt that there was no point in them.

He frowned, "Do you have any suggestions?"

After hearing what Li Shiqun said, Shen Fei frowned.

"For safety reasons, at least a 500-meter range must be on guard, and all commanding heights must be manned!"

"All surrounding buildings and vehicles must also be inspected!"

Having said this, Shen Fei looked at Li Shiqun sincerely.

"Director, I think we should inform Mr. Aoki about this matter and ask the Special Higher Education Department to cooperate!"

"With the current strength of our No. 76, it is simply not enough to deal with it!"

"None of us can afford it if an accident happens!"

There was nothing wrong with any of Shen Fei's words.

It’s not even an exaggeration to describe him as loyal.

It's a pity that Li Shiqun didn't know that Shen Fei had completely different considerations of his own when doing this.

Even if Shen Fei didn't say anything about the special high school class and Aoki Takeshige, they would definitely be involved.

The most important thing for him to do is to induce the Special High School and No. 76 to completely attract attention to the Economic Conference!
As for this economic conference, Shen Fei had no intention of taking action against Wang Furui and others.

His most important purpose is actually to create trouble, protect Chen Shen, and frame Bi Zhongliang!

As for the assassination, Shen Fei has other plans!
(End of this chapter)

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