Chapter 236 Female Doctor

Carrying Wei Lan on his back, Lin Qin rushed over quickly.

At a glance, he could see the blood sprayed on the transparent glass of the pharmacy's medicine window, as well as the broken glass next to it. Judging from the appearance, it was vandalized.

The blood sprayed inside seemed to be quite large.

However, it was impossible to tell how old these blood stains were through the night vision device. Lin Qin couldn't help but free up a hand and shine the light of the flashlight on the glass.

The blood splattered on the glass was fresh, and it looked like it was only about an hour ago.

The edge of the blood stain was a little dark, but the middle of the trace was still slightly moist.

Lin Qin calmed down and said, "Be careful, it's not right."

Zhang Xue and Nan Wei nodded, then walked over from left to right.

The glass door of the pharmacy is broken, so you can walk in directly without entering from the door next to it.

The two people got in, one behind the other.

The shelves in the pharmacy are very messy.

He was staggering around, as if he had been through a big battle. Of course, it could also be that he was hastily scanning the medicines on the shelves and had no time to take care of them.

But none of this matters to them.

Holding guns, the two men gradually approached inside, very cautiously.

Suddenly, there was a crunching sound from the corner, as if something was rolling on the ground.

The two people turned back in unison and walked in the direction of the sound.

Two steps, three steps, five steps.

Behind the stacked shelves, there are several empty mineral water barrels.

There were some useless papers stacked on the shelves, and the dark wind blowing from nowhere made a rustling sound.

The sound of rolling bones came from one of the empty buckets being blown by the wind.

There were two buckets filled with water piled in the corner, and there seemed to be many snack packaging bags in the corner.

Zhang Xue suddenly frowned and took two steps forward.

She seemed to have stepped on something under her feet. She lowered her head again and found a large black thing.

She rubbed it with her shoe a few times. It was very hard and she couldn't get it off.

Nan Wei has continued to walk inside, and there seems to be traces of someone living here for a long time.

The rows of containers seemed to have been rearranged, and there should be something in the middle.

The further inside, the more nervous Nan Wei became.

Suddenly, a black figure suddenly jumped out from behind the shelf, brandishing the scalpel in his hand, and stabbed Nan Wei who was too late to react to the sudden attack.

Nan Wei was startled, and her arm was directly scratched by the opponent's scalpel.

But Nan Wei was not a vegetarian. When her arm was scratched, she gathered her strength and slapped the opponent on the chest.

The black figure stepped back, hit the container behind him, and fell to the ground instantly.

His whole body felt like he was being electrocuted, lying on the ground shaking constantly.

Zhang Xue raised her head and followed him sharply.

Saw a person.

But she just glanced at it, then looked at Nan Wei and said, "How are you? Are you okay?"

Nan Wei lowered her head and looked at the wound on her arm. Fortunately, it was just a small wound.

Shaking his head, "I'm fine."

"But this one doesn't look like a zombie, it looks like a human being."

The other party's clothes were bloated and his hair was messy and dirty, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

Lin Qin walked in with Wei Lan on his back. He placed Wei Lan on the small stool at the original medicine window, and then looked at the situation on Nan Wei's side.

On the ground is a long-haired survivor.

The long hair was knotted into strands, which looked messier than dreadlocks.

The most important thing is that it is full of dirt and smells terrible.

Her hair fell on her face, and it was impossible to tell her gender. She didn't know whether she was a boy or a girl.Lin Qin looked over her body and saw a white collar exposed under the tightly wrapped cotton jacket.

He knelt down and, under the gaze of Nan Wei and Zhang Xue, unzipped the other party's cotton-padded clothes, and then unzipped the zippered vest that was wrapped in three layers inside and outside.

Zhang Xuenanwei frowned and finally revealed a white coat.

Lin Qin pushed aside the pile of clothes and saw precisely the words Renji Hospital written on the right chest of his white coat.

The case is solved, this is a living doctor.

Nan Wei looked at Lin Qin and shrugged, feeling a little at a loss.

"She suddenly came out to attack me, so I just used my ability. I didn't know she was a doctor..."

This woman is a living doctor, someone who can save Wei Lan.

Electrified by her electricity.

She lowered her head and looked at her palms.

Just now, there shouldn't be much energy stored.

"I didn't kill him, there should be hope."

Lin Qin looked at this dirty woman, thought for a while and said: "Ignore it for now, a dead horse is a living horse doctor."

"Treat the wound first to avoid attracting mutants."

"Let's go to the lounge next door."

As he spoke, Lin Qin looked around and finally landed on the small door behind the pharmacy.

Going out from the small door here, there is a lounge.

Generally speaking, lounges are small and open to the outside world.

It's much cleaner than here.

Nan Wei looked at her arm and nodded to deal with it.

Wearing a heavy down jacket and having a cut on his arm, it was enough to show that this doctor had done something wrong.

She didn't want to let herself live.

Zhang Xue walked in front, reached for the door handle, opened the small door and walked in.

Following closely behind was Lin Qin carrying Wei Lan, and then Nan Wei.

Wait until everyone comes in.

Zhang Xue closed the door completely and locked it.

At the other end of the corridor, Nan Wei twisted the door lock together, opened a small gap and looked outside.

It was pitch black with nothing out of the ordinary.

She closed the door and locked it again, and then she had time to take stock of what she was seeing.

The lounge is a long corridor with a door in the middle. Through the glass door above, you can see the archives room inside.

And in this corridor, there is a thermos water cup on the long table.

There is also a small bench, which looks like a temporary resting place.

The unconscious woman was lying on the ground, Nan Wei was wiping the wound with iodophor, and Wei Lan was lying on the only chair.

Lin Qin took out a few small horseshoes from the space, and Zhang Xue and Nan Wei also sat down.

Nan Wei put on the band-aid and sighed as she looked at the clothes that had been scratched and linted.

"What should we do next? There is nothing in the pharmacy. What should we do with the big bag behind Wei Lan?"

"Yes, all the hospital medicines are in the pharmacy. There is nothing here. Wei Lan can't be treated."

Lin Qin sat on the pony and looked at the female doctor on the ground.

"We don't know, but this female doctor definitely knows."

"At this time, there is no other way but to wait."

Nan Wei looked apologetic, then looked at Wei Lan beside her and said, "I'm sorry, I really didn't know she was a doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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