This actor is a bit arrogant

Chapter 180 Soulful Duet

Chapter 180 Soulful Duet (please vote for me, please subscribe!)
Wang Jiao didn't care about these looks at all. To be honest, she did take these gifts casually from the car, but they were definitely not given casually.

They were all kept specially after she received them.

There are really not many actors that Wang Jiao can treat like this, or in other words, none at all.

After all, a circle is not a circle. When it comes to art, although film is called the seventh art, it is also a latecomer. In the past, the top six arts did not recognize it, and it only gradually picked up later.

It's brutal, but realistic.

Wang Jiao's move helped Wang Xu gain face and Liu Qianqian's reputation. It could be said that she killed two birds with one stone.

After everyone arrived, the birthday party began.

The dishes are served first. Naturally, the dishes this time have been ordered in advance. Abalone, lobster, and king crab are all available, and the vegetarian dishes are also extremely precious.

Even Wang Xu has never eaten many things. Fortunately, they are all from his own family. No one will laugh at them if they have never seen them before. After a meal, they all naturally become familiar with each other.

After all, Yao Beina didn't know Wang Jiao and Shu Chang before, and the latter was almost the same, so this meal was considered a mutual acquaintance between Liu Qianqian's friends, and they were all good friends, not a cooperative relationship like filming.

If it were really announced that it was Liu Qianqian’s birthday, there would actually be a lot of people coming, so many that it would take at least one floor of the hotel to fit them all in. You must know that Liu Qianqian did not offend the two giants, Aunt Hua and Tangren, in this life. There wasn't that much information, even the black ones were gone, being killed by Wang Xu's network team.

As for a certain Song Quede, after speaking for the first time, he realized that the wind was in the wrong direction and promptly apologized.

He has the ultimate bad mouth, but this kind of person is also the ultimate coward.

There were too many people who warned him.

Therefore, there are many "friends" in Liu Qianqian's circle, and they are all willing to fawn over Liu Qianqian. Although she is blocking the way of some people now, after all, with her here, it is difficult for many TV drama heroines to come forward, but there are many enemies and friends. More, especially the capital and the two major entertainment giants, they all have good cooperation with Wang Xu and Liu Qianqian, so naturally they don't want to offend.

Make money, who doesn’t want to?

After finishing the meal, everyone began to lean on the chairs and chat. Later, they would go to KTV to sing, and that would be the second show.

"Sissi, you must remember to miss us when you go to the island country this time," Shu Chang said. The envy in her eyes was hard to hide. This is really good luck. She met such a good boss. No, it should be Future boyfriend.

The first thing she did was ask for your record company. It was so generous that she even wanted to sign with Wang Xu's studio.

But unfortunately, she inquired quietly and found that Wang Xu's studio was not hiring, and Sissi couldn't even hire one from within.

I wonder if Wang Xu likes hidden rules?
But then she gave up the idea. How could she think so, not to mention that the other party was Liu Qianqian.

"Well, I will definitely do it. I will buy you gifts then." Even though Liu Qianqian was reluctant to give up, she still accepted the reality with a happy expression on her face.

"By the way, have you finished shooting the lotus lantern?" Liu Qianqian asked immediately.

Wang Xu was interested in the lotus lantern.

But in fact, the lotus lantern only proves one thing, that is, the director invited the real Erlang Shen to film.

Uncle Jiao's Erlang Shen will be a peak that cannot be crossed.

Not only that, Uncle Jiao's martial arts scenes are really awesome. Just going down the stairs is enough for people to learn, not to mention flying around, which gives people a feeling that there is no power at all.

But this drama also made the little fox Shu Chang popular, but the male protagonist Chen Xiang was not popular because of his studies.

Shu Chang nodded: "Well, the filming is finished and it's in the later stages. It will probably be released in October this year."

She is still not quite sure about the power of this drama, and is a little concerned about the gains and losses. She and Liu Qianqian acted together in The Golden Family. Now, Liu Qianqian has disappeared, and she is still here.
"I learned a lot this time. There are many seniors in the crew, and they taught me a lot." Shu Chang couldn't help but recall the feeling of being crushed. It was really terrible.
Then there is Yao Bei's chat. Her "Beauty Tribulation" is also very popular. She is in the top ten of the download list of ring tones, and she gets a lot of profit. And because of Wang Xu's relationship, the resources she enjoys are not bad.

Having said this, she stood up again and wanted to toast Wang Xu.

But this time, Wang Xu held him down: "Don't drink anymore. Drinking too much is not good for girls. I understand."

He didn't dare to let this person drink anymore. Yao Beina's physical examination had even been scheduled once every three months. In this way, any problems could be discovered in advance.

Then there is Wang Jiao. No one understands her story, and no one will ask.

Ms. Liu was surprised to find that now everyone has formed a circle with Wang Xu as the center, and this circle is also deeply dominated by Wang Xu. Even she is no exception. The boy who criticized her for jumping in line has now become a circle. A big bird with full wings.It's hard to imagine that it has only been more than three years. It is true that Wang Xu's current strength partly depends on his family connections, but more importantly, Wang Xu himself.

His talent, his vision, and his strength are all worthy of it all.

Ms. Liu is even beginning to look forward to where Wang Xu will be in three years' time.

Heaven and Earth KTV, this is a KTV that can be found in many places, but the authentic one is this one on the East Third Ring Road, with luxurious rooms, high-quality equipment, and high-end services.

Of course, money is burned here the fastest.

Wang Xu originally didn't want to come to this place, but he made up his mind, and Wang Jiao explained to him: "In the eyes of different people, there can be different heavens and earth. You can just go to a clean area."

What's more, Wang Jiao came with her this time, so naturally there wasn't that much mess. Moreover, there was indeed an elegant singing area. There wasn't that much mess, just soft lighting and well-dressed waiters.

The one who sang at the beginning was naturally the singer Yao Beina. Her voice was really good and she was worthy of being from a musical family.

Then Liu Qianqian, Shu Chang, and Ms. Liu also sang a song, and they were all okay, at least better than Wang Xu. Wang Xu really has no musical talent. If it were a recording studio like Liu Qianqian, she would actually be very good. With the addition of Wang Xu's songs in the island country, the problem of random killings is not big.

Wang Jiao didn't sing, she just followed him to have a look, and then left.

Liu Qianqian clicked the song "The Most Romantic Thing" at this time and handed the other microphone to Wang Xu.

"Brother, are you here?"

Wang Xu wanted to refuse, but Liu Qianqian's words were not a question, but an affirmation, so she gave him the microphone directly.

"Come on, let's start." Liu Qianqian dragged Wang Xu to the center of the private room, waiting for the song to start.

Ms. Liu opened her mouth but didn't say anything. She had already begun to curse in her heart.

"Wang Xu, are you a little too arrogant? You dare to chase my daughter in front of me?"

If Wang Xu knew it in his heart, he would definitely reply: "Auntie, it's unfair, it was Sissi who chased me!"

But it's a pity that Wang Xu doesn't know, and Ms. Liu doesn't need to explain.

Shu Chang and Yao Beina sat together, then picked up a watermelon from the fruit plate and ate it, their eyes widened, and then they took a bite of the watermelon together.

As the melodious rhythm sounded, Wang Xu and Liu Qianqian looked at each other, and then picked up the microphone:

"Sitting back to back on the carpet
Listen to music and talk about wishes
you want me to be gentler

I hope you take me to heart"

As they sang, the male and female protagonists in the MV video looked at each other affectionately. Then Liu Qianqian also turned around and looked at Wang Xu with tenderness in her eyes. She imitated the characters in the video and began to sing in unison:

"The most romantic thing I can think of
just grow old with you

Collecting bits and pieces of laughter along the way

Let's sit in a rocking chair and talk slowly

The most romantic thing i can think of
just grow old with you

Until we're too old to go anywhere
You still regard me as a treasure in the palm of your hand"

After the two of them finished singing, Shu Chang and Yao Beina also finished their melons. Ms. Liu also took a deep breath. She told herself over and over again that it was her daughter's birthday today and she would not get angry easily.

And judging from the current situation, even if you get sick, no one will care about it, so why bother.

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(End of this chapter)

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