Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 19 The Netherlands attacks under the national anthem "Ode to Wilhelm"

Chapter 19 The Netherlands attacks under the national anthem "Ode to Wilhelm"

"I, William of Nassau, am of German blood.

Be loyal to your motherland and stick to this belief until death.

I, Prince of Orange, am free and fearless.

The King of Spain, I will always respect him.

God whom I fear, my Lord, to whom I take refuge.

My dear people and land are my motivation.

God leads and helps me like a good weapon.

I will definitely come back to my motherland.

My troubled people, my simple people,
Despite your immediate suffering, God will not abandon you.

Pray devoutly, day or night,
Let the Lord give me strength so that I can help you.

My destiny and life are explained by what I cannot predict.

My brothers in heaven can attest to this.

Sir Adolf, killed in the Frisian War.

His eternal soul awaits the coming of the final judgment.

Born into a noble and honorable imperial family,
As a devout Christian, he was named an Imperial Prince;

I deserve the praise of God.

My fearless warrior spirit matches my royal bloodline.

The one to whom I take refuge is God, my Lord.

You are the one I rely on and I never want to turn my back on you.

Please give courage to me, your eternal servant.

Give me the power to destroy the king who makes me sad.


As the world's earliest national anthem, "Ode to William," sounded on the island of New Caledonia, both the indigenous people and the 200 detained British people sang together with the 3500 Dutch soldiers.

This marks that another South Pacific island has fallen within the influence of this Dutch national anthem and has become the place where it belongs to Dutch rule.

This time, Makassar, the southern port of Sulawesi where the headquarters of the Dutch Far East Naval Base is located, dispatched 3500 people. The first-class sailing battleship East India (1000 people, 3000 tons) led two third-class sailing battleships (each 2 people, 700 tons) and 1500 level 1 sailing battleship (350 people, 1200 tons), 2 level 200 sailing cruisers (600 people each, 2 tons), and 180 level 550 ordinary warships (each 7 men, [-] tons), a small fleet composed of a total of [-] warships.

Among them, the fourth-tier battleship Bali served as the flagship.

"Next, we will continue to Fiji Island"

"Yes, General Lyndon"

After de Friston finished singing the Dutch national anthem, he knew that he could no longer look back, but when he thought of the faces of those at the top who looked down on him, especially when he had been looking for them to invest in his submarines time and time again, he begged that he would do so in the future. Making money will make them famous arms dealers, but no one is optimistic about him, especially when he talks about the promising future of submarines.

Thinking of this, he seemed to feel that it was not unacceptable to live like this now, so when he thought about it, the frown on his face suddenly dispersed, and the dark clouds drifted away instantly.

Theo von Linden had been paying attention to him. Seeing this, he knew that His Majesty had captured the French submarine expert he was optimistic about. The Dutch Navy had added a senior expert.Although he has not yet produced a convincing work, Linden's absolute trust in His Majesty has made him blindly believe that this de Friston must be a man of great talent.

Just as they were raiding the islands one after another here, their 'legend' was beginning to spread in Europe, and he was now becoming the focus of discussion in various countries.

Different disputes are happening in the world every day. Big wars, small wars or political struggles are constantly going on. Every time it is a dizzying battle of wits and courage. It is really a cruel show that makes people marvel at the human race. While showing his wisdom, he also marveled at the ruthlessness of human beings.

Among them, what attracts the most attention now is the multiple transnational controversial attacks caused by Belgium in Europe.

As we all know, Belgium has been regarded by the British Empire as its frontline in Europe since its establishment. However, this bridgehead is not too solid. In addition to ruling Leopold I and the pro-British Prime Minister, other local governments are centered around it. France's relationship with the Netherlands and Prussia corresponded to the reign of Leopold I, although the king was not weak in charisma.Let's just say that this time the Kingdom of the Netherlands participated in the violent threats against the Belgian government, which shocked all European countries. The Netherlands actually dared to attack the government of King Leopold I, knowing that the United Kingdom was behind it?

Where did you get the guts?

Aren't you afraid that British gunboats will attack Amsterdam and Rotterdam and turn them into a fire?

You must know that since the end of the last century, the Netherlands' navy has dropped from the top 5 in Europe to the 8th in the world, and is even comparable to the newly rising United States.

These years have been just resting on one's laurels. You know, before Belgium broke away from the Netherlands, the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands had almost doubled its area, and its status in Europe was almost the same as that of Spain and Sweden.They are all second-tier top powers in Europe.

Although it still has not entered the top five of Britain, Russia, France, the German Confederation, and the Ottomans.

But it also formed the ranks of Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Italy.

Especially in recent years, the Netherlands' economic development has improved. It has used the resource development results of East India to accelerate the local development of the Netherlands. The progress of industrialization is rapid. Some good people even call the Netherlands the most industrial kingdom in Europe. This shows that all the people in this country are involved in industrial development. The full coverage is as high as the opposite.

In terms of per capita income, the most prosperous British Empire is not far away.

And these are just superficial. In the military and political field, the four naval battles between the Netherlands and the British Empire in the Atlantic Ocean were for maritime hegemony, which attracted the attention of people from all over Europe from the beginning.

The two sides dispatched their maritime fleets for four battles. In terms of numbers, they were tied at [-] to [-]. However, the Netherlands sadly won the second and third times, but the first and fourth times were the last of the British battles. People win.

The third time France and Portugal Spain helped the Netherlands, but the fourth time France turned to help Britain and assisted on land.

Other countries, including Tsarist Russia, Sweden, Austria, Prussia, etc., watched in confusion.

Like the UK, these countries also have a large amount of debt in Amsterdam. The only reason is that the Dutch financial center has been so successful and made so much money that other countries owe it money. Therefore, it is envied by others, and it is revealed in the UK intentionally or unintentionally. Defeating the Netherlands will require the Netherlands to cancel or repurchase these bonds at a low price to other countries. In this way, the Netherlands has become the object of ridicule.

Perhaps this is the first time in history that a country was almost destroyed because it lent too much money to other countries.

It is precisely because of the secret methods used by the British Empire this time that despite the past 100 years, the Dutch are still full of resentment.

Naturally, the upper echelons of the Kingdom of the Netherlands will not forget this humiliating history.

This is why many people in the Netherlands took advantage of the psychology of these Dutch people in Napoleon I's last war to retaliate against the British and quickly conquered the Dutch.

With the beginning of the reign of William I of the House of Nassau-Orange after 1815, the Netherlands finally became independent again.

Britain works hard, but not necessarily merits.

Because Britain did not give the Netherlands a complete country proposal, but cultivated Belgian independence in this country.

So the contradiction between Britain and the Netherlands still exists.

The contradiction between Britain and France is well known to everyone.

Prussia and Austria form a formal alliance with the German Confederation, but their hearts are hollowed out.

There are still many conflicts between Tsarist Russia and Sweden. Although Finland admits that it is occupied by Tsarist Russia, it never admits that it is the territory of Tsarist Russia, but that it was occupied by it.

Austria and Tsarist Russia are also in the Crimea dispute on the other side of the Black Sea. Because Austria supports Ottoman Turkey, the two countries have evolved from allies to rivals. Although it is still in the process, it is no longer possible to restore the past. trust.

The rapid rise of Prussia.

Due to Bismarck's alliance, Prussia should be the most popular big country now.

It seems that now the Kingdom of Prussia is getting along well with all countries except Austria because of the leadership issue of the German Confederation.

Therefore, the situation in Belgium is somewhat confusing.

As the Netherlands sent its navy to occupy various islands in the Far East, on January 1862, 1, 'However, with a strong statement of condemnation from the British Empire, the truth of this incident that was incomprehensible to all countries became further clear.

The British statement was drafted by Foreign Secretary Russell.

 Chapter 2 today, Chapter 1 now.

  The masters of history have been uploading new books recently. It is like the war between Britain, France, Russia, Prussia and Austria. We are not even the small kingdom of Belgium, but only the small principality of Luxembourg. If you are sitting on the sidelines like us, please cast your vote. Ticket and collect it!
(End of this chapter)

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