Dragon Clan: No one wants me, Lu Mingfei.

Chapter 272 Tidal Sea Spirit Caesar

Chapter 272 Tidal Sea Spirit·Caesar

Caesar didn't know how long he had been drifting on the sea. It was noon when he capsized. Judging from the current night, he had been drifting on the sea for at least half a day, but the feedback from his body told him that things were not as expected. So simple.

He was losing strength and body temperature, but strangely he didn't feel particularly hungry.

As the young master of the Gattuso family, his three meals a day are prepared and served by the world's top nutritionists at fixed times. The last time he ate was in the morning, and he had not had time to catch the fish at noon. After finishing cooking, I encountered a tsunami, and it was already dark when I woke up from a coma.

He hadn't eaten for almost 12 hours, and he had just judged the direction from the stars hanging high in the night sky and swam in the direction of Gattuso's Castle for almost an hour. Logically speaking, he should be hungry at this moment, but he wasn't.

Caesar, who was lying on the surfboard, never imagined that he would be carried by the tsunami to Japan, nearly 10,000 kilometers away. He looked at the black dorsal fin breaking through the waves not far away, and listened to the baby's laughter. His voice was filled with vigilance and vigilance.

It is shameful to say that as the future emperor of the Gattuso family, Caesar was supposed to be a hexagonal warrior with both civil and military skills and comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and physical skills. However, he was somewhat indifferent to learning, and instead was obsessed with other people who were in the field. The family has a strong interest in things that seem insignificant.

For a while, he was particularly obsessed with marine life. He made several trips to the Marine Park in Rome. He was not unfamiliar with this kind of screaming sound, and knew that it was the sound of the killer whale, the dominant killer whale in the sea.

Killer whales, also known as killer whales, are the famous "sea killers". The top predators in the ocean, ranging from fish, squid, turtles, to sea lions, seals and even baleen whales and sperm whales, cannot escape the killing of killer whales. Therefore, This big guy also has the title of "Killer Whale".

Caesar had seen a killer whale show in the Roman Ocean Park and had close contact with it. He knew that this was a kind of marine creature that was relatively gentle to humans, but he had only seen it being kept in captivity in the Ocean Park since childhood and used as a money-making tool. of killer whales and have never encountered them in the ocean.

It is said that these big guys are very curious and have a somewhat bad personality. They will torture and play with their prey when they are full and have nothing to do. A flick of their thick and powerful tail is enough to kill a turtle hiding in its shell on the spot.

As a surfer, he knows that many surfers are attacked by sharks every year because they look like swimming posters or turtles.

So in order to prevent the big guy in the sea from rushing up to give him a tail, Caesar immediately jumped off the surfboard, holding his breath and looking at the black dorsal fin from far to near.


With a clear and delicate cry, the huge black and white head emerged from the water. The killer whale's big eyes looked at Caesar across the surfboard. Unfortunately, it was too dark and Caesar couldn't see clearly the killer whale's eyes. No, I can only stare at the other person's big mouth that can swallow him in one bite.

This is an adult killer whale with a body length of seven meters and a weight of at least 6 tons. The muscles that Caesar is proud of can only fit into the gap between his teeth in front of the opponent.

"Um, hello, my name is Caesar, nice to meet you." Seeing that the killer whale in front of him had no intention of attacking, Caesar calmed down and waved hello.

It is said that the IQ of the killer whale is equivalent to that of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old human being, and is smarter than the primate chimpanzee. Caesar thought that he might be able to communicate with it, and maybe let him take him for a ride.

He suspected that he might have drifted to the center of the Mediterranean Sea. It was not difficult for a hybrid to swim back to land alone, but the sea was full of dangers. There might be sharks looking at others while they were swimming in the sea, following them for a meal.

If you can get the help of killer whales, you can completely avoid the danger of being attacked by other marine creatures.

But it was obvious that the killer whale could not understand Italian. The big black and white guy stared at Caesar for a long time, then swung his body and slowly swam around him, like a gourmet staring at a roasted meat. The sheep was thinking about where to start its mouth, which made Caesar's hair stand on end.

Suddenly, the killer whale sank into the sea. Caesar was about to bury his head in the water to look for the other person's figure, but suddenly he found a gentle force coming from under his feet, dragging him up.

Caesar subconsciously grabbed the surfboard and emerged from the sea again, looking down at the killer whale at his feet. He couldn't help but feel guilty for his groundless speculation just now. He leaned down and stroked the smooth back of the killer whale with his hands, his voice carrying a hint of something. Very rare tenderness: "Thank you, friend."

As if in response to him, the killer whale chirped twice, swung its giant tail and swam forward.

Killer whales are highly social animals that like to live in groups. They usually gather in families of 5-20 individuals and are the most stable family in the animal world. However, Caesar did not find any other killer whales around. At the moment, This was most likely a male whale that came out to search for prey. Instead of finding any trace of prey, it saw a lone human being. I don't know if it would be scolded when it went back.

Caesar held the surfboard in his arms and sat cross-legged on the back of the killer whale, balancing on the huge dorsal fin that was half a man's height. From time to time, he would say a few words to the big guy below, and the other person would murmur twice in response. Although the two of them were at odds with each other, the scene seemed to be unexpectedly harmonious and loving.

If it is seen by the most powerful legal department in the Western Hemisphere, there is a high probability that a "Prince of the Sea" will be filmed based on Caesar and the killer whale.

What? Will the Gattuso family release copyright?

It doesn't matter, they have already studied the copyright law clearly, and there are always ways to take advantage of the legal loopholes.

Just when one person and one whale were chatting happily, the roar of a diesel engine suddenly came from behind.

Caesar turned his head half in surprise and half in disgust, thinking that the search and rescue team sent by his family had finally come over, but what he saw was not a steel-framed search and rescue boat, but a wooden fishing boat painted with blue paint.

The bright lights on the fishing boat dispelled the surrounding darkness, and there were a lot of people on the deck. From a long distance, you could see that they were cheering.

Something seemed wrong.

Caesar, the boy riding the whale, frowned. These guys seemed to regard his life-saving fish as prey.

And the most important thing is that after the distance between the two parties narrowed, he could clearly hear the conversations on the fishing boat.

"ははは,大きなやつだ(hahaha, a big guy)!"

"What is that?"

"Long talk about it, それは人のようです (just kidding, that seems to be a person)!"

Is this Japanese?

Caesar doesn't watch anime, but he occasionally plays games. There are several world-famous game production companies in Japan, so he can naturally understand Japanese.

"Did I be swept to Japan by the tsunami, or did the Japanese sail their fishing boats to the Mediterranean?" Looking at the fishing boats in the distance, Caesar felt that someone in himself and the world must have gone crazy.

It was obviously just a tsunami that was not very powerful. How could it still allow him to run from the west to the east in the Eastern Hemisphere?

"Could it be that I'm dreaming now?" Caesar suspected that he was in a dream at this moment, and he himself was actually still unconscious due to the tsunami.

Maybe the people of the Gattuso family in the real world are already anxious. Uncle Frost, who talks about the family all day long, uses a cane to give orders to the sweating medical staff, asking them to save the family at all costs. The heirs must be rescued, otherwise today next year will be their death anniversary.

It is also possible that the acting head of the family will take out his mobile phone and dial the number of the stallion father, wake him up from the woman's belly, and use an angry voice to ask him to come back from Brazil to see his son for the last time.

But the feeling of his palm touching the smooth and soft back of the killer whale was so clear, the coolness of the sea breeze blowing over his soaked strong body was so real, the Japanese language echoing in his ears and the dazzling searchlights of the fishing boats were also so real. …

There is no way he is dreaming!

"Hey, friend, run quickly, these people are here to catch you." When he was thinking about all this, he suddenly found that the killer whale's movement speed had been slowing down, as if it was preparing to send him back to the human world.

Trouble is, these guys are smart, but they have no idea how sinister the human heart is.

"Leave me alone and run. These Japanese are not good people. They like to hunt whales and dolphins most."

Seeing the fishing boat getting closer and closer, and even through the lights on the boat, he could see the Japanese standing on the side of the boat holding huge harpoons and hunting harpoons, with a ferocious smile of harvest on their faces, Caesar became more and more anxious.

He slapped the killer whale on the back hard, trying to get the innocent big guy to speed away.

The speed of this kind of fishing boat is not too fast. The speed of twenty kilometers per hour is already reaching the sky. The killer whale only needs to increase its speed slightly to throw it away.

But it was obvious that the killer whale who rescued him was stubborn, or maybe not too smart, and mistakenly thought he had encountered a human companion and asked him to stop.

So under Caesar's anxious urging, not only did he not speed up to leave, but he stopped where he was.

"Oh, my God, what are you doing?" Caesar was almost stupid, and was about to continue urging it forward, but soon he realized that maybe it was because he was still standing on it, so it didn't leave.

Thinking of this, he jumped into the sea without hesitation: "Quickly go, I will go to seek rescue myself, you go quickly."

Caesar was very sure that these Japanese were definitely not good people.

When he was on the back of the killer whale just now, he vaguely felt that someone was pointing a weapon at him, as if he was preparing to kill both the man and the fish.

Animal protection organizations in Europe and the United States have been denounced internationally by Japanese whalers for slaughtering whales and dolphins. Naturally, Japanese fishermen who make a living by hunting whales do not have a good impression of foreigners, and even the extreme ones even hate them.

"Hey, that guy is going to run away!" The fisherman who was aiming his speargun at Caesar saw the blond foreigner jumping into the sea. The originally motionless killer whale began to move towards Caesar again. He swam forward, secretly thinking that it was boring and at the same time loudly calling for his companions to attack.

Although they are not professional whaling ships, they have the support of Honshu island government agencies and are equipped with equipment to target large fish. They do not need to kill the killer whale and drag it on board, they only need to harpoon the rope with a rope. Just send it into its body so that it cannot dive into the deep sea. Then contact a professional whaling ship and you can get a lot of money from the other party.

"Damn it!" Caesar emerged from the water and saw that everyone on the boat had locked onto his life-saving fish, and even vaguely wanted to solve it with him. He wanted to pick up his double-barreled shotgun and rush onto the fishing boat to kill them. His head was smashed to pieces.

The blond boy's eyes flashed with golden light, and anger swept through his brain. Caesar, who had been raised like a prince since childhood, had never suffered such anger. His pride did not allow him to sit back and watch his friend die in front of his eyes. That would be trampling on him. The dignity of his faith!

He must do something!

"Let's go!" With a roar, Caesar dived into the water again, kicked hard on the killer whale's body with his legs, and used the force of the recoil to swim towards the fishing boat like an arrow.

Since you have raised weapons against Caesar and his friends, you must have been prepared to die violently.

Although Caesar doesn't like watching anime, his family tried too hard to cultivate his imperial aura, so that sometimes he looks like a middle-aged boy in his words and deeds.

In Italy, he is the aloof young master of the Gattuso family, and everyone is in awe of him. Even if he suffers from chuunibyou, he will be over-understood, thinking that this is the magnanimity of a superior.

And here is Japan, the birthplace of Chuunibyou, where Caesar's imperial spirit can be unleashed.

"Boom! Boom!"

"簌! 簌! 簌——!!!"

The high-explosive harpoon and hunting harpoon were fired at the same time, shooting towards the killer whale with serious murderous intentions. Caesar, who was running at full speed, had already released the word spirit Kamamaitatsu to control all the movements around him and capture the movements above him. In his rage, golden light surged like lava in his eyes, and his golden pupils suddenly lit up.

Damn it, you're going to pay!

Caesar has never been a supporter of animal protection organizations. In his view, animal protection organizations are actually tools used by certain political forces to win over people's hearts and achieve political goals. The series of radical measures taken by members of animal protection organizations are just to make people angry. It only increases the sense of evil.

But at this moment, he couldn't wait to board the fishing boat, break the hands and feet of these guys and throw them into the sea, then return to the Gattuso family and make a deal with his dear uncle, asking him to send a team of He teamed up mercenaries to snipe at Japanese whaling ships. After he takes over the power of the family, he must find a way to kill these guys.

Just when he secretly vowed to make the whalers pay the price, there was a loud noise behind him, and then the sea stirred up rough waves as if a big Ivan had been thrown into it. Caesar, who was swimming, could not control himself at all. His body was carried by the huge waves and crashed into the bottom of the fishing boat.

And at the moment when the two sides were about to collide, Caesar, who was curling up and tightening his limbs to protect his vitals, felt as if someone had reached out to hold his shoulders, freezing him in place at the critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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