Chapter 250
The situation in Nanwang Township is getting better day by day.

Because there has been no increase in new cases for a week.

Although a new patient died the day before, the patient was older, and because of his own illness, he had been bedridden all year round. His physical condition was not good to begin with, and he could not survive this infection.

The old man's death was also expected and did not cause too many waves.

The county town has returned to normal life, but...Still don't let people gather in large areas.

Because of the previous hidden dangers, many people are also concerned about this matter. Not to mention that they have gathered a lot of people. Unless there are special circumstances, they generally do not take to the streets easily.

As for Nanwang Township and rural areas, they have begun to return to normal production.

It is the autumn harvest season. For farmers, any major illness is not as important as the crops and food in the fields. After all, it is possible to get treatment for the disease, but if there is no food, people will starve to death.

Some special wards in the hospital are in restricted areas, while other areas have returned to normal. However, because this was an important area before, most people are still reluctant to go to the hospital unless there are special circumstances.

The camp under Jiang Defu's management has also entered a normal state of life, with normal training and production, although they have received information that the superiors are coming to investigate.

But here at the camp, there was no general reception like when a certain leader came to inspect. The situation was still the same as before.

Although it is said that the ship is not completely sorted out, it is being cleaned every day.Some people still upload it for disinfection work.

There were many people on the construction site who were sent by Jiang Defu to Sunzhuang Village to help local farmers with their autumn harvest and learn about agricultural production conditions.

There are also many people who are now learning to bake kilns in the brick kilns near Sunzhuang Village. They learned to make adobe bricks before, and they have already made enough adobe bricks to burn one brick kiln. Now they are starting to bake the first brick kiln.

Jiang Defu did not instruct the people in the camp to prepare for inspections from superiors. Many people would have expressed doubts in the past. After all, this situation was different from the previous situation.

But since General Staff Jiang took over and everyone successfully fought against the infection, people's hearts have been surprisingly unanimous in supporting General Staff Jiang.

Now it's up to Staff Jiang to do whatever he says.

After all, many of those who had previously chosen Counselor Wang to show his positive performance now still have their ashes placed under the eaves on one side of the yard, where they are still waiting for their relatives to come and claim them.

Ordinarily, after this incident happened, the family members should have been notified to come to express condolences and claim their identity. However, the matter has not yet been completely investigated. We can only wait for the leaders above to come to investigate and then discuss the matter of notifying the family members.

No one is stupid. People who can choose to go to Songshan Island actually have thoughts about Borg's future in their hearts. Although the future is important, no one is not afraid of death. There are no people who are truly not afraid of death, unless they are sick. !
Having just experienced such a dangerous situation, for many people, being able to settle down on Songshan Island without facing danger is their most important choice now.

At first, Staff Officer Jiang objected to entering the island too boldly. No one listened to him at that time. As a result, such a big problem occurred. After the problem occurred, Staff Officer Jiang did not panic and led everyone to overcome the dangerous situation. It can be said that Saved their lives!

You must know that the corpses of many people are still there on Caosongshan Island. It is not easy for newcomers to be laid to rest!
Because of this incident, many people understood that the corpses of those people were actually very dangerous, and the higher-ups would certainly not let living people die for the sake of those so-called corpses!

Thinking about those brothers who were once living, their lives were lost in the blink of an eye. How could the remaining people not feel scared?
Now about the king’s staff.Although the hospital saved lives, I heard that some of them became insane!
For his situation, no one has much pity, and there is even a lot of hatred!
For the sake of his own life, this man abandoned many brothers on the island and brought some of them back. For many people, this is greed for life and fear of death, and he does not care about the lives of his brothers!
After the leader's investigation team came down, many people couldn't wait to read a book. How could they marry such a sympathetic person?
As the time spent here increased, many people also discovered Counselor Jiang.Although I don’t talk much and I don’t like formalities when doing things, I do lead everyone to do practical things!

Those who fish fish, those who grow crops grow crops, and those who learn techniques learn techniques. Although life is tiring every day, it is actually much richer and more fulfilling!

After the management of Staff Jiang, their living standards have also improved a lot, especially in terms of food. They are now much better than before!
The camp had grown a lot of vegetables, fruits, and even some corn before, and now it has a harvest!

There are also fish products brought back from the sea, coupled with the grain and oil subsidies from above, for many soldiers, life is much better now than they were in the original team.

"Do you think we still want to go to Songshan Island? It would be great if we could live here!"

"What are you daydreaming about? Why are you here because we were sent here to enjoy being a farmer?

The most important thing for us is to do coastal defense. Of course, I heard that we will have to be self-sufficient in production when we go to the island in the future. But with Staff Jiang, we believe that our life will not be too bad in the future. "

In their spare time, many people started talking.

"That island is so dangerous, do we really want to go there? Don't forget, where are the dozens of brothers we're going to kill?"

Some people couldn't help but feel a little frightened when they thought about the situation that day. Looking at the urns next to the eaves, they couldn't help but feel a little frightened again.

Most of them have fought on the battlefield, so they are used to seeing casualties, and they don't believe in ghosts.

It's just that those who went there were brothers who used to talk and laugh together, so it's natural to be afraid.

"What are you afraid of! Staff Jiang said that even if he goes to the island, he will be fully prepared, instead of just going to the island!

There have been so many situations before, such as the situation on the ship. Didn't Lord Jiang, Counselor, we have no big problems?Anyway, with Counselor Jiang here, I feel like I have nothing to fear! "

"Commander Jiang, the Dinghai Shenzhen is here right now. I feel safe wherever he is!"


Jiang Defu has been busy at the brick kiln these past two days.

After moving to Songshan Island, building a house became a major problem. Bricks are indispensable for building a house. Of course, burning bricks also became a big problem.

When they first arrived here, according to Deputy Chairman Zhang's suggestion, building houses or making other things naturally had to be transported to the island by land.

Deputy Chief Zhang comes from a good family. To be honest, he has never been in a rural area, let alone talking about issues such as building a house.

For him, building a house in his memory was the built house he saw in the city. Someone brought bricks from a distance and hired craftsmen to build the house.

Naturally, they will not consider where the brick came from.

This is the reason why it is easy for laymen to lead experts.

Deputy Chief Zhang did not mean to show off. A person's knowledge is often related to his or her own life, and few people obtain things outside the scope of their own life.

Even if you get it from books or other materials, it is just talk on paper and difficult to put into practice.

Jiang Defu actually considered this problem at the time. It was not impossible to transport building materials to the island by land, but the cost was indeed a huge problem.

Not to mention how many things the current ships can pull at one time, it means that when sailing on the sea, you often encounter bad weather, and it does not mean that you can pull it immediately when needed. The cost, manpower, material resources and consumption time, it is difficult to calculate the loss.If there is soil suitable for burning bricks on the island, whichever brick kiln can do that will save a lot of costs!

Deputy Chairman Zhang also mentioned the issue of building a wooden house at the beginning of the discussion. Jiang Defu felt that this issue was not very realistic.

In the northern islands, the weather is cold in winter. Although wooden houses are light and relatively easy to build, they have poor weather insulation properties. And if there are some situations such as typhoons, those houses may be vulnerable.

This was when Jiang Defu participated in discussing these issues before. He was still young and was rejected by those people. Naturally, his ideas could not be recognized by those people.

The current situation of those people, coupled with the current danger of Songshan Island, and the fact that it is inevitable to move to Songshan Island, he can predict that this "glorious and great" job will probably become his own in the future.

Baking bricks is not an easy thing these days. It all relies on manpower. Compared with what he knew before, the manpower and time required to bake a kiln of bricks are definitely different.

However, in his previous life, he knew that everything was machined and the daily output of brick-burning was very high, but he was not exposed to this kind of thing. Think about it, if he goes to the island in the future, if he wants to increase production through some mechanical equipment, he must You must first understand the specific operation process of this kind of thing.

This is also the reason why, as the chief of staff, he goes to the brick kiln every day to observe and understand the situation.

Fortunately, the bricks fired in the first kiln were pretty good, and with the help of skilled craftsmen in the village, there were no major problems.

On the day the kiln was opened, Ge Qingshan also came!

Jiang Defu saw that he looked pretty good, Ge Qingshan was indeed a talent.Not only does this person have a clear understanding of boating and maritime affairs, but he also knows a lot about this kiln, which is equivalent to half a master.

But think about this era when everything is not market-oriented. Many people must learn many skills, which can be said to be all-round skills, in order to live a better life.

Although Ge Qingshan was considered a small tycoon before, he was still a fool at heart after all. He knew a lot about learning, and these technical tasks were normal.

The brick firing in the first kiln was relatively successful, and many farmers in the village who had finished their crops came to help.

These bricks were planned to be moved to Songshan Island in the early stage, so they would naturally be moved to the camp first.

Because he was working for the team, Jiang Defu simply sent a few people to take care of the food. The food was very simple, including big pots of vegetables and multi-grain steamed buns.

The so-called big pot dishes are usually big-bone chicken racks with some cabbage and radishes, which are cooked in a big pot and then served with steamed buns.

It seems simple, but for these villagers, it is a rare delicacy.The work in the team and the fact that it was only about being a staff officer meant that it was very prestigious in the neighborhood, so many people were naturally very active in helping.

"Commander Jiang is the one with the most appeal. Look at all the young and old men in this village who are in charge!"

While taking a rest after eating, some people saw the chaos in the village, all the men were here.

Many little boys from the village also come here to play.

This is the case in rural areas. In this era, it is generally men who come out to participate in this kind of labor and work.

As for eating in a big pot, of course I cook more, and those with boys at home will come over and eat a little together.

Of course, the amount of steamed buns is limited. After all, grains are relatively fine these days. As for vegetable soups and water, several pots are always filled with vegetables and water. At most, it takes some effort to use vegetables and salt. Those boys in the village whose adults work here, When eating at noon, I would hold the wowotou in my hand and bring my own bowl over to rub some soup and water.

The food looks inconspicuous, but it’s good to know that many families these days can eat boiled vegetables, and the salt particles are counted for consumption, not to mention the big pot dishes with oil and water.

After dinner, rural people like to start talking about Jiangdong and talk about things around them.

"What you said is accurate. It is true that all the leaders in this village are here, but I think there is still one person missing!"

Someone said with a smile.

"Who is missing? I see they are all here, aren't they?"

"Have you forgotten that it's Mazi? That boy used to be the master who was indispensable for any fun. It seems that I haven't seen him recently!"

"It's true when you say it, I haven't seen that kid for a long time!"

"By the way, didn't that kid say earlier that he was suspected of having an illness, so wasn't he put in isolation?"

"It has been many days, right? Didn't we say that we would only be quarantined for 7 days? The locks and wooden boards in front of our house have been removed, as well as the thorn strips. Each family has taken them back to build their own walls. Who knows? I’m willing to give him that yard!”

"It's like I heard about the evacuation on the seventh day? At that time, our family was still getting thorn strips, and my wife got everything back!"

"Anyway, I don't know. It seems that someone shouted that he could come out. I guess no one paid attention to him even though he was sleeping in at home! It saves us a lot of worry when the boy is locked up. Look at the recent harvest, and other people's things have been stolen!"

"What you are talking about is that there were often few sticks in our fields before, and that boy stole them. I said that in the future, when the crops are about to be harvested, we will lock that boy up to prevent him from stealing!"

"Yes, I agree too. If it doesn't work, let's suggest that we go and talk about it!"

The crowd was talking.

"We agree, but Mazi Sun looks like the village chief. He belongs to our family after all. If we go to talk to the village chief, will he agree?"

"Think too much. Do you think that the village chief will protect Mazi Sun? He just uses it! Don't forget that Mazi stole two corn cobs from the village chief's house earlier and was about to be beaten by his family. died!"

"Don't talk about it yet. It's none of his business. I'm telling you, I passed by his house a few days ago and I smelled a foul smell. I can't explain the smell!"

Someone said mysteriously.

"What is unclear?"

"It's the putrid smell of dead rats and dead cats and dogs!"

"You didn't tell me that I smelled it too. A few days ago I was thinking about where a mouse died or whose dog died!"

After the two men finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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