Rebirth begins with the waste wood returning home

Chapter 119 2 Degrees Western Restaurant

Chapter 119 Second Western Restaurant

"Is this coffee?"

To say that Lao Ding was a little nervous in Chunhe Building before, now he is on pins and needles.

"Brewed, what is this? It's so painful!"

When Jiang Defu turned his head, Lao Ding had already taken a sip and almost spit it out.

"You can add sugar cubes and milk. If you drink this for the first time, you won't be used to drinking it without sugar!"

Jiang Defu didn't expect him to move so quickly, so he quickly showed him how to drink coffee regularly.

Fortunately, they were on the second floor. The waiter brought the coffee and went to one side, and no one paid attention to the two of them.

The seat chosen by Jiang Defu happened to be the seat where the girl named An Xin sat for the first time.

From sitting here, Jiang Defu felt a little uneasy, as if he saw that beautiful face again, and even the faint fragrance of a woman.

"Damn, it takes so much trouble to drink coffee. Well, this has some sugar and milk added, and the taste is still drinkable. I really cried to death just now! Why do you think this foreign devil always likes this kind of stuff?"

Old Ding rambled.

"This kind of stuff will make you energetic after drinking it, and it will become addictive over time. Anyone who is used to drinking it will like it!"

Jiang Defu said quietly.

As for coffee, he also drank it in his previous life, but he was not addicted to it.

"It's from his grandma. This stuff costs 2 yuan a cup. It's so expensive. Who can afford to drink it! Even if I have that kind of money, I won't be able to drink it for a few years at this price. Just give it a try and don't get addicted."

After Lao Ding found out the price, he felt pain all the time.

It was Jiang Defu who had been PUAing him, and his money would have been wasted if he didn't spend it, so he decided to really drink it.

"Old Jiang, have you eaten that steak? How does it taste?"

After drinking a few sips of coffee, Old Ding began to think about steak.

"Can you stomach the food now? You were walking while holding on to the wall just now!"

"Don't I want to try something new? Don't say I'm holding on to the wall. You didn't eat less before, so you should be a little full, right? But after walking for such a long time to get here, I digested it well. No, let's order it later. Give it a try.

If I run out of money in the future, I'm worried that I won't be able to afford it at the current price.With our salary, I have to support a family of several people. I used to live frugally!If my mother knew that I spent so much money on food, she would probably slap me with a big ear!
Your sister-in-law doesn't dare to take action, but she will definitely jump up and curse! "

Old Ding babbled.

After getting familiar with the environment, he simply stood up and went to the bookshelf to see what books were there.

There is a bookshelf on the second floor of this western restaurant, and there are many books on it. Many of them are original foreign books, and of course there are also translated versions.

Lao Ding liked books, and after a while he picked up a translation book and read it in fascination.

Jiang Defu also picked up an original English version and looked through it. His spoken English was average, that is, he could communicate easily.

In my previous life, I was forced to practice speaking in order to travel abroad.

As for the original English book, it contained a lot of ancient vocabulary, which seemed really difficult to read. As for the German book, he was even more confused when he read it.

He looked around the location and didn't find the book that An Xin had kept here before. She probably took the book back.

After the guy named Ouyang came last time, I couldn't help but say a few words to him.

Although An Xin didn't say anything, Jiang Defu could still tell that she was not very happy and looked hesitant. Something bad had obviously happened to this girl.

Thinking of this, Jiang Defu's feeling of pity and cherishment became even stronger.

Ouyang's appearance is indeed a talent, but he is a selfish and arrogant person. No woman will be happy if she marries such a person.

I really pity that gentle and lovely girl!

Looking out the window, Jiang Defu became even more depressed because the beauty was nowhere to be found.

He kept looking at the entrance of the restaurant downstairs.

From his position he could just see there.

"What are you looking at? Tell me, you came here suddenly, are you waiting for someone? Looking at your eyes, you are full of love, tell me, you brought me here suddenly, did you meet some beautiful girl when you came here earlier? They!" Old Ding read the book for a while and became a little suspicious when he saw Jiang Defu's distracted expression.

"What are you waiting for? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Jiang Defu was a little embarrassed when he was told that he was thinking too much.

"Okay, you didn't. You have a look of nostalgia on your face. Stop talking!"

Old Ding waved his hand.

"Old Jiang, I'm hungry right now. Why don't you order some Western food here and let's try it? It won't be a waste to come all the way."

"Are you really hungry now?"

Jiang Defu looked at Lao Ding and questioned him very much. This kid was thinner than him, and he didn't know where all the food went when he ate so much!
"Just a little! Anyway, you order the food! I'm treating you today, so I'll spend a little time and order all the delicious food!"

Old Ding said proudly.

Jiang Defu couldn't help but laugh. This guy seemed to be really afraid that his money would be wasted, so he started spending money in revenge again.

When the fried pork chops, Italian steak, corn and chicken soup, Russian vegetable soup, and cold salads were served, Lao Ding's eyes nearly fell out of his head.

"His grandma's, do foreigners really eat these?"

"How can it be fake? This used to be a place where foreign devils ate, and one of the bosses was also a foreigner. It's not like you didn't know that."

Although Lao Ding has never eaten foreign food, he knows the situation in Qingcheng very well.

"This is fried pork, right?"

Lao Ding took a bite of fried pork chop and asked suspiciously.

He didn't like using knives and forks. Although he learned from Jiang Defu, his movements were still a bit clumsy.

"Yes, you can eat it!"

Jiang Defu smiled.

“Not only have I seen pigs running around, but I’ve also eaten pork!”

Old Ding said quietly.

"You said your steak is still bloodshot. This foreign devil is not fully evolved and sucks hair and drinks blood. Our ancestors really described it well!"

Old Ding saw that Jiang Defu's steak was a little bloody and bared his teeth.

"It's more tender this way. Don't you know that many foreigners eat raw meat? In their words, they want to eat the original flavor of the food, hahaha!"

Jiang Defu couldn't help laughing.

He knew that Lao Ding couldn't eat this kind of food, so he gave it to him medium-rare, but he still felt that the roast was a little light, which he was not used to.

"Forget it, maybe I really don't have a good taste. I ate this foreign meal just once and I will never think about it a second time. This steak looks like it's undercooked! What's the name of this salad? Isn't it just a cold dish? It's expensive Come on! There’s also this big vegetable soup, Lao Jiang, let me tell you what do you think this soup looks like?”

Lao Ding complained while tasting it.

"like what?"

"Like your sister-in-law who usually washes the pots of water at home and specially washes them to feed the pigs. If she knows that I pay so much money to drink this, she will have to fight with me!"

Jiang Defu was drinking the vegetable soup and almost vomited when Old Ding said this.

This old boy, it’s okay if he can’t get used to it, but his complaints make people unable to eat him!

"Miss An! The seat upstairs is already occupied. Why don't you take the seat over here? The environment here is also good. We just bought two pots of flowers and put them there two days ago."

Jiang Defu wanted to say something else, but the voice of the waiter and the sound of going upstairs came over.

Miss An?
Miss An?
Could it be that An Xin came here today?
It seems that today was not in vain.

Jiang Defu's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he stood up excitedly

(End of this chapter)

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