Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 451 Who knows if it’s for charity?

"Mr. Fang, although participating in the charity auction, whether or not to donate, and how much to donate are all voluntary, you are invited for the first time, and as the newest entrepreneur in Hong Kong Island, you are definitely the target of everyone's attention. .”

"If you don't express this, I'm afraid it won't have a good impact on you."

Fang Liqing frowned upon hearing this. Wasn't this a forced purchase and sale?

The secretary continued, "Mr. Fang, for charity auctions like this, a large number of media are usually invited to participate."

"If you go here and don't donate, they may describe you as a heartless and stingy businessman in newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong later on. This will be very detrimental to your personal and company's image. "

"Then can I not go?"

"If you don't go, there will probably be problems."

"After all, the organizer of this charity auction is the Hong Kong Governor's Office, and the invitation is also sent by the Hong Kong Governor's Office. If you directly refuse to go, people may think that you are close to those Chinese-owned groups."

"If this is the case, our future business in Hong Kong Island and around the world will inevitably be suppressed and targeted."

Fang Liqing's secretary is a top student in the Department of Finance at the University of Hong Kong. She does not have any political leanings, so the advice she gives Fang Liqing is all about business.

After listening to the secretary's words, Fang Liqing sighed with reluctance.

Since United Lab's strong rise in Hong Kong Island, they have been favored by the major wealthy forces in Hong Kong Island and the politicians of the Hong Kong Island authorities.

The reason why these people and forces value United Lab so much is because United Lab is definitely the most promising emerging company in the history of Hong Kong Island.

United Lab just holds the patents for several drugs such as amoxicillin, ethambutol and Lipitor, which can ensure that they will be at the top of the list for at least ten to eight years without having to worry about being surpassed by other peers. .

This does not include the trading company they hold and the patents for various home appliances they hold.

Furthermore, Fang Liqing, the general manager of United Laboratories, has always shown that he has no political leanings.

Regardless of whether it is a group with a Chinese-funded background or a group with a John Bull background, Fang Liqing is not close to them. It seems that he is a very pure businessman.

As for an upstart business man like Fang Liqing, who has no political leanings, he is exactly the target that both major groups want to win over.

But precisely because of this, Fang Liqing was like dancing on the tip of a knife. He had to be careful at all times, lest he take a wrong step.

After seeing Fang Liqing's reluctant expression, the secretary thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Fang, actually, if you really don't want to donate money, maybe you can find a workaround."

"Oh? What workaround?" Fang Liqing asked quickly.

"Well, you can take something and donate it."

"According to the rules of the charity auction, you can directly donate money or items, but the items you donate must be auctioned at the auction."

"The money collected from the auction items will be counted as your donation."

"Is this okay?" Fang Liqing was very surprised.

In response to Fang Liqing's question, the secretary nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Fang, in the charity auctions held in the past years, the Hong Kong Governor basically donated some of his own calligraphy and painting works, or some commemorative things. Very few I will donate money directly, but~"

"But what?"

"However, no matter how good or bad the things donated by the Hong Kong Governor are, or how valuable they are, there are always people who are willing to bid for them."

"Moreover, they can often fetch relatively high prices."

“But if the things you donate are ordinary, no one may be willing to pay for them.”

"What will happen if no one buys it?" Fang Liqing asked.

"Generally, when encountering this kind of situation, in order to look good, once the donor puts it out for auction and no one bids for it, the donor will bid for it himself, or arrange for someone to bid for it."

"If you buy your own things, you have to pay out of your own pocket!" Fang Liqing complained about this.

The secretary looked at Fang Liqing helplessly and said, "This is theoretically true, but it doesn't rule out that your donation will be taken aback by others..."

After listening to a list of thirteen tips, it seems that the most likely option in the end is to make a donation out of your own pocket.

"Okay, I understand this. You go ahead and do your work. Let me think about it and let you know when I make a decision."

"Okay, Mr. Fang."

After the secretary went out, he held his chin with one hand and kept tapping the table with the other hand.

This made him spend the country's money to donate to those ghost guys, and Fang Liqing did whatever he said.

But if they don't participate in the charity auction, it may affect the development of their federal pharmaceuticals.

This made Fang Liqing very confused.

After thinking about it, Fang Liqing decided to report the matter to the country and seek the opinions of his superiors.

After thinking of this, Fang Liqing locked the door of his office, then entered the innermost room of the suite. After locking the door again, he took out the telegraph machine from the hidden secret room and prepared to send a report to the country.

Fang Liqing had just powered on the telegraph machine and was adjusting the frequency when he received a secret signal from China to contact him.

After getting through, he found that it was Yu Quanzhi who was looking for him.

Afterwards, Fang Liqing began to receive the contents of Yu Quanzhi's telegram.

When Yu Quanzhi translated the message, he saw that someone had sent him a pillow just after he dozed off. Now, it should be no problem for him to go to the charity auction.

After that, Fang Liqing sent what happened here and his thoughts to Yu Quanzhi.

After Yu Quanzhi received the telegram, he looked at the content and found that it was not a particularly big deal. As the general person in charge of the flag project, he could make a decision on this matter.

So Yu Quanzhi instructed the radio operator to reply: "I already know the matter, and I can act according to your plan, Yu."

After receiving the reply, Fang Liqing smiled, put away the telegraph machine again, lit the manuscript paper used for translation, and lit a cigarette...

A few days later, Hong Kong Island. Peninsula Hotel!

The Peninsula Hotel tonight is full of big names and stars.

Starting from five o'clock in the afternoon, many heavyweights have arrived here one after another, until finally the Governor's family made their final appearance.

After the Governor's family arrived, the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

After all, the organizer of this charity auction is the Hong Kong Government. Whether it is the groups backed by John Bull, the Chinese-owned groups, or the large and small societies and gangs on Hong Kong Island, who want to live on the territory of Hong Kong Island, Who dares not to give face to the Hong Kong Governor? What's more, participating in such an event is also a good opportunity for various companies and various forces to show their strength. Whether they are seeking cooperation with each other or currying favor with certain powerful people, no matter what it is, it is a good opportunity for him.

Therefore, this charity auction was not only attended by important figures from the political and business circles, but also various celebrities and socialites who heard about it and came to join in the fun.

It is also said that they or they should also contribute to charity.

As for whether it is really for charity, who knows.

Anyway, quite a few people from the entertainment industry came and walked the red carpet happily.

However, it can be said that very few of these people can actually donate. After all, there are endless "accidents" such as shoulder straps slipping off and skirts leaking.

It's still some time before the auction officially starts. Currently, everyone is gathering in the reception hall of the hotel to participate in the reception before the auction begins.

After arriving, Fang Liqing ran to the sirloin buffet table and took a few bites, then he hid in a corner with a wine glass in his hands.

Fang Liqing was really not used to this kind of situation. There were too many people and it was noisy. The red wine was not as delicious as the sorghum wine they brewed in their hometown. He didn't know how these people could drink it.

In addition, from Fang Liqing's point of view, this kind of event or party is more like a platform for the upper class people here to compete for wealth and have fun.

The so-called charity auction was completely different from the charity donation event he imagined.

In China, donations are simply donations. Everyone takes the money and puts it into the donation box, which is considered to have completed the activity of donating money to the collective or the country.

But if you look at Hong Kong Island, it's obviously a charity fundraiser, but they still have to hold a reception before the auction.

That's not all. It is said that after the auction is over, there will be some kind of dance.

All these things combined made Fang Liqing feel that the word charity seemed to have changed its flavor when placed here.

Moreover, Fang Liqing was an airborne soldier, and even though it had been almost two years since he arrived in Hong Kong Island, he had no interaction with the rich and powerful men at the cocktail party.

Even at the Governor's place, he had only made friends with the Governor's wife, but at this moment, the Governor's family was being surrounded by a large group of people paying attention, and he did not want to join in the fun like those people.

There were several bosses who had done business with United Laboratories inside. After greeting each other, Fang Liqing could only stand in the corner alone in a daze.

Therefore, while everyone else was exchanging cups and cups, chatting and laughing with each other and complimenting each other, Fang Liqing, standing in the corner, seemed a little out of place for the occasion.

Although, in terms of company strength and ability to make money, Fang Liqing's United Laboratories is way ahead of most people present.

No matter how you say it, Fang Liqing can be regarded as a business tycoon in Hong Kong Island.

It stands to reason that for a business tycoon like him, even if he doesn't go to others, others will take the initiative to establish relationships.

But who told Fang Liqing to keep a low profile? I am afraid that no one among the people present except him knows how profitable Fang Liqing's United Pharmaceuticals is and how much money he has earned.

They only know that Fang Liqing's United Laboratories is very profitable, with revenue of hundreds of millions a year.

But such achievements are just the threshold for entering their upper-class circles.

Therefore, these business tycoons or wealthy families only paid a little attention to this newly rising guy.

In this situation, there are many powerful bosses such as Li Qing. It is impossible for them to leave the boss's legs and come to hug the newcomer Fang Liqing's legs.

If these people didn't come to Fang Liqing, Fang Liqing would be happy to be clean.

After all, Fang Liqing himself felt that he seemed to have nothing in common with the life philosophy of these upper-class people.

In Fang Liqing's view, in Hong Kong Island at this time, people in the political and business circles are all living a decadent life of extravagance, extravagance and extravagance.

What they pursue is how much money they can earn, how big a villa they can buy, how many luxurious cars they can buy, and how many so-called confidante they can have.

It seems that in the eyes of these people, there seems to be no concept of a country or nation at all, let alone any patriotic feelings.

While Fang Liqing was deep in thought, his secretary came over!

"Have the things been handed in?" Fang Liqing asked.

"Well, I handed it over to Mr. Fang."

"The organizer didn't say anything, right?"

"That's not true. After all, it's a charity auction. People can donate anything and put it up for auction. Ours is not unusual. It's actually quite normal."

"Before this, I had heard that some people had donated pets, some had donated stockings, or they had worn them..."

"Pet? Worn stockings!"

"Is anyone buying this?"

Fang Liqing really didn't understand what kind of brain circuit was involved in being able to put these things up for auction!

The secretary glanced at Fang Liqing, then lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Mr. Fang, the person who donated the pet is the wife of the incoming Hong Kong Governor."

"At that time, her pet cat sold for a high price of HK$18.8."

"The person who donated the stockings was a well-known actress in the entertainment industry. The worn stockings also sold for a high price of HK$16."

"However, it is said that when the actress took out the stockings, she also added a pair. After whoever took the picture, she could have a meal with the person who took the picture."

In fact, the secretary had already said it quite politely. What about having a meal with him? To put it bluntly, it was just that.

After listening to the secretary's words, Fang Liqing felt that the price of the things they brought out was a little too low. After all, what they brought out was really good stuff.

Regarding Fang Liqing's statement, the secretary said: "Mr. Fang, actually our drug, although it lasts for a whole course of treatment, is priced at HK$6, which is actually quite expensive."

"After all, if our drug is launched on the market in the future, the cost of a whole course of treatment will not exceed 10,000 Hong Kong dollars."

Fang Liqing thought for a moment and then said: "In this way, if the auction price of our medicine does not exceed 100,000 Hong Kong dollars later, you can use 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to buy the medicine back."

"Um, Mr. Fang, why is this?" The secretary didn't understand Fang Liqing's decision.

After all, Fang Liqing was very reluctant to donate money at the beginning, but doing so now is no different from making a direct donation.

Fang Liqing smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this. You just need to do as I say."

Although he didn't quite understand, the secretary nodded: "Okay, Mr. Fang."

At 7:30 pm, the auction officially started. (End of chapter)

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