In other words, if you really practice this method, you need to find drugs for insufficient yang. This is actually not bad. Even if the other party doesn't mention it, there are always some ways to replenish Yuanyang and find an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner.

Then the key is that if you feel something is wrong in the middle, it is not possible to go to the hospital and you need to find specialized treatment. There are many sayings.

There are many ways to open your eyes. When life is peaceful, don’t always think of finding something to do when nothing happens.

Zhang Lan also talked with some people who are truly capable and suitable for doing relevant things. Most people think that successors are hard to find, and the right person is even harder to find.

In the Age of Dharma Ending, it is more difficult to find a person with real abilities, and it will be even more difficult to find a suitable disciple later.

There are too many temptations in this society, which is different from the past. In the past, many people did not have as many contacts as they do now. No matter how many taboos there are in this industry, you can still calm down and abide by them and learn from them.

Because in those days, it was difficult to find a career that could support a family and settle down.

It's different now. If nothing else, it's impossible to starve to death no matter what.

In this case, you ask a normal modern person to abide by various taboos and learn a skill that may be troublesome to support himself. If he is not really interested and has family support, no ordinary person will learn this.

Some people who are interested really want to learn, but sometimes they don’t dare to teach. It’s actually very difficult to ask someone you don’t know very well to learn something about superstition.

Even if it is that kind of heretical magic, when it is really effective on people or things, it is cautious and cautious.

On the one hand, I have to rely on this to make a living. On the other hand, I am afraid that if I pass the news to the wrong person, I will lose the ability to support my family.

In a society with no sense of morality, it is easy to support a family. However, the ability to make a person settle down and live a life at any time, and to rely on this ability to transcend social classes, has attracted more attention than in the past.

No matter how fancy it is, in the end, it will return to the original moment. Fundamentally, society has been developing, but ideas have been tinkered with by sages one after another for thousands of years. No matter how fast modern people jump, they can't escape the relevant categories.

In today's era, more and more people want to get something for nothing. Sometimes they clearly know that there is a pit, they clearly know that it is a trap, but there are still smart people who jump in one after another.

It's not that they don't know, it's just that they don't think they will take the last shot. It can be seen from the changes in society that at the beginning, even the liar's work style is to cultivate the environment first.

But now, the situation has not even opened. I feel that it is almost done, so I just collect the money and run away. What is not the future, seize the present and make a fortune is their point of view.

Zhang Lan put her phone on the armrest box and warned Zhang Hu not to practice blindly. If you really want to get involved in this area, the first thing you need to do is not practice, but study first.

As for the training methods mentioned in the private group, Zhang Lan took a look and practiced according to the methods he said. He followed them all the way and was stricter than the normal health-preserving exercises.

If you can really follow this, nine out of ten people will definitely be healthy. Go to bed early and get up early, eat at regular times and move all parts of the body. A healthy lifestyle is the secret to longevity.

It talks about Shen Shen Nao, inhaling and exhaling cycles, various visualizations and so on. If you search the classic practice theories of various major sects, you will find that there is no difference. The biggest difference is that the objects you visualize are different. The actual thing is to calm down and adjust your breathing.

By the way, Zhang Lan told Zhang Hu a really simple and practical method. The operation is simple, that is, perform the exercises three times in the morning, noon and evening every day. Remember to burn incense on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. The main thing is not to miss the time.

Many folk methods focus on being easy to understand and at the same time, you can see the results if you stick to it. The scientific principle is to regulate the human body.

Zhang Lan told Zhang Hu a simple method of worship, and then said to Zhang Hu: "I learned this after communicating with a Taoist priest. It is simple to chant and there are not many taboos. It is just after getting up in the morning, washing your teeth and brushing your face , before eating at noon, and before going to bed at night. The three sentences of reciting are also simple, and the most important thing is to do it for a long time."

"What's the use of this?" Zhang Hu asked.

"Don't you want to open the Heavenly Eye and prolong your life? This method is enough. Not to mention extending your life after you reach the level of practice. You don't need to practice this or that to open the Heavenly Eye. It will happen naturally when your skills are high."

Zhang Lan was smiling when he spoke. He didn't lie to Zhang Hu at all. If a person can get up before the sun comes up in the morning and rest before eleven o'clock in the evening. In the meantime, I also made sure to recite mantras in the morning, noon and evening.

As long as you persist, your body will naturally get better over time. As for the so-called invasion of external evils, most of the time, for people who are healthy and regularly exposed to sunlight, everything is a minor problem.

Back in Qingshan Village, Zhang Lan asked Zhang Hu to take her home directly. When she got off the car, she turned around and told Zhang Hu, don't rush the next thing, put it off as long as you can. After a while, things will settle down naturally. It became clear.

After entering the door, a simple greeting was given. Zhang Lan's mother asked why Zhang Lan came back suddenly. Zhang Lan explained that it was because of the old teacher that he came back to deal with the people who were arrested in the village.

Zhang Lan's mother nodded, changed the subject, and said casually: "You just happened to be back. Your aunt's Jingjing is idle at home now. Why don't you let her come over tomorrow and see what kind of job you can find for her? .”

Speaking of his cousin Yang Jingjing, Zhang Lan rubbed his forehead wordlessly and said helplessly: "This Jingjing has no job now? Didn't she say she did a good job during the Chinese New Year?"

"I said we were laid off in the new year, but after that I was too tired from work and couldn't make much money, so I quit my job," said Zhang Lan's mother.

"You can't take the civil service exam. Once you pass the exam, you can work for two years and find someone to marry."

"What you said is simple, but Jingjing must be willing to learn. Your aunt has told her a long time ago that she doesn't want you to do anything."

Zhang Lan thought for a while and said: "Then if she doesn't win, she can go to a factory. I can't introduce her to any good jobs. Just these factories in the city. It depends on where she wants to work. I'll tell her how to go." That’s it. The key is whether Jingjing is willing to work from home.”

"I will send your aunt a WeChat message later and ask her to ask Jingjing to come over tomorrow so that Jingjing can tell you herself." Zhang Lan's mother said.

Zhang Lan smiled and didn't say anything. The aunt's thoughts were completely different from Yang Jingjing's. The introduction work was easy, it just depended on how the two of them could think of the same thing. (End of chapter)

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