When guests came over, the coffee table in the living room in the east courtyard still had the previous wine and food on it, so Zhang Lan led the guests to the study next to it.

Zhang Jialin and Zhang Hu cleared away the food and wine on the coffee table, said hello to Zhang Lan and left. Deng Yuwen said with an apologetic look: "I'm really sorry, Dr. Zhang, for coming here so presumptuously and disturbing me."

Zhang Lan smiled and said: "It's okay, we are all friends."

After the polite exchanges, Zhang Lan fell into deep thought as Deng Yuwen explained her purpose of coming and the causes and consequences.

How should I put it? Some people have problems that are not easy to solve. It is easy to cure physical diseases, but it is difficult to cure mental diseases.

Deng Yuwen himself can say that it is a disease of his own immune system, lupus erythematosus. The disease itself is not terrible, but what is terrible are other diseases caused by the destruction of autoimmune function.

That is to say, after you cure a disease, you cannot get rid of the root cause, and it will recur.

If a bucket is filled with water, the presence of lupus erythematosus will continuously cause corrosion in the material of the bucket. Under normal circumstances, if everything goes well, through the action of the drug, this corrosiveness may be greatly prolonged until final end of life.

If there is an abnormal situation, the bucket itself or the bucket itself is affected by external forces, and the material of the bucket begins to have problems, the bucket will crack and leak.

In this case, it is okay to make up for the cracks after they occur, but no matter how you make up for them, it will not stop corrosion from happening faster.

After the medicine works well, the corrosion will be reduced after repair, and the natural quality and time of life will be extended.

On the contrary, the life of the bucket will become shorter and shorter, until it finally collapses completely, and the water in the bucket will naturally run out.

Deng Yuwen's illness is still in its early stages. It has been two years since she was first diagnosed. She is not particularly worried at the moment. After consulting and reviewing relevant information, she also learned that if this disease is well controlled with medication, pregnancy, childbirth, and life span will not be greatly affected.

And now that technology is advanced, as long as you have money and your body functions are still there, if you just want to have a child, there are still many ways.

Deng Yuwen chose this method. After she was initially diagnosed with related immune diseases, she, who had a wealthy family, put aside her thoughts about pregnancy and childbirth and directly used technical means to find someone else to conceive a child of her own.

Because he was ill, Deng Yuwen was extremely careful when conceiving a child. He spent all the money he needed and used various methods such as genetic screening.

After the child was born, the physical examination was very healthy. Then as time passed and the children grew up, Deng Yuwen realized that something was wrong.

I did a genetic screening when I was pregnant, and the report showed no problems. But as the child grew up day by day, problems were still discovered when he was more than two years old. After a detailed examination by the doctor, it was determined that Deng Yuwen's son was congenital with autism.

When I came to see Zhang Lan this time, Deng Yuwen and his friends were visiting a nearby scenic spot. While eating, he accidentally came across a video of Zhang Lan doing something on his mobile phone.

It just so happened that Li Yuan was accidentally included in this video. Deng Yuwen knew it was Zhang Lan as soon as she thought about it. She had heard Li Yuan mention Zhang Lan before. When talking about the reason why she wanted to marry Li Yuan's daughter, Li Yuan said that Zhang Lan saved her mother and daughter's lives.

Deng Yuwen had the impression that Zhang Lan had very good medical skills, but after seeing local people's comments about Zhang Lan in the video, he realized that Zhang Lan also had special abilities in mysterious things.

After a brief understanding, Deng Yuwen decided to come here to take a look first. After arriving, he offered incense to the Bodhisattva, and then Deng Yuwen asked people about Zhang Lan.

She was really unfamiliar with Zhang Lan. When asked, she only said that she was a friend of a friend of Zhang Lan's, and she came over to burn incense and see if Zhang Lan was there. The intention was to open up the topic and listen to other people’s opinions. What I didn’t expect was that just as I was asking about Zhang Lan with an aunt, Zhang Jialin came back in a tricycle.

Then the aunt said hello to Zhang Lan as a matter of course. He is back. If you have anything, just ask him directly.

Deng Yuwen said that the reason why she was so presumptuous was that she came over suddenly after seeing the video this time. She wanted to find the aunt just to inquire casually, but she didn't have much hope for medical treatment.

Her own condition is now well controlled with medication, but her son's condition can only be dealt with step by step.

Now that her son is still young, congenital autism is a difficult problem all over the world, and he can only rely on gradual education and guidance in the later period.

As for Deng Yuwen's son might be a genius in some aspects, Deng Yuwen also thought about this idea, but quickly gave up.

Regardless of whether you are really talented in a certain aspect, these require gradual education in the later period. Now that the child is only four years old, any thoughts must be put aside until the child's condition develops later.

Deng Yuwen is not short of money, and the educational costs required for his children's tutoring are still affordable.

After turning over and over again and talking a lot of words, Zhang Lan finally understood the core meaning of Deng Yuwen. She just came over to have a look. If possible, she hoped that Zhang Lan could do a blessing ceremony for her and the child, and nothing else. do not have much left.

There is nothing wrong with praying for blessings. Zhang Lan stayed in Qingshan Village just because he had seen a few people contact him in the past few days, so he could do what he should do and repay the favor.

It is not necessary to pray for a child, but it is always necessary to pray for blessings. As time goes by and her own capital and status increase, Zhang Lan now understands more and more that sometimes reputation is a double-edged sword, and it is better to leave some room for others as much as possible.

If you are not alone, then in this society, you cannot escape the exchange of favors.

And after having a little bit of assets and status, Zhang Lan also understood more and more what it meant that invisible things were the most expensive.

Those invisible influences can benefit people endlessly, but they can also cause people to stumble and fall. Zhang Lan planned to repay some of the favors he owed as soon as possible.

He didn't owe any serious favors, mainly because of the care his parents received in his hometown, and Zhang Lan occasionally calling back to find someone to do some things.

As long as you open your mouth, no matter who you are doing something for, as long as the other party agrees and does it, Zhang Lan will owe him or her more or less.

Look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face. Even if the monk's face and the Buddha's face cannot be compared together, what is due must be repaid.

Favors are worthless when you are down. When you are developed, you have to recognize some things.

Just like a person's credit, when you are worthless, no matter how much you waste it, it will not have much impact, or it will not affect more people.

When you are successful and famous, if you still act dishonestly, it will be very influential. (End of chapter)

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