Not every family's life is smooth sailing, there will always be some unsatisfactory things happening. Zhang Lan doesn't care about some of the benefits, so why not release it to bring some benefits to other needy families in the family?

Zhang Hu even made a plan to save part of the merit money and items brought by people who offered incense and prayer for future renovation. Part of it can be used to improve the lives of each family.

For example, if someone's family is in difficulty, let the elders who are idle at home come over to clean the house or something. Don't say much for a month, and give the elderly three to five hundred yuan. In the future, when you have the conditions, you can buy insurance or something for your elders. It is always a good thing to do, so why can't you do it for your own family first?

It's all about merit. No matter what the situation is, there's nothing wrong with being near the water, first come first. The same is true for doing meritorious deeds and doing good deeds, and it is not an exaggeration to improve one's own relatives.

Zhang Lan thought about it and had nothing to say. What Zhang Hu said was also practical. After Zhang Lan got the medical skill panel, she helped her relatives and friends take care of their bodies.

But being healthy does not mean that you will have money. For some uncles and uncles, there is a real lack of money in the family. Not to mention anything else, if there are two or three boys in the family, just to get married and have children, they will never be able to finish it until they die.

A farmer just has a craft job. If he works as a migrant worker, he can earn seven to eight thousand yuan a month, but this kind of work is not long-lasting.

It is said that the wages of migrant workers are high. Now that the state has taken control, wages are much better than before. Although there are some arrears, they are basically paid one after another.

But after the labor cost increased significantly, the result was that the labor unit also had various calculations. If you can do it in one day, you will never let you do it in three days.

Once a project is completed, workers will be dismissed quickly, and various electronic equipment will be quickly used on the construction site.

When you go to work, you just scan your face with your mobile phone and clock in. If you clock in, your salary will be calculated. If you don't clock in, you will be working. If you don't make up for it quickly afterwards, the same will not be calculated for you.

What Zhang Lan remembers very clearly is that when smart phones became popular, Zhang Lan’s father always held a single-button mobile phone for the elderly. In the words of Zhang Lan’s father: If you can’t press it well, you won’t learn how to press it. Wrong, by then I don’t know where the money went.

It's better to have a senior phone that can make and receive calls. If you want to watch videos and listen to movies, find a mobile phone store and just give people a few dollars to put some in the memory card.

Later, Zhang Lan even eliminated her mobile phone, but she still said that she couldn't learn how to use it and couldn't press the buttons well.

Until one day, when Zhang Lan came home, Zhang Lan's father asked him if the phone he had eliminated could still be used, and how to install the card so that no money would be deducted or the money would be deducted less.

When Zhang Lan asked, she found out that even if she was working on a construction site, she still had to download software on her smartphone to clock in and clock in. There is also some information on work and when paying living expenses. Cash is not used much on the construction site. Instead, red envelopes or transfers are given.

When something went wrong during normal work, it turned out that the foreman came to notify me, but now he directly posted it to the WeChat group with his mobile phone, asking who did it.

The same goes for when assigning jobs. The foreman with a smartphone will directly notify you in the WeChat group that the easy work has been arranged in advance. For those who don’t know how to use a smartphone when it’s their turn, either a colleague will tell you, or you will be asked to do whatever they ask you to do. What.

In fact, it is very fast to get started with mobile phones. After Zhang Lan’s father took the smartphone, within half a month, he was able to play much more smoothly.

It is said that this will not be difficult to learn. Most of the time, it is just that adults are unwilling to accept the changes in life as they grow older. In other words, most people’s thinking activities will gradually solidify as they grow older. Unwilling to actively accept changes in new things.

Those who often say that the bridge they have crossed is longer than the road you have walked, most of the time, just do not want to believe that they have been eliminated by the times.

In this highly information-based society, most basic information is clearly placed online. As long as you are willing to search and accept it, you can always find everything you want.

Live and learn. Everyone has strengths that are different from others. Everyone has their own opportunities given by the times. The difference is that some people realize the opportunity very smoothly when it comes. , and boarded successfully.

A large number of people may only realize what they missed when they look back long after the opportunity has passed.

Many people want a regret medicine. There will always be a few regrettable things in life.

Looking back on his past, Zhang Lan thought for a moment and couldn't help but feel that it was a good thing that he couldn't remember the past when he thought about it.

The bad advantage of having a bad memory is that you can always forget a lot of things without having to think of unpleasant things.

Having a good memory usually has its advantages, but the disadvantage is that when looking back on the past, I always feel that it is better to forget those things that are vivid in my mind.

Time always flies by so fast, and when things change unexpectedly, time slips away day by day.

The next morning, after Zhang Lan saw Qin Yongjun off, he returned home and saw Zhang Shangen waiting for him at home, looking much more relaxed than yesterday.

After asking, I found out that this morning, after the doctor checked the room, he talked to his family and said that Zhang Youfeng's condition was okay. I got on the machine yesterday, and now that one night has passed, Zhang Youfeng's condition has not progressed in a worse direction.

Although it has not improved, Zhang Youfeng's current situation is good news if it does not develop in a worse direction. Zhang Youfeng is a teenager. As long as his physical condition can be stabilized at this age, his various functions will recover quickly.

The attending doctor didn't say anything definite, but it was understandable. Unless he was 100% sure, the doctor would not say anything definite. A very common sentence is: The patient is currently in a dangerous period and needs to be observed for a while. However, the condition has not progressed further. We will see what the situation will be after a period of time.

After Zhang Shangen learned that Zhang Youfeng's condition did not continue to worsen and began to stabilize, he told Zhang Youfeng's father that he had asked Zhang Lan to pray for his child last night.

After Zhang Shangen's family discussed it, they took their things to Zhang Lan's house. In addition to thanking him, they also asked Zhang Lan if he wanted to make a wish to the Bodhisattva. By the way, I would like to ask Bodhisattva to bless Zhang Youfeng's condition to improve.

Last night, what Zhang Shangen prayed for was that Zhang Youfeng could survive the danger. Now that he knew that this stage was over, regardless of whether it was really a blessing from the Bodhisattva, he wanted to ask the Bodhisattva to bless him again, so that his grandson could be safe and healthy. Out of the intensive care unit. (End of chapter)

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