Chapter 665
After dinner, Liu Xiaoyu hadn't come yet. Zhang Lan asked Qin Yongjun who was cleaning up the room: "Why hasn't Xiaoyu come yet? Didn't he call early?"

Qin Yongjun took the phone and took a look at it and said: "When she called me this morning, she said she would come around nine o'clock. The meeting should be coming soon. I will send her a WeChat message to ask."

Zhang Lan was speechless: "I didn't come until nine o'clock. Why did you call me so early?"

"Get up and take care of the kids. Both parents have something to do. I can't do it alone. You get up and look after the kids so I can clean up the room. I haven't been back for so long. There are things in the bedroom and the cabinets outside that need to be dried. It needs to be dismantled and washed." Qin Yongjun said.

"There is nothing in our house that needs to be tidied up. I usually tidy it up when I come back, and my mother usually airs the room every once in a while." Zhang Lan was a little puzzled.

"There are a lot of things, and they are often unoccupied, so they have to be tidied up. Yesterday, my mother told me that there are some things in our room that she doesn't like to move. She said that she would just wait for me to come back to see what needs to be tidied up and tidy them up for her. Clean up. I was thinking that I am back, there are some things that we can clean up by ourselves." Qin Yongjun explained.

Zhang Lan nodded and sighed. Looking at Qin Yongjun who was cleaning the room while taking out the contents from each cabinet to check, he raised his forehead and sighed: "You told me earlier, I still need you to clean up the house. Just ask your parents to find a few workers in the factory and come back. They are all earning wages. They will keep you busy for several days in the morning. I guess our mother also means the same, let you see what needs to be packed. When the time comes, just bring the workers over to clean and dry them directly for us."

Qin Yongjun stopped what he was doing: "Is that so?"

Zhang Lan laughed and said: "You have been dealing with big and small things this year, but why did you do everything yourself when you went home? The winery hired someone and asked them to come over temporarily for a day, and the salary was still paid. Just clean the inside and outside of the house, it will save us a lot of time."

Qin Yongjun nodded: "I know, I'll take a look at what else is in the cabinet first, but I think it's better to buy a small vacuum machine. There are some sheets and quilts here that I don't think we can use, and I can't bear to give them to them. They are all from the time of the wedding, so they are quite memorable."

Zhang Lan looked at the cabinet Qin Yongjun opened, thought for a while and said: "Take off the quilt covers and clean them. Store the quilt cores in a separate cabinet. Just put the sheets directly in the cabinet. They won't break easily." .My mother has been knitting some sheets for more than ten years, and they are still in good condition. They are mainly clothes. Except for the commemorative ones on the wedding day, I will pack the rest. I asked my mother whether I can give them away or not. People should donate directly.”

"Okay, then it's nothing. It's just that this house has been here for a long time, and the corners still need to be thoroughly cleaned. It always feels a bit deserted." Qin Yongjun looked around and said.

Zhang Lan sighed in his heart. Every time he came back, the house would be cleaned directly with magic. It can't be said that there is no dust in the corners, but there is definitely very little.

As for the deserted atmosphere Qin Yongjun mentioned, it is because no one lives there often and has nothing to do with anything else.

But Zhang Lan was helpless when the house was uninhabitable. The old house was rebuilt behind Zhang Lan, and there were more appliances in the room, otherwise his parents would never come back to live here.

The main reason is that there are not many residents in the neighborhood, and even if you want to play cards, you can't get all the characters. When you eat, you can't even come out with a bowl to chat.

Things are getting better now. The courtyard next to it was transformed into a family temple by Zhang Lan. This time when Zhang Lan came back, she saw several colorful flags planted on the wall of the courtyard next to the courtyard and on the roof of the east room dedicated to Bodhisattva.

Zhang Lan didn't know the specific reason why. To be honest, the village temple not far away from the corner had been repaired by Murakami before, but now they all come to Zhang Lan's house.Then Zhang Lan's house is very lively now. After Zhang Lan's mother had dinner this morning and went to the winery and gas station to hand over and settle the accounts, there was already a card game in the yard when she returned home.

When Zhang Lan got up this morning, she heard someone talking outside the hospital.While eating, there was a deafening sound of firecrackers being set off outside the yard. I asked my mother and found out that the Bodhisattva in the yard next to me is now famous in the nearby villages of Shiliba. I heard a while ago that there are people in the next province who drive for four or five hours. The car came over to worship the Bodhisattva.

The main reason is that the Bodhisattva in the yard next to her is very effective, especially for the couple who found no problem after the examination, but just couldn't have a child.I burned incense and made a wish here, saying that I would get pregnant soon after I returned.

Forget about other things, after the name of sending children has come true, the ones who fulfill their wishes become more pious than the others. Those who set off firecrackers are here to fulfill their wishes. Basically, someone will set off firecrackers every once in a while.

Zhang Lan's mother told Zhang Lan that Zhang Lan had spoken out early some time ago and cleaned up the village committee, otherwise someone would have come to Zhang Lan to talk about the yard.

Talking about the matters in the yard next door, Zhang Lan’s mother talked to Zhang Lan a little more. Now the village has appointed Zhang Lan’s mother to the village committee as the women’s director. Recently, someone mentioned that Zhang Lan’s mother should renovate the yard next door. Especially the locked hall door and yard gate.

Zhang Lan later changed the gate of the adjacent yard to a southwest gate. After Zhang Lan changed the east room into a place for worshiping Bodhisattva, he also built a screen wall in the yard.After all, once you enter the courtyard, you will feel a bit nondescript.

Zhang Lan thought to himself that he had renovated it according to a typical residential style house, so of course it would feel awkward to change it to a temple-style house.

Entering the yard from the southwest, there is a screen wall as soon as you enter the yard. Turn right and you will see the yard. The first thing you see is the east room. It is not a problem for a residence. Which direction to open the door depends on the owner's personal taboo.But from the perspective of a temple, it is somewhat inappropriate and awkward.

If Zhang Dashan had been unlucky not long after Zhang Lan made the announcement last time, there might be someone in the village who thinks they can bypass Zhang Lan and find his parents to get things done first, and then talk about compensation.

But before, Zhang Lan brought disgrace to Zhang Dashan's family because of someone accepting merit money. Now, no one will take the initiative to ask for this trouble.

But privately, I mentioned it to Zhang Lan’s mother that there are still people who understand the way curves work.

The main reason is nothing else but too many people coming every day.The grassroots people have a very simple standard for gods and Buddhas. As long as they are effective, it is good.

It is not effective on weekdays, but during festivals and festivals, incense and other offerings are still offered. Now that it is so effective, let alone that.

(End of this chapter)

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