Standing at the door, watching the woman Xiaomei's father help her walk into a residential building not far away, Zhang Lan shook her head gently, turned around, closed the door and walked inside.

The suffering in the world is happening all the time, and when it happens before our eyes, Zhang Lan reaches out to take care of it and help.As for the rest, Zhang Lan didn't want to know that much.

The woman Xiaomei just seemed to want to ask something, but in the end she didn't say anything.Zhang Lan didn't mention that after what happened today, people from the street would come to help her family soon.

Once the matter is put on the table, if nothing else, the daily life of Xiaomei's family will definitely be fine.

The reason why unspoken rules are unspoken rules is that they cannot be brought to the table. No matter how they breed in dark corners, they must be avoided as the sun shines.

The only difference is that after the sun recedes, those things that grow in the darkness will continue to appear.The difference is that sometimes the sun shines for a long time and the place is large, and those things in the darkness will not appear again for a while.

Yu Lingling was using her mobile phone to call her family, saying that the fight just seemed to be caused by some relative of her family. She was gossiping with her mother about her discovery, and said that she had sent her mother several related videos on short videos. , let the mother take a look at it when she has time to see if she admits her mistake.

Zhang Lan sat next to the computer, opened the browser, and continued to check information.But how can I put it, looking up information on the computer always makes Zhang Lan feel unimportant.

And when looking at the words in the information, there is always a feeling that knowledge is passing by like water. I have read it, but I have not remembered it at all.

For a period of time after that, Zhang Lan calmly looked up information and studied in the clinic every day. From time to time, he visited museums and libraries in Kyoto to look up relevant written information and take a look at specific physical information.

There are many kinds of rumors on the Internet. If you want to determine whether they are true or false, the best way is to check them on the spot.Not only those sworn online statements, but also the various materials uploaded. When you go to check it on the spot, a large part of it is the so-called evidence pieced together by the other party and all parties.

When she went home at the end of the year, Zhang Lan gave Yu Lingling a red envelope and told her to take a holiday. Yu Lingling also lamented to Zhang Lan that Zhang Lan could finally sit in the clinic for a period of time with peace of mind at the end of the year. Otherwise, she would have been embarrassed to receive her salary. .

Zhang Lan smiled and reassured her that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. Zhang Lan was often away from the clinic, but Yu Lingling was helping Zhang Lan with the hygiene inside and outside and the daily medical care for patients.

A little leisure is not an exaggeration, Zhang Lan can still afford this amount of money.

Compared with Yu Lingling who was satisfied after sending her a red envelope, her apprentice Lu Yichen was in some trouble.As Zhang Lan has been at the clinic for a while, Lu Yichen has been running here more and more often.

Originally, Lu Yichen was supposed to be a nurse-type resident in the hospital, following his mentor and having more contact with patients. However, now Lu Yichen spends three days in the department fishing and two days drying up.

Relying on the good relationship between her family and her tutor, Lu Yichen sneaked over to Zhang Lan from time to time and asked Zhang Lan to give her advice on acupuncture.

Then Zhang Lan had no patients for her to practice on, so Lu Yichen would run back to the hospital from time to time to grab patients for acupuncture treatment with other classmates.

Zhang Lan reminded Lu Yichen that nothing would happen if she did this. Her mentor had a good relationship with her, and as long as no medical accidents occurred, most things could be settled for her.

Then when she graduates and enters the hospital, Lu Yichen's behavior will be affected.Others may not remind you after you do something, but they will definitely make a note of it in their heart.It is good to have good connections, but if the connections are not particularly strong, the ability to get into a good hospital is still very important.

Zhang Lan tactfully reminded Lu Yichen that she should handle her interpersonal relationships well. After all, her graduation and subsequent professional certificate exams, as well as the most important announcement when she joins the company.

If you have a tense relationship with your current classmates and colleagues, and you are not able to stand up to the test, then when the final announcement comes, someone might get in the way.

Recruitment quotas in well-known hospitals are limited. Except for the true geniuses who can make it to the end, it doesn't matter whoever makes it to the end.

Lu Yichen didn't take Zhang Lan's reminders and concerns seriously at all, or it could be said that Lu Yichen was already very self-aware.

Lu Yichen and Zhang Lan explained that it would be impossible for Lu Yichen to enter the hospital where the tutor she is currently following is located after graduation.The simplest thing is that the school she started in was not good enough, and her tutor at the hospital where she is currently taking the postgraduate entrance examination can't say anything.

Even if he can get in the conversation, this kind of favor cannot be used on Lu Yichen. Compared with Western medicine, it is more difficult for interns who focus on traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods to join.

Take the traditional Chinese medicine doctors who joined her hospital this year. All of them are taught by family members. Behind them are relatives or three generations of the family who are engaged in related industries.

Postgraduate students like Lu Yichen, who did not grow up studying traditional Chinese medicine and are still thinking about basic acupuncture, basically end up going to street or township health centers in Kyoto after graduation.

It still matters, but if it doesn't matter, it's not that easy to get a job in a public hospital in Kyoto, even in a community health center.

Behind the scenes, Lu Yichen's plan is that the biggest goal of graduate school in the past few years is to obtain a practicing certificate, and to come directly to Zhang Lan to help after graduation.

Regarding Lu Yichen's idea, Zhang Lan was noncommittal after thinking about it for a while, neither expressing objection nor welcoming it.There are still a few years to go, and no one can tell what the future will be like.

As for the clinic, it doesn't matter whether Lu Yichen comes or not.The place was sufficient, the qualifications were there, and Zhang Lan could afford the salary. At most, Lu Yichen would not go to the hospital after graduation and come to him for consultation.

Zhang Lan can afford such consequences, and he is not afraid that if Lu Yichen is misdiagnosed or something, he has the ability to clean up the mess and wipe his ass.

The only requirement is that Zhang Lan hopes that Lu Yichen can pass the national examination to obtain a Chinese medicine practitioner qualification certificate by then, instead of taking the exam for a specialty certificate in the end.

At noon on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, Zhang Lan had just returned home when his old classmate Ding Dang called and asked if Zhang Lan had gone home. When the twelfth lunar month just entered some time ago, Ding Dang called Zhang Lan several times and asked Zhang Lan When will Lan come home?

Last night when Zhang Lan was packing her things at home, Ding Dang called again and asked when Zhang Lan would be home the next day.When Zhang Lan finally talked to him, her tone was a little impatient. She didn't feel tired of asking again and again. She would go home when it was time to go home. (End of chapter)

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