"It's not troublesome, just sit here and wait." Li Xia replied with a smile without raising her head.

After signing the electronic signature and taking photos, watching Li Xia operate a notebook and a small machine to type out a new bank card, Zhang Lan took the bank card and commented: "This is quite convenient. You don't have to go to the bank."

He handed the phone to the little girl who came with Li Xia and started to download online banking. After binding everything that should be bound, Zhang Lan asked Li Xia: "Can this period be transferred directly to online banking?"

"Yes, but the regular interest rate on online banking is the prescribed interest rate, which is not as high as the single rate." Li Xia said.

Zhang Lan thought for a while and said: "Then I'll give you a regular deposit of 500 million. You can do it as you see how. I'll transfer the money in."

After the fixed deposit was completed, the next step was the loan. Li Xia and Zhang Lan said: "Why don't we wait until this month to apply for the loan? It's the end of the year soon, so that's all I'll do. The loan won't be processed until the next quarter."

Zhang Lan waved her hand: "It doesn't matter, you can do it or not. By the way, this regular payment is now done. Can you see it on the online banking?"

"I can see that if I want to transfer out, cousin, please tell me in advance. If I don't work at the branch, it's okay." Li Xia said the last words in a low voice.

Zhang Lan smiled and nodded to indicate that he understood.After everything was done, I looked at the time and saw that it was still early, not even ten o'clock.Zhang Lan asked: "Are you leaving after lunch?"

"Let's go after dinner. Thank you cousin for supporting me. I'll treat you to this meal." Li Xia said with a smile.

Zhang Lan waved her hand: "Then you'd better take the high-speed rail back, save your meal money and go home early."

The daughter of her aunt's family had nothing to be polite about. After being polite, Zhang Lan caught her in a taxi and let her go home.Zhang Lan also planned to ask Li Xia to take some of the gifts back to her third aunt, but Li Xia strongly disagreed and said that these were specially prepared by the bank for big customers and they were all at home, so there was no need to take them back.

It's not easy. No matter how easy Li Xia says it is, Zhang Lan knows in her heart that it is indeed difficult for people like Li Xia who have little family support to work in the financial industry.

It would be better if it was just a salary or something, but Li Xia obviously has a bigger goal.

Zhang Lan is a cousin, and if it's anything else, just reaching out and saying a word would help. But Li Xia had just stabilized herself, and after understanding the details, she changed jobs for a higher salary and better opportunities. Zhang Lan personally feels that the current support is enough.

People's desires are endless. If they don't break their heads on some things, they won't understand what their future is.

The ancients said that learning takes place at twenty, standing at thirty, and no confusion at forty.Judging from the current social development and the average life coefficient of an individual, 25 is for learning, 35 for standing, and 45 for not being confused may be more standard.

Or is this the more correct way for ordinary people?I learned 27 along the way, and with a little delay I would be around thirty.

In this case, for a person who has just stepped out of school, you can tell him that he is already in his thirties, and a wealthy family is fine. In an ordinary family, how can a student who has just graduated get married and start a family at around 30 years old?

As long as we push back five or six years, those who have graduated from college will have been around for about ten years, and those who have graduated from graduate school will have about five or six years. At this time, they have savings and their jobs have stabilized. By the time they are thirty years old, it is the best time to start a family and start a career. Couldn't be more appropriate.When Zhang Lan returned home at the end of September, she happened to meet her third aunt when she came home. When she mentioned Li Xia during lunch, her third aunt Zhang Aiping couldn't help but complain.

Originally, after Li Xia became a full-time employee at the bank, Zhang Aiping thought that now that her job was stable and she was still a full-time employee, she would marry someone with a better family, and Li Xia's mission would be completed.

When she has children in the future, she can also help take care of them. Li Xia also has a younger brother, Li Ming, who will not stop for a few years. Taking advantage of the fact that Li Ming has not yet become friends, Li Xia will marry as soon as he gets married.

When it is Li Ming's turn to talk about marriage in another two years, if Li Xia is not married yet, then Li Ming's partner will want a house and a car, and Zhang Aiping's decision as a parent will be a mistake.

Zhang Aiping made it very clear: She is not the kind of person who sells her children, but if Li Xia is not married by then, Li Ming will need a house, a car, and hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts when she gets married.

When it's Li Xia's turn, she can open her mouth and say, "I don't want anything, I don't want anything." Will my son and daughter-in-law complain about him? His son gets married first, and if the family falls into a large debt, Li Xia, as her sister's helper, still can't Help.

Parents will not say that they are not selfish at all, and everything is fair, so what Zhang Aiping means is that she wants Li Xia to get married early. Li Ming will get married in two years. As a sister, Li Xia can help more if she wants to. If she doesn't, she can help her more. If you contribute some money and effort, no one will say anything.

Zhang Aiping's idea is very good and makes sense.But Li Xia doesn't think so. Since working in the bank, she has been on blind dates dozens of times. She has basically introduced all the people she knows who should be introduced, but in the end, none of them were successful.

Zhang Aiping didn't know exactly what Li Xia was thinking. It seemed that Li Ming was about to talk about marriage, and Zhang Aiping didn't want to worry about it anymore.

When Li Xia came to do business just now, Zhang Lan originally wanted to take the opportunity to have a meal and say something, but after thinking about it, there was no need.

Banking work is very training. Now Li Xia still manages people and is the person in charge of an outlet. She has met a lot of people of all kinds. No one needs to tell her what to do specifically.

Third aunt Zhang Aiping is her mother. Mother and daughter can say whatever they want, but Zhang Lan, as her cousin, supports her if he can. If he can't, he can't throw cold water on her.

Talking too much makes people annoying, so if you have anything to say, let Third Aunt say more.As for his cousin Li Ming, Li Ming was the only boy in the third aunt's family. The other party would ask for as much wife as he wanted, and in the end it would all be for the young couple.

It is true that betrothal gifts here in Canghe have generally increased in recent years, but for an only child or a boy in the family, the two parties who know the basics of the blind date are still very restrained.

Generally speaking, it is enough to just go with the mainstream and get by with it. The main reason for the emergence of sky-high betrothal gifts in Canghe, Zhang Lan's hometown, is mainly due to families with many boys, or families with only children whose houses have not been repaired and have not bought a house in the market.

A common view in Canghe is that if something is not explained clearly before marriage, it will basically disappear after marriage.

Take the house issue in a family of two brothers, for example. If when the eldest son got married, the woman's parents did not require that the house the family lived in must be for the eldest son and a document was signed. Then if there was a recurrence later, it would be the eldest son who earned the money himself. After using the money to buy a house, the parents basically give the house to the second child by default. (End of chapter)

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