Chapter 612 Accident
Zhang Hu also said from the side: "Auntie, I just heard Zhang Lan say that you want to use the older Murakami to work there. You have to be careful when hiring people. Some are older and in poor health. If you can’t use it, don’t use it.”

Zhang Lan's mother said with a smile: "We haven't started looking for people yet. Let's wait and see when we start looking for people. Try to find those who are young."

"If we don't need a few people, we can just look for people from our own family first and see who is willing to do it. If there are many people willing to do this kind of cash job with a lower salary," Zhang Hu continued.

Zhang Lan shook his head: "With this little money, try not to ask people from your own family. If you come and ask, let them do it. Don't come to ask for it. If the salary is so low, you will look like you are not a human being."

No matter what kind of work you do, hiring or working for your relatives is a very risky thing.That kind of family has a big business and a large number of workers. The fewer people there are, the more troublesome it is to invite relatives.Either one side is dissatisfied, or the other side feels it's a failure.

While he was talking, someone suddenly ran in from outside. After entering the yard, he shouted: "Is Zhang Lan at home? Someone is in trouble outside. Go and take a look."

"what happened?"

Several people sitting in the room stood up. Zhang Lan's mother was sitting at the door. She was the fastest to go out. As soon as she went out, she heard people in the yard saying anxiously: "Zhang Lan's mother, I heard that Zhang Lan is back today." ? I’m not at home now, and there’s a person outside who came to offer incense and he’s lying on the ground and can’t get up.”

After hearing this, Zhang Lan in the room quickly replied loudly: "I'm in the room, what's going on?"

Zhang Lan walked out while talking. When he went out, he saw an aunt with an anxious face and said: "Zhang Lan, please go out and take a look. That person is lying on the roadside."

Zhang Lan ran out in three steps and two steps at a time. When he left the courtyard gate, he saw several people gathered around the roadside.Zhang Lan ran over quickly, and when he got there, he shouted, "What's going on? Get out of the way and let me see what's going on?"

As the onlookers dispersed after hearing the sound, Zhang Lan saw a middle-aged man lying half in the arms of a middle-aged woman. After seeing Zhang Lan, the middle-aged woman was about to speak, but her tears started to flow. come out.

An aunt next to me quickly said: "Didn't you just come here to offer incense? When I came here, the third child said that his head hurt a little. He squatted down and lay there without saying a word. His wife asked him to open his eyes. At first, I can still say something, but now I can’t even say anything.”

Zhang Lan knelt down and looked at the middle-aged man lying half in his wife's arms. He knew something in his mind at a glance. After feeling his pulse, he said to his wife: "Let him lie down first and put him there. Now, why don't you hold his head and ask him to have something slightly higher under his head to hit him? Don't touch him."

Then Zhang Lan stood up and said to Zhang Hu who was following him: "Brother Hu, go to my house and ask my mother to find for you where the stretcher from our house was. Bring it over and tell him to lie on the stretcher first. He is suffering from a serious illness." He has a cerebral hemorrhage, so he can’t be touched very much.”

Zhang Hu nodded and turned around to ask Zhang Lan's mother. After that, he ran to Zhang Lan's home.Zhang Lan turned around and asked the person next to him: "Have you called the emergency number? He has to go to the city's First Affiliated Hospital for his illness, and it can't be treated elsewhere."

"We called and they said they would send a car right away. Zhang Lan, do you think there is any first aid here?" asked an aunt who was watching.

Zhang Lan stood aside, directing several people and the middle-aged woman to slowly place the man on the ground, and temporarily put two pieces of clothing under his head.Then he said: "No matter how he gives first aid, he still needs to go to the hospital for an examination to find out where the bleeding is and how much the bleeding is. These are things that can only be done at the hospital. I will give him temporary treatment here. "

When Zhang Hu came over with a stretcher, Zhang Lan asked Zhang Hu and several other people to carefully carry Zhang Hu and put him on the stretcher.Then he took the key to open the main door of the courtyard where the Bodhisattva was worshiped, and took out the hospital bed inside from the house.

It happens to be a nice day today, with strong sun and no wind.Zhang Lan, Zhang Hu and others carried the bed to the roadside, and then carried the stretcher and placed it directly on the bed.

Then Zhang Lan went home and took out an acupuncture kit. While giving the man acupuncture, he said to the woman next to him: "How far is your home from here? If it's not far, you can take advantage of this moment to ask someone to go home with you to get your ID card and As for other things, you need various things to go through the hospital procedures. It’s best to inform your family and wait for the ambulance to come and send a few more people to the hospital. It won’t be difficult for anyone to carry the patient there for examinations and other things.”

"Yes, yes, the third child, you go home and pack your things first. There are so many people here. I just called your father-in-law. He will be here right away. You go home and pack your things first. The car will come for you later. If you haven't come back yet, I'll call you and you can just wait for the bus on the side of the road." An aunt next to me said quickly.

Until now, Zhang Lan has not recognized who this third child is. Judging from the appearance of the people around him, he should be a resident of Sihe New Village in the east of the village. Zhang Lan's mother seems to know him. When Zhang Lan was giving the man acupuncture, Zhang Lan's mother was beside him. He also comforted her a few words.

As stainless steel acupuncture needles pricked the man's head one by one, the man's painful expression gradually softened. Just when Zhang Lan found that the man's eyes were open and he was conscious, and he breathed a sigh of relief, the middle-aged man Suddenly he opened his mouth and started to vomit.

The flow of merit and the blessing of medical skills made Zhang Lan react in an instant. His hands were like electricity and he took out the acupuncture needles stuck on both sides of the man's head.Then he quickly turned the man's head to a sideways position.

Then Zhang Lan hurriedly said: "Zhang Hu, go to my house and get a roll of paper. You have to keep wiping it for him."

As the middle-aged man vomited, Zhang Lan's heart moved, 'To save all sentient beings', a lotus flower appeared, and red lights began to fall from the man's head.

Zhang Lan sighed in his heart. Originally, he thought he could save the magic and just use medical acupuncture.I didn't expect that the man's brain bleeding was so severe. If he didn't use magic, Zhang Lan probably should have gone to the hospital and spent money to rescue him.

With the use of 'Purpose All Living Beings', Zhang Lan took out the acupuncture needle that was inserted into the middle-aged man's head. Now there is no need to give the man acupuncture anymore.With the use of the spell, the middle-aged man quickly stopped vomiting, became conscious, and woke up.

After the ambulance arrived, when the emergency doctor who came with the car asked the man something, he could simply blink to express his meaning, but it was still a little difficult to speak.

However, for acute cerebral hemorrhage, as long as the patient wakes up from coma in the early stages of the disease and the condition does not progress further, there is definitely no problem in saving his life.

As for the quality of life after saving one's life, that is a matter for the future. The most important thing is definitely to save one's life first.

(End of this chapter)

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