Chapter 597 Li Ran
Judging from the child's situation, the most important thing to do is to strengthen nutritional supplements while allowing the child to do less mental activities.But if you don’t have good talent and don’t work hard in studies, you will basically have no hope at all.

Some talented people can get into a good university after playing for two years and working hard for one year.But if you have average talent, if you waste three months you may never be able to keep up.

First, he used his merits to bless his medical skills and took the child's pulse. Zhang Lan sighed in his heart.This child now has more than just a problem with poor development. Zhang Lan asked when the last check-up was that the epiphyseal line was not closed. Zhang Heping said that it was during the Chinese New Year last year, when the child's parents came back to take the child. Go to the hospital for a checkup.

This is equivalent to seven or eight months and more than half a year. The development of adolescent children is different every month. Under normal circumstances, the growth rate should be five to seven centimeters a year.

This child is only about 1.5 meters now. If he has not grown in height, he should be closely observed. At the very least, it is necessary to go to the hospital at least once every three months.

Zhang Lan asked about the child's diet again. The junior high school was a private school with strict management and most of the students lived on campus.

Moreover, students who live on campus are only allowed to bring pure milk, and no other snacks are allowed.But the child didn't like drinking pure milk, saying he couldn't get used to the taste.

Zhang Lan sighed in his heart, rubbed his forehead and Zhang Heping beside him and said: "Uncle Heping, you heard what I asked just now. Nowadays, children's height problems are multifaceted. But the most important thing is nutrition. This junior high school begins to live in I’m in school, and I don’t drink milk. The kids in the school cafeteria just said they didn’t eat much, so I’m going to suffer a lot.”

Then Zhang Lan and Zhang Heping talked about a simple solution. Now their children are attending a key high school in the city, and the school is in a prosperous area of ​​the city.

If possible, Zhang Lan suggested that Zhang Heping and Aunt Hua should rent a house near a school in the city. Since the children know how to study, they study harder.At this time, there is no need for the children to live in school.

Rent a house near the school and provide a day school for the children. Zhang Heping works part-time in the city. Aunt Hua is responsible for taking care of the second grandson and cooking for the eldest grandson. While supplementing nutrition, she also supervises the children so that they go to bed early and get up early. Maintain a relatively healthy routine.

Then go to the hospital for a check-up every once in a while to see the child's physical growth and development and what vitamins the body is lacking.Take medicine when you need it, take food supplements when you need them.

As for treatment, while taking medicine, the most effective method for such children is massage.To put it bluntly, it means to increase the intensity of musculoskeletal activities throughout the body, promote circulation, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and improve sleep.

To put it bluntly, growing taller means eating well, sleeping well, exercising well, and growing taller naturally.

Zhang Lan was talking about some commonplace topics. As for the doctor's treatment, Zhang Lan directly said that they should go to the city's No. [-] Affiliated Hospital for treatment. It is not a strange disease. For this kind of problem, just go to the doctor for examination and monitoring. That’s it, the rest depends on the efforts of the parents.

The long-term treatment of children actually depends on the parents.If parents pay attention and help their children with examinations and treatments at all stages, most diseases are actually not problems.

But what about some diseases? Even if parents know about them and take them seriously, they are actually quite helpless.

For example, the mother and daughter sitting in front of Zhang Lan now, Zhang Lan sighed in his heart.

After sending away Zhang Heping and others, not long after, mother and daughter came to Zhang Lan's house.My mother knew Zhang Lan's mother. She was a relative on Zhang Lan's mother's side, and her name was Li Shuli.

Li Shuli called Zhang Lan's mother "aunt", but Zhang Lan didn't understand where she came from. She didn't know whose family it was, she only knew it was a relative.Li Shuli divorced this year because it was discovered that her daughter had leukemia. After going to the hospital for a check-up, the child's father did not want to continue treatment, but Li Shuli insisted on treatment. As a result, the child's father simply filed for divorce.

Li Shuli's daughter is called Li Ran. She is a very well-behaved girl. After she was diagnosed with leukemia, because she was discovered early, Li Shuli took care of her child carefully and went to the hospital as soon as she felt something was wrong.

Therefore, the condition is now under good control, and I am currently waiting for the matching information from the bone marrow bank system while undergoing treatment.

She didn't come to Zhang Lan specifically to find him. Li Shuli heard that the Bodhisattva in Zhang Lan's family was more efficacious, so she wanted to bring her daughter over to pay homage to the Bodhisattva.

Then Zhang Lan's mother's house was here, so she stopped by to take a look.

Zhang Lan's mother knew that Li Shuli was divorced. After all, she was a relative. Li Shuli's divorce because of her child had long been spread among Zhang Lan's mother's relatives.

After Li Shuli brought her daughter, Zhang Lan's mother said that Zhang Lan happened to be at home and asked Zhang Lan to help look after the child.

Everyone knows about the child’s condition, and everyone knows about the treatment methods.Zhang Lan's mother didn't think Zhang Lan could be treated. She wanted Zhang Lan to help her, even if it would reduce her pain a little.

Leukemia, a disease that affects the whole body's immune system, is actually much easier for Zhang Lan than treating Zhang Heping's grandson who is not growing taller just now.

It is true that he can treat the child's height, but he cannot say that he can raise the child a few centimeters in a month or two.But leukemia, a disease where the autoimmune system is defective, means that by "saving all sentient beings" and restoring part of the already defective immune system, the condition will naturally be alleviated or cured.

It is still necessary to check the pulse first. Although Zhang Lan now wants to use magic directly when seeing a doctor, pulse diagnosis still needs to be done.

There are some things that should be learned.You can't stop studying just because it's late.

While feeling the pulse, Zhang Lan thought about how to make this treatment plan.If you choose treatment, Zhang Lan thinks that magic can be used, but you should also find a relatively suitable Chinese medicine treatment plan.

However, according to traditional Chinese medicine, leukemia is a complex of many diseases, and basically everyone's condition is different.When there is a problem with the immune system, any kind of complications are possible.

As for what exactly went wrong, causing the patient's interest-free system to malfunction, this is also a person-specific reason.

(The following description and treatment of the condition are purely the author’s imagination and nonsense. If you are sick, please see a doctor and follow the doctor’s advice.)
Specific to Li Shuli's daughter, if Zhang Lan's diagnosis is treated with traditional Chinese medicine, the most important thing now is to replenish the child's energy.Even in the case of long-term illness, the child now needs to establish a simple cycle in the body.The basis of this cycle is that the child's body must have this ability, and the prerequisite for it to be able to establish the cycle is to replenish qi.

The simplest way to replenish qi is to take medicines such as astragalus and ginseng.

(End of this chapter)

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