Chapter 580 Memories
On the way out, Zhang Lan dropped Li Chaoyang and Tian Shuyue at the intersection and then went home.

There is some news that the couple needs to digest. Believe it or not, Zhang Lan has already helped as much as he can.The rest still depends on Li Chaoyang's own management.

"How many confidants there are in this world, how many friendships can last forever..."

Zhang Lan hummed softly and returned to the courtyard. She called Yu Lingling on her mobile phone and told her to go home if she wanted. He wouldn't be able to go there in the afternoon.

Zhang Lan plans to see how to rearrange the new study room.

After the acupuncture hall moved, the original acupuncture hall was converted into a guest room and living room, and the original guest room was used as a children's room and a nanny's room.

After moving the living room to the other side, Zhang Lan moved the things in the study out. Zhang Lan had not yet decided how to change the original study.

Qin Yongjun complained before that the decoration was changed every few days, and the house still doesn't look the same.

After standing in the study and thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Lan just didn't bother to think about it anymore. Let's talk about it later, and do whatever comes to mind, but now he's too lazy to worry about it.

Seeing his old classmate, Zhang Lan now remembered his previous time in school. He sat at the computer desk and turned on the computer. He hadn't played games for a while. When he saw his old classmate Zhang Lan, his heart felt itchy again.

Zhang Lan had already uninstalled the game before. Opening the browser and entering the official website address, Zhang Lan started downloading the emulator.

It's better to play mobile games. Now is different from the past. Although Zhang Lan has the conditions to sit in front of the computer screen and play games, she still thinks it's better to play with her mobile phone for a while. The main purpose is to kill time.

The client downloads quickly, but updating after opening and installing is not so fast.While waiting for the update, Zhang Lan opened the chat software.

As she gets older, and with the popularity of WeChat after work, Zhang Lan has not used the original chat software for a long time.

No one sent any messages in the chat, but surprisingly, the chat group I joined a long time ago was still flashing messages.

Zhang Lan opened one of the chat groups and looked at the chat messages above. She found that no matter what time, there were some niche hobbies that everyone was passionate about.

After looking through the 99+ messages, Zhang Lan checked the chat history and then reactivated the membership.

Sometimes I really feel that I am outdated. Zhang Lan looks at the information in the chat group, the characters and events that are spoken about, and the game characters who are chatting with each other.

Looking back at myself, after so many years, even if I play games, I will only play one game that has been released for 20 years. The age when the game was released may be older than some of the characters who play the game.

I opened the space again and looked at my diary from that year, and found that the article pinned to the top was a diary I had reprinted more than ten years ago.

Sometimes when I look at my past time, I really feel nostalgic.

Zhang Lan opened the pinned article. In fact, she didn't even need to read the content. Zhang Lan almost recalled the content when she saw the title.

After clicking on it, Zhang Lan looked at "In fact, it's not that important whether you love or not" in front of you, and read the words:
In the course of our long lives, love may appear in many different forms at different ages.Maybe, you need to believe in love but not rely on love.Maybe, there are many more important things than love or not.If you don't get to the end, you won't know how important love is in your life. In fact, it's not that important not to fall in love at the beginning, as long as you have the strength to love and the strength to live on.At the beginning, Zhang Lan only felt that such words were particularly profound, but she never understood the meaning contained in them.

Now I turned it over and looked at the brief description of the time from graduating from college at the age of 22 to growing old. Zhang Lan suddenly realized something.When you don't understand some words, maybe that's the best time.

When you really read and understand it, you may miss yourself when you didn't understand it at first.

Young people do not know the taste of sorrow, fall in love with the floors, love the floors, and talk about sorrow for new words.

Now that I have exhausted all my worries and tastes, I want to say it’s time to stop, but I want to say it’s time to stop, but I say it’s been a cool autumn.

There was a 'ding' sound, the game has been updated.Zhang Lan quickly recovered from the memories, opened the music software, randomly clicked on a song in the playlist, and then opened the icon of the game emulator.

While playing the game, Zhang Lan thought about his own experience. Now he is no more and no less, and he can be considered a moderately wealthy person.In addition, he has some special abilities, so there are many people looking for him.

Not to mention that Zhang Lan’s mobile phone is a whitelist for calls. The messages on WeChat are often 99+ new messages. At the earliest, Zhang Lan would take a look at the contents. Later, Zhang Lan basically made calls. Just take a look.

As for the other external WeChat account, Zhang Lan ignored it and handed it over directly to Yu Lingling.Let Yu Lingling take a look at the above information from time to time.

Now in the acupuncture center, Yu Lingling spends half of her time sitting in front of the computer, checking Zhang Lan's external WeChat account and flipping through the information on it.

Generally, Yu Lingling who seeks medical treatment will ask Zhang Lan based on the severity or complexity of her condition, but some Yu Lingling who directly ask Zhang Lan for help choose to ignore it.

This Zhang Lan has specifically explained that anyone who is really capable will definitely be able to contact him.And those who could not contact him and could only seek medical treatment on WeChat meant that they had just met Zhang Lan or did not know where they got the information about Zhang Lan.

If this kind of medical consultation is not for incurable and complicated cases, then you don't need to worry about him. Even if it is really incurable and complicated cases, people may not actually come here, that is, you just ask with the mentality of giving it a try.

For such people, even if they can contact their relatives and friends, Zhang Lan said that they should go to the hospital first.Just through a mobile phone, Zhang Lan could tell them what kind of disease it was, who they should see, and whether it could be cured.

Zhang Lan feels that she is not that capable yet. She is capable of curing people, but it is sheer nonsense to see if a person has any disease and what disease it is through the screen of a mobile phone.

Perhaps based on the hospital's examination results and various numerical values, doctors trained in modern medicine will use the films and numerical values ​​to determine what level of disease it is and what treatment methods should be used.

But Chinese medicine is different. You can tell that you have a disease, but if you can’t see the specific treatment in real life, a Chinese medicine doctor will tell you through an online video what disease you have and what Chinese medicine prescriptions or methods should be used to treat it. That's nonsense.

There is no list of various examinations of the patient in the hospital, just based on the face and the status in the video.All we can say is that there may be some disease, and the best way to get specific treatment is to do an examination first.

Zhang Lan is famous for treating hemiplegia after stroke. Many people who added him on WeChat later asked about this matter.But most of the time, Zhang Lan is asked to say whether the treatment can be cured based only on the description of the family members, which is very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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