Chapter 569 Who takes care of you?
No matter how irresponsible the person who helps the elderly is, Zhang Lan thinks that the person will call him from time to time.

Zhang Lan is not looking for someone for anything else. The main reason is that although Zhang Lan can treat the old man's condition, he still has other problems. It is best to have someone take care of him from time to time in the recent period.

After asking for the number, Zhang Lan recharged the old man's mobile phone with 200 yuan. He already owed more than 30 yuan. If he recharged less, it would be better not to recharge at all.

After charging the phone bill, Zhang Lan put the phone aside, stood up and said to the old lady sitting on the sofa: "Grandma, let's go to the back. Lie on the acupuncture bed and I will give you acupuncture."

"Is it okay to sit here?" the old man asked with a troubled face.

Looking at the old man's clothes, Zhang Lan somewhat understood the old man's concerns and said with a smile: "You can sit here, but don't move your legs when the acupuncture is done. The needles will be inserted later."

Zhang Lan got up and went to the acupuncture room at the back to get things and change clothes. Yu Lingling followed and asked, "Zhang Lan, how should I register this grandma?"

"Isn't the household registration book there? You can just register according to the household registration book later. I will write down your illness and other things later." Zhang Lan said casually.

"How to write the consultation fee?" Yu Lingling then asked.

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and said, "If not, just don't write it. Do you still need to ask how to write it?"

Rolling up the old lady's trouser legs, Zhang Lan looked at the skinny old man's legs and sighed inwardly.

But Zhang Lan didn't say anything. As the acupuncture needles were inserted one by one, Zhang Lan said to the old man: "Grandma, this needle will stay in for a while. Don't move your legs while you sit here."

Seeing the old man nodding, Zhang Lan was still a little worried.After saying that, he pulled Yu Lingling aside and asked her to look at the old man.

How to put it, the old man is getting old after all, no matter how detailed your instructions are, no matter how good he promises.If no one is watching him, he will do whatever he wants if you don't let him do it.

Old and young, old and young, after reaching a certain age, there is actually no difference between the elderly and the ignorant children.

While Zhang Lan was sitting on the chair next to his desk and looking at his mobile phone, Yu Lingling was sitting on the stool on the other side and started chatting with the old man.

Zhang Lan didn't speak, but his ears pricked up at the side.

Following Yu Lingling's curious inquiry and the old man's answer, Zhang Lan became clear about the old man Wang Cuihua's situation.

Wang Cuihua is 86 this year. Her two daughters and one son have all passed away early. It is said that her husband has hereditary hypertension. Almost all three children died of similar diseases.

As for Wang Cuihua, her health has always been very good. A few years ago, she took care of her granddaughter, who went to school locally.

But after Wang Cuihua accidentally fell down at her grandson's house two years ago, her health became worse day by day.Later, he even needed more care. At this time, the grandson's family began to feel that the old man was a burden.

After that, as the relationship got worse and worse, the old man almost lost his place at home.The community came to mediate several times but to no avail.Finally, out of desperation, the old man moved out of his grandson's home, and with the coordination of the community, he found a shed in a nearby semi-abandoned courtyard to live temporarily.

Later, the community also provided subsistence allowances and other living security for the elderly. As for the poor households that the elderly mentioned, Zhang Lan just looked through the elderly's documents and found nothing.

If the elderly person is really from a poor household, if nothing else, the person in charge of her will not let the elderly person do this.After waiting for half an hour for the injection, Zhang Lan looked at the old man's cell phone on the coffee table and sighed. It had been a while since he charged for the phone bill, but there was no call.

When acupuncture was started, Zhang Lan released a ball to save all sentient beings on the old man, but did not do much else.

Then I thought about it again. The old man who is almost [-] years old has no children. He expects the grandchildren below him to support the old man. Zhang Lan shook his head. It would be fine if the previous generation in the old man's family had this habit. The younger generation can learn from it. In this way, there is always an old man to eat.

But if there are no elderly people in the family or no one has done it before, now if you want the younger generation to support the elderly, it is indeed a bit difficult.

Moreover, the care for the elderly who live independently and those who live semi-autonomously is actually very different.

Yu Lingling next to her had already registered the old man's condition. After the acupuncture, Zhang Lan took out the things the old man took out and put them back by herself.

It's nothing else. The memory of the elderly will deteriorate as they get older. If not necessary, Zhang Lan will try her best to let the elderly organize her own things by herself.

Otherwise, if the old man says that after seeing a doctor at Zhang Lan's place, he lost his belongings, wouldn't he be in trouble for nothing?

After everything was sorted out, no one called the old man.Zhang Lan can't control this. There are some things that he can't change, or he can't help so many people.

After sending the old man out of the gate and watching the old man walking slowly along the sidewalk, Zhang Lan sighed.

But the old man's situation is much better now than when she was about to push the door in from the outside.

Back at the acupuncture hall, Yu Lingling asked Zhang Lan who opened the door and walked in: "How should I remember the medical treatment just now?"

"Just keep it as usual. It's just the consultation fee at most. It's okay if you don't charge it." Zhang Lan waved her hand and said.

Yu Lingling nodded and said: "Okay. But what if I come here another day? Just now you said that the state will reimburse the treatment fee. What if I come here later?"

"Come here and just watch one or two people. It's okay." A transparent panel appeared in front of Zhang Lan's eyes. He looked at the merit figures on it, and then Zhang Lan said to Yu Lingling with certainty.

When he was able to do his best, Zhang Lan would definitely lend a hand to help when he encountered this suffering in the world.

While writing the outpatient medical record, Zhang Lan thought for a moment and took the phone. Just now, he remembered that when the old man and Yu Lingling were chatting, he said that the street cadre helped him in the end.

In this case, Zhang Lan started calling people.To be honest, he really didn't expect such a thing to happen in Kyoto.Zhang Lan found it even more incredible when the old man said that the street had arranged for her to build a shed in a semi-abandoned courtyard.

Even though the area where Zhang Lan's new acupuncture center is located is relatively quiet, Zhang Lan feels that the streets are not thoughtful enough to allow people to live in a semi-abandoned courtyard house.

Whether it is demolition or reconstruction, inhabited and uninhabited are two completely different concepts.Not to mention that the current law also states that buying and selling does not constitute leasing. Zhang Lan feels that even if the street coordinates a low-rent housing for the elderly, it is impossible for the elderly to build a shed and live in a courtyard.

Zhang Lan's phone call was to Huang Yuanxiang. It would be better to contact her than anyone else for this kind of matter. Huang Yuanxiang must know the inside story.

(End of this chapter)

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