Chapter 533

The next morning, Wen Ran came to the courtyard. As soon as they met and sat down on the sofa, Qin Yongjun asked with concern: "How is your cousin doing now?"

Wen Ran sighed and said: "The medicine was airlifted overnight yesterday. Now there is no danger to life. But other problems are still serious. Follow-up medicine will be needed for rehabilitation and skin grafting. In addition to the In addition to yesterday’s transfer of medicine money, I would also like to ask how soon Zhang Lan will have medicines for sale?”

"How many did you send yesterday? Even if you need skin grafting and beauty treatment in the future, I think it should be enough?" Zhang Lan said with some confusion.

Wen Ran shook his head: "It's not just my cousin's, but also other people's. My cousin is the person in charge. The message he sent to my aunt after he woke up in the morning was to try his best to save his comrades."

Zhang Lan didn't ask any more questions, thought for a moment and said, "The next batch of medicines will be ready in May or June, which is still more than a month away. Calculating the time, there shouldn't be any delay."

"It doesn't matter more than a month. Now that the life has been saved, the next rehabilitation treatment will be done after their body has recovered. This time is just right." Wen Ran said with a sigh of relief.

Qin Yongjun interjected at the side: "The price is a bit high. Even the golden sore medicine is not as expensive as before, but a pair of it costs over a million. Including last night, you spent tens of millions at least, and you still have to pay for it." It doesn’t count as other treatments.”

"The medicine for golden sores is very effective. After taking the medicine, you can be transferred to the ward after being observed in the intensive care unit for two days. The subsequent treatment is mainly for internal injuries and rehabilitation. If these medicines were not used, just a few people would be lying in the intensive care unit. , the rescue cost in a month will be several million, and the effect may not be as good as now." Wen Ran explained.

Zhang Lan thought in her heart that although Wen Ran didn't say it explicitly, for such a big thing, whether the participants can recover is also a major factor.

There is no doubt that if you are involved in such a thing, if you can recover as soon as possible and return to your original position, Wen Ran's cousin will probably be on a promotion helicopter in the past two years. With the support of his family, the promotion will be faster.

If you think about it this way, it's not surprising that Aunt Wen Ran tried her best to treat others. When there was an accident in the leadership mission, the injury of a subordinate and the death of a subordinate are two completely different concepts. Recovery after injury and disability after injury are another concept. .

But these have nothing to do with Zhang Lan. He only needs to provide medicine, and other things have nothing to do with him.

Wen Ran stayed for dinner at noon. Although Qin Yongjun and Wen Ran's cousin knew each other, they could not be said to be familiar with each other.Knowing that it was not life-threatening and that the follow-up was just rehabilitation, I no longer cared.

During the dinner, we talked about the farm. After deciding on the farm, Qin Yongjun was still a little undecided about what style to build it in the future, so he wanted to ask Wen Ran for his opinion.

Wen Ran thought for a while and said: "I suggest that we build it in the style of a camping base in the early stage, and then build the areas that need construction as soon as possible. Although the documents are available now, we don't know when they will change. Take advantage of the opportunity to build it first It’s serious to get the house in order.”

"The house cannot be greatly modified. If it could be built as desired, the farm would have been robbed crazy." Qin Yongjun said.

"That's why I ask you to decide what kind of house to build as soon as possible. It's just started there, and there are violations in the construction. As long as it's not particularly serious, maybe in order to attract investment and set an example, the relevant units will pinch their noses and admit it. I Let you choose the camping style. You need to make the house and the interior ready to receive tourists as soon as possible. Then when other homes start to open, you can just shrink it slowly." Wen Ran expressed her thoughts.

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and said, "I think Wen Ran's idea is a good one."

"I'll discuss it with Sister Qian later." Qin Yongjun thought for a while and said.After eating, Zhang Lan was lying on the sofa to eat when her cell phone rang. She picked it up and took a look. It was a call from her mother.

"Hello, Mom?" Zhang Lan asked after clicking answer.

Zhang Lan's mother didn't have anything else to do when she called her. She was talking about the winery.Now Tian Qingyong's men at the gas station have left, and Zhang Lan's mother is now in charge of the gas station and the attached convenience store.

Zhang Lan's father is now in charge of water delivery at the water station, because the water station is now very stable and they are all customers that have been negotiated. It will not have any impact if Tian Qingyong is transferred to Zhang Lan as the boss. People familiar with the matter now know that the relationship between the two is very close. good.

It's even simpler at the gas station. Everything is electronic, and there are fixed procedures for delivering and selling oil. Everything is handed over smoothly.

After everything was normal, Zhang Lan's mother took Zhang Lan's grandfather to the factory. The old man is now over 80 years old and is in good health except for some deafness.

It's just that Zhang Lan's aunt and the old man couldn't get along, and as a result, they couldn't stay at home. Zhang Lan's grandfather was in good health and could take care of himself and cook. After he couldn't get along with Zhang Lan's aunt, he actually stayed at home. At a party, I proposed to rent a house outside.Then Zhang Lan's uncle proposed to take turns serving him, but after discussion, the matter was dropped.

Ever since Zhang Lan's uncle suggested it, Zhang Lan's mother and aunts would take Zhang Lan's grandfather away from Zhang Lan's uncle's house to take care of him for a period of time.

But now that Aunt Zhang Lan's parents-in-law have arrived in the city, she is a little unable to take care of Grandpa Zhang Lan. The same situation exists at Aunt Zhang Lan's house.

As a result, Zhang Lan's mother's family was relatively free, Zhang Lan's grandparents were no longer around, and Zhang Lan and Qin Yongjun's children did not need to be taken care of by them. After knowing her mother's concerns that day, Zhang Lan readily agreed to the arrangement.

After Zhang Lan's mother brought Zhang Lan's grandfather to the village, she cleared out several dormitories on the first floor of the original office building at the winery for Zhang Lan's grandfather to live in.

The old man got used to it quite well after arriving at the winery, and soon he couldn't help but start clearing land on the land of the winery to plant vegetables. On weekdays, he would take a walk along the provincial road to exercise after getting up in the morning.

Over time, people in the village also knew that Zhang Lan's grandfather would live there permanently. After someone asked Zhang Lan's father, they learned that Zhang Lan did not plan to change it after buying it.

After learning the news, someone asked Zhang Lan's mother. Elderly parents in the village were at home, and their children were working or living outside the home.

After learning the news, I thought about letting my parents live in the dormitory on the first floor of the office building next to the winery. The main reason was that they could take care of each other.

The purpose of Zhang Lan's mother's call was to ask Zhang Lan what her opinion was on this matter.

There is no need to ask here. When his mother said that someone in the village wanted to send his elderly family to live in the office building next to the winery, Zhang Lan objected directly: "Mom, let's not talk about anything else. If something happens to us, who can afford it?"

(End of this chapter)

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