Chapter 521

"I heard the sound of the waves, standing in the center of the city..." In front of the computer, Zhang Lan was chasing the latest novel and humming softly along with the music.

After picking up the hobby of novels again, Zhang Lan found that reading novels is really comfortable when she has no shortage of money. She can read whatever she wants.

When I was chasing books in the past, I often had to be careful with my budget. Now I just follow my heart and read whatever I want.By the way, I took the time to make up for the novels I owed to some great masters as rewards.

In the past, when money was tight, I would chase books and rarely read the original ones. Now that I have no shortage of money, I will just patch them up.

This thing is just like watching a movie. In the past, if you didn’t have money, you couldn’t do anything about it. Now that you have the ability, buying a movie ticket for a new movie is also a kind of support.

The prodigal son will never be able to exchange for gold. The important thing is not that gold will never be exchanged, but that he will turn back.It's never too late to do some things, the important thing is to start doing them.

After lunch, Zhang Lan went back to the study room, turned on the computer and stereo, listened to music and read novels. In Zhang Lan’s opinion, reading on a computer is faster than reading on a mobile phone. When reading on a mobile phone, it is easier to read. I am more careful, and I often skim through it when watching it on my computer. Sometimes I just watched it and then I can’t remember the plot again.

The main purpose of using a mobile phone to read is convenience. You can pull out the pictures and look at them at any time.

While he was reading the novel, the cell phone next to him rang. Zhang Lan picked up the cell phone and saw that it was actually the call from Zhang Dashan, the head of Qingshan Village.

Somewhat surprised, Zhang Lan picked up the phone and chose to answer it. Zhang Dashan's voice came on the phone: "Are you busy? Zhang Lan, I am your Uncle Dashan. I have something to discuss with you."

Zhang Lan smiled and said, "It'll be fine now. If Uncle Dashan has something to do, you can just tell me. There's no need to be so polite."

"Do you know Bao Guoqian, who is the well-drilling team in our village? He is the one who dug the well for your house before." Zhang Dashan said.

"I know, I know, what's wrong?"

"Just last night, Zhang Baoguo was driving a tractor and pulling a well-drilling machine to dig a well. Then he collided with a tricycle pulling stones on the provincial road east of our village and caused a car accident. Baoguo died on the spot. , his wife is now seriously ill, and now the only two children and his father left at home." Zhang Dashan told Zhang Lan the news carefully.

Zhang Lan was startled and asked, "When did this happen yesterday?"

"As for what happened yesterday afternoon, on the main road at the east end of our village, the traffic police saw the scene and initially determined that the other party was fully responsible. The problem now is that the other party is dead, and his family said they have no money. And here to protect the country The house has just been built here, and the family has no money. And now Baoguo’s father, Uncle Cripple, has found the brigade and asked how to solve this matter?" Zhang Dashan said.

Zhang Lan was silent for a moment, thought for a moment and said, "Uncle Dashan, what do you think? Is the village planning to donate money or what?"

Since Zhang Lan's social status improved, during the new election, although Zhang Lan did not plan to run, in the end Murakami still appointed Zhang Lan as a village committee member.

But most of the time, Zhang Lan did not participate in the affairs of the village at all. When there was something in the village that needed help, Zhang Lan would call a few cousins ​​or his father to take care of it for him.Most of the time, Zhang Dashan and several other people in the village finished the village's work.But like what happened with Zhang Baoguo this time, Zhang Lan estimated that Zhang Dashan had other ideas.

Zhang Dashan sighed and said, "That's it. Just now, Uncle Cripple came to me and asked me how Murakami planned to solve this problem. Uncle Cripple told me that his wife is currently in the hospital earning tens of thousands a day, and his family doesn't have the money. I can’t afford the money. If I borrow money, I probably won’t be able to pay it back in the future.”

Zhang Lan said speechlessly: "As you said, what does the cripple master plan to do?"

"In the morning, Uncle Cripple and I had already gone to the home of the party responsible for the accident. The problem now is that the other party is also missing, and his family said they have no money, and asked whoever killed him to get it. Later, he said I went to the traffic police team and found a lawyer, but they all said it would be better if the person died. If he died, he would probably have to pay compensation at most, which would be funeral expenses. If the man had nothing in his name, he might not be able to pay anything." Zhang Dashan He spoke.

Zhang Lan pinched the center of his brow with his finger, thought for a while and said, "That's what it is. The other person is dead. If his family says they won't inherit his inheritance, there's really nothing you can do without losing money."

"Yes, that's what my lawyer said this morning. I just got home after running all morning and didn't even eat. I had just eaten at home and hadn't rested for a while when Uncle Lame came to see me again. Talking about this If there is nothing the village can do, he is going to do it in his own way." Zhang Dashan's voice was full of exhaustion.

"What method are you planning to use?" Zhang Lan asked curiously.

Zhang Dashan said with a hint of helplessness: "Uncle Cripple told me that he was going to stop cars on the east road and set up traffic jams. He wouldn't ask for more than one car. Forget about the ones in the village. A car outside would cost five yuan. When will he get it?" He has almost collected the money for his daughter-in-law’s hospitalization and treatment, so when will he stop blocking the car? Ask me if I agree.”

Zhang Lan was stunned for a moment after hearing Zhang Dashan's words. He thought about it for a while before reacting. When he came back to his senses, he asked in surprise: "You said that the lame man was going to stop the car on the provincial road to collect money and give it to his daughter-in-law." Cure?"

Zhang Dashan replied helplessly: "That's it, and then he came to ask me. What can I say? I'll just communicate with you in private first, and I'll have a small meeting on WeChat later to see about this." How to solve it."

Zhang Lan held the cell phone and tapped it gently on the table. Zhang Lan understood the subtext of Zhang Dashan's words. The first problem now was the treatment expenses for Zhang Baoguo's wife. Zhang Baoguo himself had no money. His house had just been built. Even if he has money, Zhang Baoguo's father, Lai Ziye, still has to think about his future affairs.

Zhang Baoguo also has two children. As the name suggests, Cripple Master basically has no ability to go out to work. With his daughter-in-law lying in the hospital, the family's life in the future will definitely have to be explained.

It is true that the other party is fully responsible, but if the other person dies, it will be difficult for the family to pay compensation.As for the help from the village, at most it helps to apply for subsistence allowance households and poor households, and pays condolences during holidays, but it cannot solve the current problem of Zhang Baoguo's daughter-in-law's hospitalization medical expenses.

Even if you borrow money, you will still have to pay it back in the future.Not to mention the treatment cost of 10,000+, plus the follow-up treatment after discharge, someone will definitely have to bear it.

The purpose of Zhang Dashan's call to Zhang Lan was not only to remind Zhang Lan to say hello, but also to see if Zhang Lan could lend a hand to help.

From Zhang Lan's point of view, there is definitely no problem in helping. He is still willing to help with this kind of emergency donation, but he cannot do it in his own name. It is best to provide relief through the name of the foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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