A leisurely life that begins with the possession of a game character

Chapter 339: You always think well when you are young

Chapter 339: You always think well when you are young
The woman sighed and said: "What else could be going on? After the last acupuncture, I felt like I could walk. I stayed at home every day. Later, I felt that supporting him was not enough, so I started to learn to walk with a moped. Later, I accidentally fell and it ended up like this again.”

Zhang Lan looked at the man in the wheelchair speechlessly and said: "Brother, this is not right. What did I tell you when I finished the last acupuncture? You need to exercise for at least three months. After going to the hospital for examination, , try walking on your own again. How long have you been home?"

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Don't I think I can leave? Besides, I'm walking quite well. I slipped on the ground and didn't pay attention when I fell. Otherwise, there would be no problem."

Zhang Lan nodded and said nothing. She bent down and said to the middle-aged man in the wheelchair: "Brother, let me check you first to see the specific situation, and then we will talk about acupuncture."

Zhang Lan directed the middle-aged man to move his limbs up and down, then stood up and sat at his desk. While writing in his diary, he asked: "Did you go to the hospital for a checkup this time?"

"I checked, and the doctor said it's almost the same as before, and the pictures taken are the same as before." The middle-aged woman replied.

"I told the doctor that my dad could walk when he stood up before, but he couldn't walk after falling once. The doctor said that it was possible that the nerve was injured when he fell. This kind of thing can't be diagnosed generally, so we can only wait. He is slowly getting better." The young man interjected from the side.

Zhang Lan nodded, asked the woman and briefly registered the man's situation.He put down his pen and said to the woman beside him: "What should I say about the situation this time? We all know that the current situation of my eldest brother is mainly caused by his fall. But what can I say, even if there is no acupuncture, he should recover slowly. Acupuncture speeds up the process a little bit. And as you said just now, it was only three or four days after the fall. Maybe without acupuncture, it will be fine after ten days and a half and the strength will slow down. You Let’s see if you guys should go home and recuperate or choose acupuncture?”

After a pause, Zhang Lan continued to explain: "It's not that I don't give eldest brother acupuncture. When you were doing acupuncture here before, I heard eldest sister tell you about your family's situation. Because of eldest brother's disease, he now has a large amount of debt. , and my eldest brother had to be cared for by someone at that time, so the situation was quite difficult. If it were someone else, I would definitely have done acupuncture directly, but my fee is not cheap. Acupuncture for a few days is sometimes not as good as going home and recuperating, which costs several thousand yuan. It’s money and it’s not money.”

Zhang Lan explained sincerely, and the middle-aged man in the wheelchair immediately said: "Dr. Zhang, you are right. It would be better if you raise him for a while, so you should go home and raise him. Now the child only earns a few thousand yuan a month. The family still owes money to relatives and friends, so it’s better to save a little.”

Seeing the man about to turn around in the wheelchair, the middle-aged woman on the side quickly held the wheelchair and asked: "Dr. Zhang, how many times did you say acupuncture can return to the original condition?"

Zhang Lan thought for a while and said: "It will take about four or five times. It's hard to say how many times it will take, because acupuncture will be different from before. It mainly stimulates his own nerve function and allows the nerves to recover from the failure caused by the fall." To normal conditions. It may be fine once or twice, or it may be several times."

The middle-aged woman felt a little embarrassed for a moment. She looked at the young man next to her and said, "Looking at the current situation, do you want to give your dad acupuncture?"

"Try acupuncture once or twice. You won't suffer any loss. What if it's just one time and we'll all come here." The young man thought for a while and said.

The middle-aged man said in the wheelchair: "Whatever you want to try, there is no need to try. Just go back and take care of it. It will take more than half a month. If you can save some money, save some money."


Seeing a family of three getting into an argument there, Zhang Lan quickly said: "Don't argue yet, I have another way."

Seeing the three people stopped talking, Zhang Lan said: "In a few days, I will go to our community hospital for a consultation, once a week. You can use the money from your medical insurance for acupuncture there. If you want acupuncture, you can do it then. Go to the hospital." The middle-aged woman quickly asked: "Dr. Zhang, do you also give acupuncture when you are in the hospital?"

"It's acupuncture, and the hospital's charges will be cheaper. The specific charges will depend on the hospital's discussion. It's better to wait for the outpatient clinic to open. " Zhang Lan replied patiently.

In the end, under the strong opposition of the middle-aged man, the family of three finally chose to wait a few days before going to the community hospital to have a look. Before leaving, they took a business card from the desk.

Watching the car leave at the door, Yu Lingling asked curiously: "Zhang Lan, why didn't you just give people acupuncture and pushed them to the community?"

Zhang Lan turned back to Yu Lingling and said: "Lingling, if someone comes to see a doctor while I am away these days, please remember to explain to them that I will go to the community hospital for a consultation in a while and that they can be reimbursed by medical insurance. If they insist on treatment here, please call me again."

Yu Lingling nodded to indicate that she had taken note of it, and then quickly asked: "What about the charges? What if there is a big gap between the charges at the community hospital and the acupuncture center?"

"Isn't this great? There will be fewer people coming here in the future. The community can only have one day a week, so it won't affect anything. I'm happy for them to go to the community if they care about the fees." Zhang Lan replied with a smile. road.

Zhang Lan didn't think clearly before, but later she slowly came around.In fact, there are many benefits of going to the community for medical consultation.It's not tiring to have a consultation once a week. The acupuncture center is open all year round, so I can charge more.

In this way, hospitals and acupuncture parlors will be artificially separated into two completely different medical groups.The high fees at the acupuncture center can be used to offset negative merits, while the hospital is directly the place to accumulate merits and fame.

The simple Zhang Lan is okay. Now he has two children, and Qin Yongjun is actively preparing for pregnancy again.Zhang Lan must accumulate some network resources for his future children.

As for human resources such as medicines and magic weapons, they are basically castles in the air.Zhang Lan can guarantee that when he is here, with such resources, he can guarantee the family's resources and future.

But in the future, having the ability to settle down and live a life is the most important thing. Let’s not talk about the (integrity) aspect. With Zhang Lan’s various methods now, how much Zhang Lan will have to come up with to pave the way for her child’s future after getting involved.

Zhang Lan did not have such a big goal in mind to cultivate his moral character, manage his family, govern the country and bring peace to the world. He just wanted to cultivate himself and his family well. As for the rest, it all depends on the children's own efforts.

Maybe Zhang Lan's mind will change in the future, just like the action superstar Long Ge, no matter how much he keeps saying not to leave a penny for his children, he will still be unavoidable in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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