Chapter 289 Request
Qin Yongjun explained: "The purpose of Wen Ran's call was that he had registered our license plate number and asked us to pay attention to today's itinerary. If there is surveillance, remember to save the surveillance video."

Zhang Lan said speechlessly: "Didn't Wen Ran say it was done before? Why is it still hanging our license plate number?"

"I don't know either. She just said on the phone that the car had a big accident and asked me to pay attention to today's schedule. It's best to have surveillance video and save the video." Qin Yongjun replied.

Zhang Lan sighed: "What does this mean? Have you seen the surveillance at the entrance of the hospital?"

Qin Yongjun was stunned for a moment and said, "No, I'll call you as soon as I hang up the phone."

"Go to the room first and look at the surveillance video of the parking space at the door, and save it first." Zhang Lan thought for a moment and said, no matter what, it was right to save the evidence first.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, when Zhang Lan was sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching the news, Qin Yongjun's phone rang. As soon as the call was answered, Wen Ran was already at the door, asking to open the door for her.

After leading Wen Ran to sit down on the sofa in the living room, Qin Yongjun took the lead and asked, "What's going on today?"

Wen Ran sighed and told the reason.After learning that the license plate had been faked, Wen Ran immediately found someone to find out the source.

The one in the deck was one of Wen Ran's cards, and the two cars entered the level almost at the same time.It's just that one is through formal channels and the other is smuggled in.When it came time to get the license plate, Zhang Lan had all the procedures in place and had all the qualifications. After Wen Ran found someone to get an auspicious license plate number, he got the license plate smoothly.

Wen Ran's car was different. It was a smuggled car. In order to get the license plate, it had to go through a lot of connections. Don't even think about getting a Kyoto license plate.

When Zhang Lan bought a car, Wen Ran had been thinking about it since she was a child and deliberately chose the same model and color.After knowing that the license plate was obtained here, I immediately used Zhang Lan's license plate.

It's fine in normal times, but some places in Kyoto are stricter in checking violations. Wen Ran's boy was slapped with a violation by accident. Coincidentally, he drank too much that day, so he didn't pay attention to the violation information and just posted it. The ticket was thrown away, and even more so when I sobered up.

Later, Qin Yongjun received the violation information and called Wen Ran. After checking, he found out the cause of the matter.This matter can be easily solved, but the person involved is not only Wen Ran's child, but also Qin Yongjun. After knowing the name, Wen Ran's child also ensured that other license plates would be hung quickly. Later, he said he would apologize, and the matter was over.

Today Wen Ran also learned from a friend that the boy who drove a special car accidentally hit a speeding garbage truck that ran a red light while driving in the suburbs. Now Wen Ran's boy has been sent to the hospital. It is said that The situation was not optimistic, and the co-pilot who was traveling with him died on the spot.

Wen Ran got the news quickly after the incident happened, and also learned that the license plate at the time was that of Zhang Lan's car, so she called Qin Yongjun as soon as possible and asked her to take precautions. The police would definitely look for her. Came here.

In fact, when Wen Ran didn't come, Qin Yongjun had already received a call from the traffic police.For such a big accident, where people died, the relevant units will definitely investigate it as soon as possible.

Zhang Lan has already copied the surveillance video of the yard entrance to the parking space today, and is going to take it to the traffic police brigade when it is daytime tomorrow.

After Wen Ran learned that the traffic police team had called, he hesitated to speak. Zhang Lan took one look and said, "Wen Ran, do you have anything to say?"

Wen Ran thought for a while, but finally said nothing.After Wen Ran left after dinner, Qin Yongjun and Zhang Lan said, "Wen Ran probably wanted me to go to the traffic police and tell them that it was my car that caused the accident today, but in the end she didn't say anything."

"I definitely won't say it. If it's something else, that's it. The problem is that a life was lost this time, so you can't always be kind." Zhang Lan said lightly.Qin Yongjun nodded and said: "Then I will take the video to the traffic police team early tomorrow morning and say that it is a fake car and has nothing to do with us."

"Well, when you go there tomorrow, just find a lawyer and ask her and you to go there with the video and information. Didn't Wen Ran say that the garbage truck was speeding and ran a red light? This determination of liability has nothing to do with the deck. We only need to say this Just don’t know." Zhang Lan thought for a while and said.

Qin Yongjun was a little confused: "Why do you want to find a lawyer? I can just go there myself."

Zhang Lan explained: "Have you forgotten the previous violation? You can ask your lawyer tomorrow whether this violation will have any impact. You must kill us for not knowing, and don't assign responsibilities to us when the time comes. .”

Qin Yongjun nodded and said, "I understand. I'll call someone later and see what I can do if I go to the traffic police tomorrow."

"The best thing is not to come forward and leave everything to the lawyer. But I guess it's not possible. You should ask clearly before talking." Zhang Lan said casually.

Early the next morning, after Huang Nana arrived, Qin Yongjun and Wang Luyao left in a taxi, planning to wait for their lawyer near the traffic police station in the suburbs, and then go to the traffic police station together.

The morning was still very leisurely. Zhang Lan was sitting on the recliner in the back room, listening to music. Guan Ruoxi came in from the outside and asked, "Zhang Lan, can I ask you something?"

Zhang Lan sat up and said, "You can tell me what's going on. You don't have to be so polite."

"Well, do you think my height can be treated with acupuncture?" Guan Ruoxi whispered.

Although Ruoxi's voice was very low, Zhang Lan still heard what she said clearly.Looking at the big child who was less than 1.4 meters in front of him, Zhang Lan thought for a moment and asked, "Have you told your family about this?"

"Not yet. I want to ask you first if you can be treated?" After hearing Zhang Lan's words, Guan Ruoxi raised her head and said with bright eyes.

Zhang Lan touched his chin and said: "You should discuss this matter with your parents. It's okay if I treat you. Give me the examination results of the previous hospital doctor to see what caused it. You just now, If it can be treated, there is still hope of growing taller again.”

Guan Ruoxi nodded vigorously and said with a smile, "I'll call my mother right now and ask her to bring over my test results."

Seeing Guan Ruoxi holding her cell phone excitedly and starting to make a call, Zhang Lan smiled and shook her head. Guan Ruoxi's condition should not only be growth hormone deficiency. If it was just developmental delay, she had received injections when she was young. Growth hormone can alleviate or treat it.

Although Ruoxi's family background is not bad, her family has chosen to let her be happy, so it is probably not just a matter of developmental delay.

When Guan Ruoxi's mother Jing Shuyun came to the acupuncture center with the case, Zhang Lan became even more convinced after carefully looking at Guan Ruoxi's various examination results and hospitalization medical records.

(End of this chapter)

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