Chapter 233 That’s almost it

"There are provincial highways and highways ahead, and there are cars all the time." Zhang Lan's father said.

Zhang Lan drove forward slowly, and did not speed up until he went down the mountain. By the time he arrived at Qingshan Village, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Lan sent Qin Yongjun a WeChat message in advance, and Qin Yongjun had already packed the bed when he got home.After a brief exchange of greetings, we went back to the house to rest.

Zhang Lan was called by her mother early the next morning. She looked at the time and it was only about six o'clock.After putting on his clothes and washing up, Zhang Lan came to the main room and saw his mother Li Yingzheng and Zhang Lan's aunt and uncle eating at the dining table.Zhang Lan yawned and asked, "Why so early?"

"How early is it? It's past seven o'clock after dinner, and it's past eight or nine o'clock when we wait on the mountain. We have the most things to do this morning, so we have to go early." Zhang Lan's mother said.

Zhang Lan filled a bowl of porridge and sat down at the dining table. While eating, he said, "You look very flustered. Are there any guests? Why are you going so early?"

Aunt Zhang Lan on the side had finished her porridge, put the chopsticks and bowl in the kitchen, came out and said with a smile: "Zhang Lan, you still don't know your mother's temper, she always rushes ahead of things rather than behind them. You don’t have to worry about her, just do whatever you have to do, and there’s no need to leave in a hurry.”

After eating, the two children were already awake. Zhang Lan took care of the two children and got up. Qin Yongjun was already up and cooking for the two children.

Aunt Zhang Lan was helping Qin Yongjun cook. Aunt Zhang Lan and Zhang Lan's mother looked after the two children together.By the time the two children finished eating, cleaned up the kitchen, and Zhang Lan drove everyone out of Qingshan Village in his car, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

On the way, Zhang Lan's mother said: "Look, I told you to hurry up. It's already nine o'clock when you get up so early, and it's already past ten o'clock when you get there. It's already noon after a little delay at home."

"It's noon, it's noon. It's not that important. To put it bluntly, if these people are gone, what does it mean to still be here? It's better to ask the old man to eat more good things while he's still alive. I'll look at the next year. During the Chinese New Year, I went to see my third uncle. The old man was over 80 years old. He still told me to go out to pick up rags every day. If he was sick, he would not go to the hospital. He would find a small clinic I didn’t know where to get some folk remedies. When I asked, I heard that there was a cure for diseases. Awesome." My aunt Li Xiulan kept mumbling as she spoke.

Aunt Zhang Lan said from the side: "Xiulan, don't talk nonsense when you get to the mountain later. It's not like you don't know our third aunt. She always looks down on people, and she doesn't like others looking down on her. We'll get there later. It’s enough to go to the cemetery as soon as you eat, and don’t talk if you have nothing to do.”

Zhang Lan smiled and said nothing while driving. When her aunt Li Xiulan saw it, she said: "Zhang Lan, what are you laughing at? What I'm telling you is the truth. Ask your mother what your third uncle and grandma did at that time. Things, that is, you can’t suffer any losses. If you meet someone who is great at everything, you know this person and that person. Why don’t you talk about it this time? I have to ask you to come back to record the gift account. I don’t know so many people. No one is in trouble this time, they are all members of our family."

"I'm lucky, Xiulan, please stop saying a few words. Where do you have so much resentment?" Zhang Lan's mother said.

Aunt Li Xiulan said angrily: "Of course I have grievances. I can remember our third aunt for the rest of my life. I'm going to give you gifts during the Chinese New Year. For lunch, you set up two tables, one with big fish and meat and hot dishes, and one with hot dishes." A few cold dishes. This is not looking down on people."

Zhang Lan's mother sighed and said, "What our third aunt did was wrong. She is so old and only goes there once a year. Why do you care about her?"

Aunt Zhang Lan didn't say anything. Aunt Zhang Lan said from the side: "From now on, our third uncle is no longer here. After the third anniversary, eldest sister, you can go to celebrate the New Year. I won't go."

My aunt Li Xiulan also said: "I won't go either."

When he arrived at his third uncle's grandpa's house, Zhang Lan parked the car and walked to the yard, looking at the same people as yesterday.Looking at his fifth aunt and uncle sitting at the table at the entrance of the courtyard, Zhang Lan walked over and sat on a stool nearby and asked: "My aunt, there won't be many guests for a while, right?" Zhang Lan's fifth aunt and uncle said: "Yes. The rest of the guests will only come this morning. Zhang Lan, come and sit here and wait, I will collect the money after you write your name."

Zhang Lan sat on a stool nearby, opened the gift book and said, "I don't even recognize my great-aunt when he comes later. Please tell me."

"Just sit here and write down the name and the amount of money. Don't worry about anything else." Zhang Lan's fifth aunt said.

Although it was said that there were still guests, by the time it was time to prepare for the funeral at one o'clock in the afternoon after lunch, there were not many guests.However, I remember a lot of names in the gift book, many of which were brought by one person to four or five families.

Zhang Lan added up the total amount of money, and it amounted to more than 8000 yuan. After Zhang Lan's fifth aunt and uncle counted the money and it was the same as what was in the gift book, he called Zhang Lan's third uncle and grandma and her son and daughter-in-law over. After handing over the gift ledger and the amount of money, forget about it.

Zhang Lan saw that he had nothing to do, stood up and went to his father's side.It was only when Zhang Lan drove her parents and Zhang Lan's aunt and uncle back from the cemetery that they realized something had happened at the funeral.

Aunt Zhang Lan said: "Did you look at Haimei like that during the funeral just now? The look in his eyes was exactly the same as our third uncle's at that time. Second sister, did you see it?"

Aunt Li Xiumei said: "Xiulan, please stop talking. I still feel uncomfortable when I think about it now."

Zhang Lan drove the car and asked doubtfully: "Did something happen during the funeral?"

"You don't know Zhang Lan. When you were crying inside, your Aunt Haimei was lying on the ground crying. A group of people quickly helped her sit aside, and then she stopped crying. Just sit there and watch this. The look in your aunt's eyes was exactly the same as that of your third uncle and grandpa. Later, he didn't even dare to ask her to go to the cemetery after the funeral." Aunt Li Xiulan said in surprise.

Zhang Lan said speechlessly: "Auntie, what you said is too mysterious. How can it be like this? I saw nothing happened later."

"You don't know if you're out there. Ask your mother and your aunt to see if what I say is true." Seeing that Zhang Lan didn't believe it, her aunt Li Xiulan hurriedly said.

Zhang Lan's mother said, "It's okay, Xiulan. Later, when she came back from the cemetery, Haimei was gone, wasn't she? She was still talking and laughing."

"Don't mention this. By the way, eldest sister, did our third aunt give you a gift in return when you came back just now?" Aunt Zhang Lan asked, changing the topic.

"I didn't ask for it. Our third aunt said that we didn't want it. I simply said that we don't need it at home." Zhang Lan's mother said.

Aunt Li Xiulan said, "I don't want it either. When my third aunt asked me, no one else took it, and there was no bag at home. What else could I say?"

Aunt Li Xiumei sighed and said, "What do you think our third aunt did?"

(End of this chapter)

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