Chapter 204 Rejection and Medical Treatment

After listening to Zhang Lan's words, Qin Yongjun remained silent. Zhang Lan thought for a while and said: "The difference between a person and a person is to give up. If your mother doesn't support your brother now, then it's our responsibility." Obligations must be fulfilled. In this situation, I suggest you find Wen Ran and ask her to find a suitable job for your mother. It is not good to take care of our children. Your brother will not be satisfied if you give us too much or too little. "

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and then asked: "Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. What happened to your mother? How could you let her come out to earn money and find a job?"

Qin Yongjun sighed and told Zhang Lan the whole story.For no other reason, her half-brother Cui Wenge lost money in the wholesale business and now owes a lot of debt.Her stepfather and her mother sold both their houses, and now a family of six live in a house of more than 50 square meters.I have paid off most of the personal money I owe, but there is still nearly a million in debt that cannot be repaid.

Now her sister-in-law is taking care of the children at home, her stepfather and her brother are making money to pay off their debts, and then her mother is thinking of going out to earn some money to support the family.

Zhang Lan asked speechlessly: "What is your brother's wholesale business? He sold a house in Kyoto at a loss and didn't even pay it back."

"I don't know either. My mother didn't elaborate. She just said that she lost money in business." Qin Yongjun said.

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and asked, "What is your brother doing now?"

"I heard that I am still doing wholesale business. It was caused by an accident before. I have never lost much money, but this time I suffered a big loss." Qin Yongjun said.

"You can make up your own mind. I don't recommend letting your mother come over to take care of the children for us. Your sister-in-law will definitely be full of complaints by then. If you want to supplement your living expenses privately or help find a leisurely job, you can also provide for retirement in the future. Yes, but it's best to go through the clear path, so that you won't be complained by your brother in the future." Zhang Lan said after thinking carefully.

Qin Yongjun called Wen Ran. Zhang Lan looked at the time and got up to go out. Immediately, an acupuncture patient with an appointment came over for acupuncture.

Opening the door of the physical therapy center, Zhang Lan tidied away the clutter on the desk at the door.As soon as I sat down and took out my mobile phone, the patient with the appointment drove up to the door.

After sending away the acupuncture patient, Zhang Lan sat at his desk and flipped through his phone in boredom.Suddenly Zhang Lan got up and walked to the back room, unplugged the computer placed by the wall, moved the case and placed it under the desk outside.After busying back and forth for a while, Zhang Lan sat at his desk and turned on the computer.

Open QQ Music and find your own playlist to play.Then he opened the browser again, browsed the news for a while, entered the website and started watching the video.Watching videos on a computer is much more comfortable than on a mobile phone. Zhang Lan sighed in her heart: I should have done this a long time ago, so that I don’t have to worry about someone coming in and not being able to see them.

Zhang Lan was leaning on the chair and watching the game video attentively. The wind chime at the door rang. When she looked up, she saw that it was Aunt Huang Yuanxiang from the community.Zhang Lan quickly tapped the keyboard to pause the video, stood up and said with a smile: "Aunt Huang, why are you here free? Isn't Xiaoman with you?"

Huang Yuanxiang walked into the room and sat on a chair with a backrest, and said with a smile: "Now your street is under my responsibility. Xiaoman was transferred two days ago and was transferred to other units with this group of people who came in."

Zhang Lan nodded and said, "That's right, I understand."

Huang Yuanxiang sat with Zhang Lan for a while and then left. Zhang Lan sat by the computer and opened the video to continue watching the game.At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Fugui came to the physical therapy center alone.

Seeing Xiao Fugui smiling and saying nothing, Zhang Lan asked helplessly: "Uncle Xiao, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just came to sit with you. My daughter will come to pick me up later. Doctor Zhang, can you give her a look?" Xiao Fugui said with a smile.Zhang Lan nodded: "Of course, when will she come over?"

"I get off work at six o'clock. I'll come here right after work. Her work place is very close to here. She drove here in about 5 minutes." Xiao Fugui said.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, a white Audi car stopped at the entrance of the physical therapy center.Seeing this, Xiao Fugui stood up from his chair and said, "My daughter is here."

Zhang Lan looked at the woman who got off the Audi car. She was wearing an orange dress, a black suit on her upper body, and carrying a black shoulder bag.After looking around and seeing Xiao Fugui waving, he walked over.

Xiao Fugui introduced the two of them enthusiastically. The woman's name was Xiao Hongmin, an employee of a nearby drama academy.Xiao Hongmin smiled and said to Zhang Lan: "Hello Dr. Zhang, thank you for your superb acupuncture skills. My father's quality of life is much better now than before. The old man is old. Please forgive me for causing trouble to you."

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Xiao, you are too polite. Uncle Xiao is a very nice person. He has no other problems, except for Parkinson's disease. He is in good health now."

Xiao Fugui on the side said: "Don't be so polite here. Xiao Min, just sit there and let Dr. Zhang take a look at you and see if he can nurse you back to health."

Xiao Hongmin sat down on the stool next to the desk apologetically. Zhang Lan sat on the chair and began to take Xiao Hongmin's pulse. After a while, Zhang Lan let go of his hand and said, "Teacher Xiao, these are all very common minor problems." , There is no other problem. Pay more attention to rest. If your Qi and blood are a little weak, just pay more attention to your food."

Xiao Hongmin nodded and said: "I have a full-body examination every year, and I pay great attention to my health. The doctor told me before I had Qi and blood deficiency."

Xiao Fugui asked with concern from the side: "Dr. Zhang, does my daughter have any other problems besides deficiency of qi and blood? Is the one I told you affected?"

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "Uncle, your daughter has grown up, so there is no need to be so shy. I suggest you replenish your qi and blood first. Deficiency of qi and blood will have a great impact on the body."

Xiao Hongmin glanced at Xiao Fugui awkwardly and said, "Dad, don't worry about it. I'm fine now. It won't affect my health when I find a boyfriend."

Xiao Fugui muttered: "I don't worry. How old are you and you still have boyfriends every day? If you have the ability, you can find a girlfriend, as long as you can bring my grandchildren back to me."

Xiao Hongmin stood up and said dumbfounded: "Dad, please stop talking here, let's go home. Doctor Zhang also said that there is nothing wrong with my body, it's just an old problem from before, I just need to take care of it and it will be fine."

Xiao Hongmin helped Xiao Fugui get into the car, and then came back to Zhang Lan and said, "Dr. Zhang, please excuse me. How much did you pay for the treatment just now? I'll pay it to you."

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, Teacher Xiao, you are too polite. I just felt your pulse and I didn't do anything. No money."

(End of this chapter)

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