Chapter 201
After parking the car and confirming it with the flower shop owner, Zhang Lan got in the car and continued to lie down.After setting up the car, Zhang Lan called Zhang Hu and found out that he was still putting on makeup at the bridal shop. Then he drove to a place to buy some steamed buns and porridge for breakfast.Then he drove directly to Wang Tao's home in Xiaowangzhuang.

The process of accepting the bride was very uneventful. Even the bridesmaid stopped the door and asked for a few red envelopes, and asked Wang Tao to sing a song before opening the door.

When worshiping heaven and earth, Zhang Lan and Zhang Hu stood on the roof of the corridor and watched the excitement. Zhang Lan said with a smile: "I didn't expect it to be quite smooth. I came down so smoothly."

Liu Chao, Zhang Lan's second aunt's cousin, said at the side: "It's going well. I asked for packing money yesterday, and I also gave a clear figure for today's change fee. The tobacco and wine at my family's banquet were all raised to a higher level. Yesterday, The night was really hard on me, I kept running to the store to buy cigarettes all night, for fear that I wouldn’t have enough today.”

"Didn't you say that everything is outsourced? Why do you still have to buy cigarettes?" Zhang Lan asked with some confusion.

Liu Chao sighed and said: "I need more than 20 cartons of the same cigarettes at the moment, so I can prepare them all. It's all agreed in advance, so if I can buy it, I just buy it. Two or three cartons of ordinary cigarettes in a store are enough, okay. The sellers won’t sell them all to you at once. I went to more than a dozen stores yesterday to buy them all.”

"Let's go, let's go, there's no point in discussing this. We've already finished praying to heaven and earth, and we're going to sit down at the table to eat." Zhang Hu said when he saw that he was walking into the house after praying to heaven and earth.

After dinner, Zhang Lan didn't go to see his parents off. He was about to drive home. Looking at the two packs of cigarettes in the car, Zhang Lan sighed.Started the car and returned to Qingshan Village.

Back at his old house, Zhang Lan took two boxes of cigarettes out of the car, found two boxes of good cigarettes from the house and put them in the armrest box.I called Tian Qingyong and asked him where he was now. I would send him the car after washing it.

Tian Qingyong said with a smile on the phone: "You don't have to come to see me off. You should be at home now. Mr. Jiang and I will go over to look for you later. Just wait for me at home."

Zhang Lan agreed immediately. After hanging up the phone, she looked at the flowers on the hood of the car and carefully picked them off.After picking, I rinsed the car. Fortunately, Zhang Lan added some money when tying the flowers today. All the front parts were fixed with small suction cups. After removing the flowers, I rinsed them with water. Now the car body is clean and a little bit clean. There are no imprints.

Tian Qingyong and Jiang Hongxiang arrived very quickly, arriving at Zhang Lan's door ten minutes after hanging up the phone.Jiang Hongxiang drove a white off-road vehicle. Tian Qingyong jumped out of the passenger seat and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang is visiting the factory at noon today. When you called, we had just finished eating and were chatting. After hearing that it was you, Mr. Jiang will come and visit you no matter what."

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "Brother Yong, you are too polite to say that. Good afternoon, Mr. Jiang, please sit in the room."

In the living room of the main room, after sitting down on the sofa, Jiang Hongxiang said with a smile: "I have nothing to do today. I just heard from Mr. Tian that Zhang Lan was at home, so I came over to visit. Thanks to your help before, we solved the problem Got me into trouble several times."

Zhang Lan waved her hand and said, "Mr. Jiang, you're too polite. It's just a little effort. I didn't help at all. I just said a few words."

"A few words can help a lot. I'll treat you later in the evening and let's go to the resettlement hall by the moat." Jiang Hongxiang said with a smile.

Zhang Lan and Tian Qingyong looked at each other and laughed in unison.In Jiang Hongxiang's somewhat confused eyes, Tian Qingyong explained with a smile: "Zhang Lan came back from Kyoto by car yesterday morning. I picked him up at the station. I took him there once at noon. This guy didn't like what he did. The food is not delicious. If you say that we go there only when we have something to eat, that’s pretty much it.”

Jiang Hongxiang nodded and said with the same smile: "That's the reason. But Zhang Lan doesn't like the environment there. Let's go to the mountains. The Xuanwu Hot Spring Pavilion in the mountains is pretty good. It's also good to soak in the hot springs and chat after dinner. Yes. Zhang Lan, what do you think?" "Okay. Let's go later in the evening. I just came back from dinner. It's still early. Let's take a break before going." Zhang Lan said with a smile.

"Why don't you take a break? Didn't Zhang Hu open a chess and card room in the village? Let's go play a few rounds first and then go there in the evening." Tian Qingyong said with a smile.

Zhang Lan shook his head and said, "Brother Yong, go ahead with Mr. Jiang. I'm not interested in mahjong."

"Let's go back to the factory to finish what needs to be done, and when we pass by here at night, we can just take Zhang Lan with us." Jiang Hongxiang suggested from the side.

Tian Qingyong thought for a while and said: "That's okay. On the contrary, the talks are almost done. It would be okay to get it done earlier. Zhang Lan, what do you think?"

"That's good. Just call me when you get here in the evening." Zhang Lan said with a smile.

Tian Qingyong and Jiang Hongxiang did not stay at Zhang Lan's house. After making an agreement, they drove a car and left Zhang Lan's house.Zhang Lan stood at the gate and watched the two people drive away. When he turned a corner, Zhang Lan saw two cars approaching, which were his own cars.

Zhang Hu and Liu Chao parked their cars, and Zhang Lan's father and mother got out of the car driven by Zhang Hu.Liu Chao parked his car and said hello to everyone, then hurried away on his electric car parked in Zhang Lan's yard. He said he had to go to the factory to change shifts with the driver.He didn't drink at the banquet just now. Business in the factory has been good these days, and one day's delay costs hundreds of dollars.

Zhang Hu greeted Zhang Lan's parents and prepared to leave. Zhang Lan called Zhang Hu after sending him out of the gate.Zhang Lan asked: "Brother Hu, how big is your current chess and card room?"

Zhang Hu scratched his head and said: "It's not much of a formality. It's just people from our village and nearby villages coming to play. Now Zhang Dashan and his brother don't ask for money randomly. The number of people in both families is about the same. What's going on?"

"Tian Qingyong and Jiang Hongxiang came to me just now. He said that you have a chess and card room there, and he and Jiang Hongxiang were going to play there. I pushed him. Is your chess and card room a bit big now?" Zhang Lan asked. road.

Zhang Hu was silent for a moment and said: "There are two groups of people who are having a lot of fun, but my dad is always watching in the chess and card room. I am usually in charge of the contracted fields. I heard that there are one or two tables at night. It’s a big game, and sometimes 10,000+ people enter in one night.”

"You go back in a while and ask my uncle which tables are there. It's best to close the chess and card room for a few days. You can't touch large amounts like this. Tell those who play large amounts to get out of here." Zhang Lan said seriously. Said to Zhang Hu.

Zhang Hu nodded and said: "I understand. I will stop the chess and card room when I go back. I will take my mother and my mother out to play for a few days. When I come back, I won't let you play large amounts."

Seeing that Zhang Hu listened to his persuasion, Zhang Lan breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You just need to know the importance. It's okay to play for ten yuan and twenty, but don't touch the big ones. You don't have any disputes with the bank anymore. Now At most, it is overdue. But if you go in because of this, it will affect the child for the rest of his life."

(End of this chapter)

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