Chapter 195 Timely Stop Loss
Zhang Lan picked up the phone, sat on the chair and opened the game.When he has nothing to do, he likes to go online to dig for treasures and release a few monsters and babies to make everyone happy.Since there is no shortage of money, the previous energy to level up is gone.When I have nothing to do, I just go online to build my home and put out furniture.Dig a few carts of high-level treasure maps, and chat with people on the world chat channel.

Time passed quickly while playing games. When Qin Yongjun went home for dinner in the evening, he asked Zhang Lan: "Are you paying the water and electricity bills for the house in Jiaodaokou?"

Zhang Lan nodded and said, "Yes, I drove the auto-pay bill. What's wrong?"

"Now the community group is saying that the water and electricity bills of the public stalls are too high, and they are planning to jointly recommend a few people to find properties." Qin Yongjun said.

"Then go look for it. Aren't the water and electricity bills for this public stall deducted from the property fee? What's the use of looking for it?" Zhang Lan asked curiously.

"Aren't property charges going to go up now? Some residents are unhappy and want to ask where the money is being used. Then when they see the public utility bills, they feel they are too high, so they plan to go to the property management company and ask." Qin Yongjun said.

"Then go find him and give him whatever you need." Zhang Lan didn't care much.

"The problem is that people in the group now say that money is OK, but employment is not. We all have jobs to be busy with. There will definitely be no results if we do this once or twice. It will probably take several times. Old people can't understand, but young people can't. No one wants to go. Now let’s choose representatives.” Qin Yongjun explained.

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and said to Qin Yongjun: "You suggest in the group that you pay for a lawyer and let the lawyer run away."

"Okay, that's a good idea." Qin Yongjun's eyes lit up, he picked up his phone and started sending messages.

After sending the message, Qin Yongjun said after a while: "Okay, everyone thinks it would be better to hire a lawyer, and then just find a retired old man to follow."

Zhang Lan nodded and continued eating.

After the meal, Qin Yongjun sat on the sofa and looked at the child, and asked Zhang Lan casually: "I seem to have seen Wan Xueman coming to see you again today. Has her matter been dealt with?"

"It's taken care of. It's her best friend's matter." Zhang Lan and Qin Yongjun told what happened to Chu Yajing.

After listening to Zhang Lan's story, Qin Yongjun was very surprised and said: "How come there is such a man, and how can Chu Yajing let go of him so lightly?"

Huang Nana on the side was ready to leave after cleaning up. After hearing what Zhang Lan said, she said: "This is a good choice. It will be a mess if we continue to entangle. Now there are some legal matters." No, morality alone cannot restrain people."

Zhang Lan said with a smile: "Sister Na is right. Chu Yajing really has no good way to do this kind of thing. I don't know how to say that he seeks wealth and death. Although we all know that he has this intention, such behavior Legally it’s nothing, it would be best if someone in the family gets a beating.”

"Now you know that if you hit someone, even a couple fighting will be detained." Qin Yongjun said casually.

When resting at night, Qin Yongjun asked Zhang Lan: "What do you think will happen if things like Chu Yajing continue to develop? Will her husband not be punished for this kind of thing?"

Zhang Lan thought for a moment and said, "Did you read that the father-in-law killed the son-in-law's family? During the second trial, the wife's letter of understanding could change the death penalty to life. Fortunately, the son-in-law's other relatives refused to accept and filed an appeal. In addition, it caused an uproar, and the sentence was finally changed. He received the death penalty. What would happen if the son-in-law had no one in his family?"

Qin Yongjun was silent, and Zhang Lan continued: "Fortunately, Chu Yajing has a good best friend Wan Xueman, and Wan Xueman found me again and went to see him at his house. Chu Yajing has already started seeing a psychiatrist, let's continue. If one day she is in a trance and gets into a car accident or something, she is an orphan, and everything belongs to her husband." Qin Yongjun sighed: "Some men are really chilling. Which company does her husband work for? I'll ask tomorrow Wan Xueman, she must give her husband a good publicity, and she cannot let such a person be so proud."

Zhang Lan said speechlessly: "Some time ago, there was a woman who forced her programmer husband to commit suicide by jumping off a building while she was sitting on millions of dollars. It was also a big deal. In the end, the man's family filed a lawsuit. So far, there has been no resolution. The man’s family insists on filing a criminal case, but it’s been several years and there’s still nothing to go on.”

Qin Yongjun was speechless. Zhang Lan continued: "Don't get involved in this kind of thing. This ending is actually not bad. I didn't expect Chu Yajing and her husband to divorce happily, because if her husband can't do this, To save face, I apologized and said it was because I liked her too much. With Chu Yajing’s character, her husband would definitely eat her up."

"You're talking nonsense. This is going to kill you. How can Chu Yajing forgive her husband?" Qin Yongjun didn't believe it.

"It's going to be fatal there. Did her husband do anything? There are just too many cameras in the house, and there's something wrong with the angle of the crystal chandelier in the living room. What can you do if the person involved doesn't admit to this kind of free confession? What can you do at most? He didn't expect it to be caused like this, because two people live in the house and they are still husband and wife." Zhang Lan said quietly.

"Then you said that Chu Yajing encountered strange things when she lived outside before?" Qin Yongjun retorted.

Zhang Lan said speechlessly: "You said it was before. If there is no evidence for what happened in the past, it just didn't happen. Who can help but encounter an unexpected incident?"

"According to what you say, Chu Yajing has to thank her husband for her divorce." Qin Yongjun said angrily.

"It's good to get together and break up easily. When you can't trample him to death, breaking away as soon as possible is the right thing to do. Although I don't know why her husband would do this, but such a person should break away from him as soon as possible." It's the most correct behavior." Zhang Lan commented while touching his chin.

Then he suddenly remembered and Zhang Lan said: "Wan Xueman said she wanted Chu Yajing to work as the front desk at the physical therapy center. I pushed her forward and said she would ask others to find a suitable one for her. Don't let it slip when you meet her. By the way, you can ask Wen Ran if he has any job recommendations, so I can tell Wan Xueman about it later."

Qin Yongjun nodded and said, "Actually, you should find someone to come to your physical therapy center. There are quite a few people there every morning. Wen Ran told me today that I will join a university this fall. It has been agreed upon by everyone. I I haven’t had time to tell you yet.”

Zhang Lan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Then you won't go to the physical therapy center?"

"I'm not going. I'm only going to collect money and make records. There's nothing to do every day. You can look for it again. Now with an income of at least five to six thousand a day, you can't lose anything by hiring someone." Qin Yongjun said.

"Okay, I understand, let's talk about it another time."

The next day, when Zhang Lan was performing acupuncture on a patient with hemiplegia who had difficulty walking in the physical therapy center, Zhang Lan left the acupuncture room and was about to call the waiting patient to come in. When she discovered that there was a strange old man sitting on the chair at the door. .

 Since returning home, in addition to my mother's illness, the original plan of writing more and writing with peace of mind has come to nothing due to Kavin's condition.

  The pretense and slap in the face I conceived was blocked on the first day, and I directly deleted nearly two thousand words of content.I wanted to read the same type of popular books, but found it a bit difficult to learn from them. I don’t have the accumulation.

  At the moment, I have decided to work on daily short stories. I will write them down first and never update them again.Even if you grind it out, you still have to grind out four thousand words.In the early days, I had the courage to write down one chapter in four or five hours. Now I will continue to work through it, and I will talk about improving the speed after I get past the bottleneck.

(End of this chapter)

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