Chapter 130 Argument
Early the next morning, Zhang Lan went to his mistress's house without eating.After eating there, I thought I had nothing to do, so I turned around and planned to go back to my old house, but my uncle Zhang Dajiang called me to move into the living room in the courtyard.

Looking at a room full of elders, Zhang Lan said, "Uncle, if you have any questions, just speak up. You don't need me to talk about it."

Zhang Lan's uncle Zhang Daquan said: "Find a place and sit there first. I asked you to come in because I have something to do."

Zhang Lan found a stool and sat on the edge of the sofa at the door, next to his father Zhang Dahai, listening to the uncles in the room discussing the funeral.

After listening for a while, Zhang Lan understood why there were so many people in the room.Nowadays, the funeral banquet is all-inclusive, and the burial is also all-inclusive. The host family only needs to pay and listen to the instructions, and there is no need to prepare or find anything.The main argument among so many people in the room right now is the question of burial place.

Zhang Lan's third grandfather passed away early. When he died, because he was adopted, he was buried alone in front of his adopted great-grandfather not far from Zhang Lan's great-grandfather.Now that the third wife has passed away, the third master's son Zhang Daliang wants to move back.The reason for the debate is whether Mr. Zhang Lan should move back, and whether he can move back.

The place next to Uncle Zhang Lan was originally supposed to be Grandpa Zhang Lan's, and Grandpa Zhang Lan originally found another place to be buried. He chose a place not far from the ancestral grave and did not enter the ancestral grave.Now Zhang Daliang wants to bury his father in the place of Grandpa Zhang Lan, but both Uncle Zhang Lan and his cousin disagree with him.

After arguing for a long time, there was no result. Zhang Lan didn't understand, but he didn't speak.After listening for a while, Zhang Lan understood the reason. What Uncle Zhang Lan was thinking was that if the location of the cemetery he chose now was not good, or he couldn't live in such a place, he would still plan to enter the ancestral grave after his death. This big bright Moving the tomb would mean occupying the position of Zhang Lan's branch, so Uncle Zhang Lan disagreed.

Zhang Lan's cousin Zhang Daquan has been in the ancestral tomb with Uncle Zhang Lan. Now there are not many seats in front of Grandpa Zhang Lan in the ancestral tomb. If Zhang Daliang's branch squeezes in again, it will be even more stretched. Therefore, cousin Zhang Daquan does not agree.

After arguing for a long time, the final result of the argument was that everyone went to the ancestral grave to see the location, first to see if the location was sufficient, and finally to decide whether to move it or not.

Grandpa Zhang Lan’s grave is by the river in the west of the village, not far from Zhang Lan’s old house. After arriving at the ancestral grave, Zhang Lan stood next to it and used Qimen Dunjia to look at it. Many of his previous questions were finally understood.There is also an answer to why Zhang Daliang wanted to enter his ancestral grave.

The tomb of Grandpa Zhang Lan is in the standard Guishan Ding direction, with the Xigou River on the right. The river turns left in front of the tomb and flows to the main river in front of the village.The water that belongs to the right side of the right path flows out of the Xunsi direction on the left side.According to Feng Shui, it belongs to the most auspicious direction in geography. Ding and wealth are prosperous, and all houses are prosperous, especially the three doors, and women are also beautiful.

However, it is a pity that the river channel of Xigou on the right has been washed out into a straight channel by floods and man-made efforts over the years. The soil slope on the right side of the tomb has also been dug up to build a water channel. What is there to fight for? Feng Shui says that the earth's energy is almost exhausted.

Zhang Lan asked his father Zhang Dahai with doubts, but Zhang Lan's father didn't know the reason at all.Uncle Zhang Lan next to him heard Zhang Lan's question and explained. He had known about the problem of the river before, so he chose to bury Grandpa Zhang Lan elsewhere. Zhang Lan's uncles chose to manually put earth on the right side of the ancestral grave. high.

As for the waterway problem, it was blocked immediately afterwards, but there was nothing we could do at that time.Uncle Zhang Lan got very angry when it came to digging waterways.

Now each house is preparing to exchange money to seal the river channel in front of Xigou and strive to restore it to its original condition. This is why Zhang Daliang is eager to move in.As for whether the cemetery is good or not, Uncle Zhang Lan has four sons and two daughters, and Grandpa Zhang Lan has two sons and four daughters. The population is prosperous, but the reason for the lack of wealth. After hearing the explanations of Uncle Zhang Lan and Zhang Lan, the uncles next to him all thought it was Causes of waterways and rivers.

Uncle Zhang Lan and Zhang Lan talked about the ancestral graves for too long, which attracted the attention of everyone present. Everyone was still blushing and arguing about whether they should move in, but now they are sighing about the problems of waterways and rivers.I think that it was supposed to be a good place with a lot of money and a good house, but it was all ruined by man-made things.

Finally, Uncle Zhang Lan suggested that it would be fine if Zhang Daliang wanted to move his father in, but the place of Grandpa Zhang Lan must be reserved, and Zhang Daliang would have to shoulder more of the procedures and funding for blocking the river on the right side of the tomb. , because it will be more beneficial to Zhang Daliang's house if it is repaired by then.

Zhang Lantang's uncles had no objections to Uncle Zhang Lan's proposal. The place for their ancestral graves was considered sufficient just now, but it was a bit troublesome for Zhang Lan's generation, but that was a matter of the future.

Zhang Daliang listened to Uncle Zhang Lan's suggestion, thought about it and agreed, and the debate about the burial place subsided.

Back at the mistress's house, everyone was sitting in the living room talking about the river. The problem now is that the river flows directly forward from north to south and another river flows out. The original river flowing from north to east has been changed into a mangzhong road. A cement road has been built.

It would have been easier to seal the river channel, but water has not flowed over the Xigou for a long time.But after last year's flood, it would be a bit difficult to seal the south-flowing river. There is a breeding farm at the mouth of the east river. If he doesn't convince him, he will definitely be sued.

After discussing for a while, Zhang Lan asked a question. When he went to the cemetery just now, he saw another family on the east bank of the cemetery. Which family built a bank of more than 20 meters long from the flat cultivated land on the east side? Whose family's grave is it? If the river course is changed, his family should also need it.

Uncle Zhang Lan said: "That is the cemetery of Zhang Dashan's family. It seems that Zhang Dashan also believes in this. You should also ask him about changing the river course. It will be easier to unite then."

The whole morning was spent discussing the cemetery. At noon, Zhang Lan simply went home for dinner.Originally, there wasn't much going on today. His father and mother were both there. The main thing was the memorial ceremony tomorrow night and the funeral the day after tomorrow. He could just come over then.

After arriving home, Qin Yongjun asked Zhang Lan why Zhang Lan and a group of people passed by the old house in the morning. Zhang Lan briefly explained to her, but Qin Yongjun asked him with bright eyes: "Zhang Lan, do you still know the feng shui of the Yin House?" "

Zhang Lan said smoothly: "I don't understand, I just know how to order Qimen Dunjia. You don't have to believe in this thing. If you don't believe it, it will have no effect on you."

Qin Yongjun was very dissatisfied after hearing this: "Zhang Lan, you fooled me again."

(End of this chapter)

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