It is precisely for this reason that many local and even international media gathered in the Lake Victoria area to report on the incident of the passenger plane crashing into the lake.

Especially after some media learned that a private rescue force played an important role in the passenger plane crash, many media also swarmed to the lakeside area, wanting to interview Wang Lu.

Some media even offered to promote Wang Lu's newly built hotel, but they were directly rejected by Wang Lu.

He doesn't plan to use this incident to promote his hotel. What's the difference between that and eating steamed buns with human blood?

What's more, my hotel has Xiao Wangcai and his family to promote it, so there is no need for publicity from these traditional media.

As for some media taking a few photos outside the hotel and then publishing a report, there was nothing Wang Lu could do about the situation, which was purely based on publicity.

The news about the crash of a passenger plane only lasted for a few days, and even the wreckage of the fuselage was not salvaged. Soon the entire lake area returned to calm, except for the salvage team organized by the local government. In addition to salvaging the wreckage of the fuselage, nearby fishermen continued to enter the lake area for fishing operations as usual.

There is no way, the world is like this, no matter what happens, the sun will still rise and the earth will still rotate.

The Lakeside Hotel, whose power supply was restored, also welcomed its first batch of tourists.

In order to receive the first batch of tourists after expanding the tourism business in the lake area, Wang Lu also tried his best. Xiao Wangcai's family was directly pulled out of business, and they were waiting to take photos with tourists in the hotel lobby.

The effect is naturally immediate. Almost every tourist who checks into the hotel has a smile on his face. After a good experience, these tourists will spend a lot of money in the next schedule.

As long as it is a sightseeing project at the ranch, these tourists will almost experience it. The cost of staying in a hotel for a week or two at the ranch is very considerable.

What's more, Wang Lu will also provide these tourists with wine brewed by the ranch, which is a huge income.

After a simple renovation, the Blue Sky yacht was immediately put into business, carrying tourists on tours in the Lake Victoria area.

The Nile barramundi in the lake area within its own territory has become the new favorite of fishing enthusiasts among tourists. If it weren’t for the other projects of Wanglu Ranch that are also quite unique, these fishing enthusiasts might even spend their entire vacation All are assigned to fishing projects in the lake area.

Of course, Wang Lu's secret efforts were also indispensable.

The Lakeside Hotel provides free fish food to those fishing enthusiasts. Of course, these fish food have been secretly manipulated by Wang Lu. A burst of vitality energy has been poured into it. What kind of fish cannot be caught?

Especially the Nile barramundi in the territorial lake area have long been fed by Wang Lu and are almost only interested in vitality energy. Therefore, those tourists go fishing in the lake area with the special bait provided by Wang Lu, almost catching one at a time. allow.

From time to time, giant Nile barramundi weighing more than ten kilograms or even dozens of kilograms take the bait.

How had the fishing guys ever seen such a scene before? They all thought they were fishing gods and were so high-spirited!

The photography service provided by Wang Lu is also very popular among these fishing guys. After all, the photographers have all received special training. By adjusting the angle, they can take a photo of a fish weighing several kilograms to make it weigh more than ten kilograms... which greatly satisfies these needs. The vanity of anglers.

This group of fishing guys is very unique. These people may not necessarily post on social media when they get married, but when they catch a big fish, they want to tell the whole world.

As a result, soon, under the promotion of these fishing guys, the lake area under Wang Lu's name became a well-known fishing holy land...

This is a way that Wang Lu didn't expect to get out of the circle. Wang Lu even came across news about his ranch when he was browsing social media. He clicked on it and saw that the good guy simply posted a post. He posted a photo of himself holding a Nile barramundi, which has received over a million views and tens of thousands of comments. Wang Lu glanced at the comment area below, and roughly translated it, it was something like this:

"Are you willing to die after catching such a big fish? Tell me how many years of life you spent in exchange for it!"

"I thought Lu Bu was brave enough, but I didn't expect someone to be braver than him. Whose general is this?"

"It's not that you really broke your brother's defense. Please tell me that you are a novice. Only during the novice protection period can you catch such a big fish!"

"If you are really a novice, then I can only say that you are the legendary innate fishing body?"

"Where is the position? Don't make me beg you! I'll kneel down for you. I'll tell you the position privately. You are my biological father!"

“If you don’t reveal your position, you will be deadlocked from now on!”

"What a vicious curse, but I like it! +1!"


"It's fake! It's fake at first glance! All the fishing guys on the Internet who are not in the Air Force are fake! I don't believe it!"

"I'm happy that you love fishing because I love fishing too, but I'm very unhappy that you caught such a big fish! Because I've never caught one!"

"Are all fishing guys so vain nowadays? Didn't you just catch a big fish? Do you need to take a photo to show it off? Where is the modesty? Where is the mentality of not being surprised by honor or disgrace? Where is the position of fishing?"

"Did you buy it from the vegetable market? Report it!"

Looking at these prank comments, Wang Lu also laughed out loud. Sure enough, all the fishermen in the world have the same moral character!

Of course, the most comments were about people sincerely asking for a spot. Someone posted the detailed information of Wang Lu Ranch. Many fishermen followed this information and made a boat trip.

Isn’t this a fucking holy place for fishing?

Of course, most anglers are put off by the high cost of Wanglu Ranch, but there are still many anglers who come here because of its reputation. Unfortunately, subsequent reservations for Wanglu Ranch have been fully booked. These wealthy and leisure people The fisherman had no choice but to stop.

However, due to this influence, many tourists who come to the ranch can’t help but come to the lake area to catch a couple of rods.

Now it’s all out of control. These tourists are all rich and free. They just lack a hobby. Fishing happens to be such a highly addictive project. Sometimes even just one is needed. Opportunity can make people fall in love with it!

And Wang Lu's ranch just provides such a perfect experience. No one can resist falling in love with it when they catch a giant fish when they first get into this project!

It is these new anglers who find that their fishing skills seem to have declined rapidly after leaving the ranch. Of course, this is all a story later! (End of chapter)

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