Pokémon: Start with a Pokémon Ranch

Chapter 239 Continuous rain, leisurely life

Chapter 239 Continuous rain, leisurely life

The rain outside was falling heavily.

In the room, the TV host was talking about the weather forecast:

"This round of widespread rainfall will last for more than five days in the southern region of the Union."

"Please be careful of flood disasters and be prepared."

Hearing this, Su Yu glanced out the window. The rain... was indeed a bit too heavy.

But the weather this year is weird. Maybe it's because there are no three stupid birds guarding the Orange Islands in this world?

"We still have to brave the rain and go out to buy some things."

The water level in Moon Lake has skyrocketed, and the water must be released.

Putting on his raincoat, Su Yu was about to go out with the tropical dragon. At this time, he saw the Frost Milk Fairy suddenly rushing outside the house.

Braving the wind and rain, it ran towards the duck house. There, the ducks were anxiously surrounding the half-hatched duck eggs.

It's obviously impossible to bring all those ducks back with just one Pokémon. Seeing this, Su Yu shouted to the goat:

"Use the grass field and just move the duck house over."

Hearing this, Mount Goat immediately obeyed. Green Grass Field easily lifted the duck coop and brought it to the house.

As for the other Pokémon, Su Yu had already called them to come in and take shelter from the rain. The only exception was Lingyouma, who was still walking around leisurely outside, very much going his own way.

Such a little rain would not have any impact on Him.

The duck house was just ignored in this situation.

Add more coal to the coal turtle's shell to keep the fire burning strong inside. This is the energy that coal turtles rely on to survive, and at the same time, it also prevents excessive moisture in the house.

Afterwards, Su Yu called Tropical Dragon and Sui Jun together and went out to the town.

When Su Yu arrived at the entrance of the mall, the place was surrounded by a group of people.

In the center of the crowd, several strong men were trying hard to move a King of Leave.

But the King of Leave was still lying on the ground, motionless. On the contrary, several strong men were exhausted.

"King of leave, please move!"

Beside, a man who looked like a rancher begged.

"What's wrong?" Su Yu squeezed over curiously and asked.

Seeing that Su Yu seemed to be a powerful trainer, the man also explained:

"I'm sorry, my Pokémon was originally rented to another ranch to help with work. But it was sent back because it was too lazy."

"Now, I'm thinking of ways to take it back."

Hearing this, Su Yu showed a surprised look.

Some poorly run ranches will indeed rent out Pokémon to mitigate losses. However, the King of Leave?

This Pokémon is so lazy, can he still help with the work?

"That...before it was rented out, it was still an animal."

The other party broke Su Yu's thought of being rude.

"That's it."

It wasn't a big deal. After releasing the tropical dragon, Su Yu easily moved away the Leave King blocking the road. When being moved, the leave king still kept lying on the ground and didn't even want to move.

After helping to move into a small truck, the other party expressed his gratitude to Xiang Su Yu. Then, he drove away in the rain.

"Conquering this kind of Pokémon is really a huge challenge for trainers..."

After the other party left, Su Yu said with emotion.

Fortunately, his Pokémon are all hard-working and capable, so he doesn't need to worry about them at all.

After entering the mall, he first bought some meat, and then replenished some daily necessities.

While passing by the electronic products area, a shopping guide suddenly shouted:

"Sir, it looks like you are out for shopping, right?"

"Are you interested in buying a phone? It's been raining. It might be inconvenient to contact relatives and friends these days."

"If you have a phone, then these won't be a problem. You don't need to pay for the phone if you buy it back. Just plug it into the Cat."

Hearing this, Su Yu was thinking about refusing. After all, he already has a cell phone.

But after thinking about it, sometimes the phone does have its benefits. If you buy one of these, Frosty Milk Fairy can contact its mother at any time.

"it is good."

In the end, Su Yu got one.

After leaving the mall, Su Yu also met the owner of the electrical appliance store. I happened to take him home on the way, when the electrical appliance store owner said:

"By the way, young man. Do you have any water Pokémon there?"

"Seeing that the quality of the fish you raise is so good, I recently started tinkering with my fish pond. But for some reason, none of the fish I raised is alive."

So scary?

Hearing this, Su Yu was very surprised. But this time, he brought Suicune with him.

Although the ball was not released during the whole process, Suicune could still observe the outside world while hiding inside the ball. It was under this situation that He said that he would follow Su Yu closely and come out to observe human society.

Secret Observation·Suicune Edition.

"Yes, you can just take me there."

He used the power of Viridian to ask Shuijun, and after receiving his consent, Su Yu said.

Following Su Yu along the way, the electrical appliance store owner also came to a fish pond.

The water here seemed to be quite clear. After arriving here, Suicune took the initiative and explored the water with his paw pads.

"There is no problem with the water. It is not caused by pollution."

Now that they are here, Suicune uses his power of purification to purify the water in the pond.

Hearing this, Su Yu also told his boss about this situation.

The boss scratched his head and said:

"That's strange. What could be the reason?"

"The method of raising is correct, but this is strange..."

Su Yu couldn't guess it either. After all, he never encountered this kind of situation when he was raising fish.

It wasn't the water problem, and there was nothing he could do about it. After bidding farewell to his boss, Su Yu rode the tropical dragon back to the ranch.

At this time, Fengsu Dog was outside the house with the caller, chasing each other in the rain.

Three Bees looked out melancholy through the window sill on the second floor.


Looking at the non-stop rain, Sanbee sighed. It’s raining so hard that it’s impossible to collect honey.

I don’t know how much damage those flowers will get after the rain stops.

After letting the tropical dragon land on the second floor platform, Su Yu noticed this scene. On weekdays, these three bees seem to be tireless, constantly collecting honey in the pasture.

Unexpectedly, the rain made it impossible to collect honey, which actually made them uncomfortable.

"Just think of it as giving yourself a few days off, Sanho."

"Have a good rest, won't you be in a better condition to collect honey later?"

Su Yu comforted.

However, it seems that the effect is not good. Three Bees just nodded superficially, still not looking very happy.

Seeing this, Su Yu thought for a moment. There seems to be no place left to collect honey right now, right?


"It doesn't rain in the spiritual world, but I don't know if those plants will be harmful to the three bees..."

He took Three Bees to the spirit world, where the Green Onion Duck was working hard to take care of the green onions in the field.

"You can collect honey here. This space passage has been reinforced by the Ghost Horse. It is almost permanent. You can come and go as you like."

As he spoke, Su Yu pointed at the crops in the field. At this time, many crops in the field have bloomed.

Another day, he can also plant some flowers here to facilitate the three bees to collect nectar. I just don’t know what will happen to those flowers after being blackened by the energy here.

(End of this chapter)

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